What I find most interesting in this strange hobby of ours is this: the more you spend on products like speakers, the more diverse the designs get, and the further apart they get in the results they deliver.
While there are obviously some differences, many budget two-way bookshelf speakers share common traits. Hardly surprising when they are mostly mdf with vinyl wrap and similar sized drivers and cabinets. But if you look at many times the price, there are all manner of differing approaches.
There are themes, however. Sonus faber probably started the curvy, classy look, with shiny finishes, when matte wood in a rectangular box was the norm. Magico seem to have pioneered aluminium cast enclosures, which are slowly being copied. Quad of course led the way with electrostatics, which only a handful still do. Ribbon drivers are at last emerging in numbers, after pioneers like the Heil AMT. And even oddballs like Sonab, with their omni designs, are being replicated again. I suppose actives are gaining ground too, but I'm less familiar with many of them, and there are confusing divergences between designs.
As already suggested above, expenditure is no guarantee of success, but certain pairings seem to transcend their price point or at least prove dependable partners for long term satisfaction.