Wiim Mini could be all the streaming capability that somebody needs.
In which case:
Wiim Mini optical out > S.M.S.L. SU-1 DAC > Fosi V3 = total price £280 (currently).
...just add speakers.....then blind test against something much more expensive 👍
Might shock a few snobs.
(The sort of person that made the famous "any DAC below £1000 isn't worth considering" comment).
I do have an issue with the Wiim Mini - and I don't know if it extends to the rest of the range, in that you manually set the maximum bitrate and depth in the app. This is unusual for a standalone streamer, in which switching should be automatic according to source.
And I could hear differences between setting the bitrate and depth to max and 16/44 - while playing 16/44. I don't know if my soundbar's internal DAC played a part to this - I connected via optical.
I mentioned this to Wiim. They gave a vague reply.
The sound at max bitrate and depth was more spacious, but also more fatiguing. At 16/44 was a bit more relaxing, if not quite as clear.