the record spot:aliEnRIK:Unless its just
you who cant hear those differences. Unless theres too much RFI/EMI going through your system for ANYONE to hear those differences. Unless the rest of your cabling is letting it down etc etc etc
End of your debate really..........
What? Ya think?!
You mean in London, Edinburgh, Fife...? In those locations? Why, is our UK mains quite so bad yet my stereo still sounds great? Not just my word for it, but friends who visit, family, they all enjoy music on it.
The rest of my cabling is "letting it down"? Not really, Roger Russell's view and explanation suited my needs down to the ground and, as I say, I have my own experience to draw on, not just some idea that came out of nothing that "I think this" based on zero audition. Point score by all means Rick, but - again and which you keep appearing to forget - I've used a Mains Conditioner (a BT MTU 500) but currently use a 6-way Masterplug (for practical reasons, the power socket is only a dual point), half a dozen interconnects (QED, Audioquestx2, Van den Hul, Monster and my current one), I've tried different speaker cable (Audioquest Type IV, 79 and 322 strand)...are you getting the drift here? There isn't much left, short of rewiring and asking the National Grid to do the same. And of course, I've satisfied myself that having done all that, I have what I have and am delighted with it.
Of course, the invitation to come up and have a listen is yours at any time with sufficient notice (to organise the family - weekends, hence, are better).
Much obliged Spot. I was in Edinburgh a few weeks back, but my OH wouldnt have been best impressed if we had detoured for me to have a listen to your system. And im not disputing it sounds great. Im sure it does