How close do the two sides actually get?

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So how close do the two sides get? Presumably the scoring will be compiled in to some kind of chart for us all to judge? *mail1*
fr0g said:
... I have not got the room or the desire for huge speakers ...

Then you aren't trying hard enough. What you need is a Victorian mansion with lots of big rooms where you can spread all this stuff around.

lindsayt said:
Anyone who can afford to buy a new / modern 3 or 4 bedroomed detached can also afford to buy a "yuck" 6 to 10 bedroomed house with solid walls and large listening rooms in the same town / part of the country. Would you like to be very nosey and know how much I paid for my 10 bedroomed mansion? And how that compared to prices of nearly new 4 bedroomed houses in my town at that time?

For sure there are plenty of people in the UK who can't afford modern 3 bedroomed detached houses. For these people we can move the goalposts: Anyone who can afford to buy a new / modern 1 bedroomed apartment can also afford to buy a dead granny's 3 bedroomed semi-detached.

And then there are the people with bad credit histories who don't have the financial means or discipline to save up a substantial deposit who are pretty much condemned to renting for the rest of their lives. Sadly there's not much anyone can do to help them buy any sort of property.

The biggest problem is between most buyer's ears. They want a red ribbon house. A house that's like a present in a box with a pretty red ribbon wrapped around it. A house that's presented to them by an estate agent with high WAF that's all ready to move in and have nothing done to it for years to come. For people who are more flexible about condition, you can buy a far bigger and ultimately better house for the same initial investment. And then spend time and money doing it up as funds become available with the benefit that every pound spent should increase the value of the house by two pounds.
Gazzip said:
So how close do the two sides get? Presumably the scoring will be compiled in to some kind of chart for us all to judge? *mail1*

There must be an analyst on here somewhere *scratch_one-s_head*....for a start, some of the 1s and 4s have been a bit of a surprise to me.
CnoEvil said:
Gazzip said:
So how close do the two sides get? Presumably the scoring will be compiled in to some kind of chart for us all to judge? *mail1*

There must be an analyst on here somewhere *scratch_one-s_head*....for a start, some of the 1s and 4s have been a bit of a surprise to me.

Do you think we need a data analyst or a psycho analyst working on this?
Gazzip said:
CnoEvil said:
Gazzip said:
So how close do the two sides get? Presumably the scoring will be compiled in to some kind of chart for us all to judge? *mail1*

There must be an analyst on here somewhere *scratch_one-s_head*....for a start, some of the 1s and 4s have been a bit of a surprise to me.

Do you think we need a data analyst or a psycho analyst working on this?

I think a data analyst would would be finished up more quickly. *diablo*
If you want to truly measure the behavioral chasm between subjectivists and objectivists, this is the questionare you should have posted in the first place:

1) I don't care for measurements, only auditioning.

2) I don't take measurements too seriosly, but will go through them before auditioning.

3) I take measurements and auditioning equally seriosly.

4) I don't do auditioning and only buy according to measured performance.

You can pick only one option and there is no 3.5 or 2.7.

For example, if measurements matter to you that much to filter out gear for auditioning, you are option 3. If you go through specs but they are not exclusive for which gear you would audition, you are option 2. An option 2 is more likely to just browse through manufacturer declared measurements and option 3 will also look at measurements done by publications and labs.
From my past experience I would read the reviews but I also know from experience what the reviews say and what I hear in Auditions can be very different. The only time when measurements come realistically into play is when I want to match an amplifier with a certain speaker ( can the amplifier drive the speakers with confidence?). So I would choose option 4 with a little of 3.
I used to worry about the figures but now its more about how it makes me want to put more music on I often get up Saturday and Sunday mornings earley so as to get listening so maybe I am a 4
Vladimir said:
Buying an old statement hi-fi product (aka High End) for the price of a new budget component is nuts?

Arcam A19 vs Urushi design Pioneer Elite, I pick the Pioneer, no audition needed except simple check if everything is in working order.

I wouldn't call the guy who bought the Arcam nuts. Just shortsighted, thats all. Not restricting yourself to the latest hi-fi fad is such an adventure. People who havent hunted for old statement gear should consider the experience. It is amazing fun.

I don't think buying old stuff is nuts. What seemed nuts was Lindsays criteria.

As for the above example. I'd probably go for the Arcam. Nothing wrong with the old one, but I like my 2 year warranty 🙂 And I wouldn't regard that as short-sighted either, just a different way of doing things.

I did buy a second hand amp today. Not delivered yet, a mono jobby for the in-wall sub I have... 🙂
Any thoughts on the SANSUI AU-α907MR. Weighs over 30kg. The transformer alone apparently weighs 13kg.

Can't find a rating into 4ohms though. 160 watts into 8 ohms, 190 into 6.

Would something like this temp anyone into buying without an audition? I could pretty much do a straight trade for my current all in one.

I've been thinking of starting a "Million yen, over 25 / 70kg, c£150 / non-depreciation club" thread.

Where we can have a look at components that meet my criteria plus a few that are borderline.

Thinking about it, I might drop my source weight minimum spec to 45 kgs.

The Sansui 907 was well below a miilion yen when new. The Accuphase M-2000 on the other hand would get in. Million Yen when new. 50 kgs. If I saw one for £150 I'd buy it without hearing it. I'd also strongly consider buying one at £1000 below current going rates - if I could establish the current going rate.

And I can understand why Fr0g might not want to go for a Pioneer Elite. I personally, if I were to buy Pioneer amplification would be looking to hold out for something like a Pioneer C5 / M4a combination which meets my criteria with ease - if I could find them at the right price.
lindsayt said:
I've been thinking of starting a "Million yen, over 25 / 70kg, c£150 / non-depreciation club" thread.

Where we can have a look at components that meet my criteria plus a few that are borderline.

Thinking about it, I might drop my source weight minimum spec to 45 kgs.

The Sansui 907 was well below a miilion yen when new. If I saw one for £150 I'd buy it without hearing it. I'd also strongly consider buying one at £1000 below current going rates - if I could establish the current going rate.

I knew it didn't meet your basic qualifications (underweight and price not even a third of your million yen mark), but products need to be older to fall into that category, generally. at 1000 pounds below going rates here, you would be asking for the seller to give you 279 pounds to take it off his hands 😉

Going rate from 2nd hand retailers rather than individuals would be around the 750 pound mark (720 for this particular specimen).
lindsayt said:
I've been thinking of starting a "Million yen, over 25 / 70kg, c£150 / non-depreciation club" thread. ...

That could actually make an interesting thread and I'd be happy to eat my words if your hifi selecting logic looks like it could work. 🙂
steve_1979 said:
Covenanter said:
Are we now saying that the heavier an amplifier the better it will sound?


The weight of an amplifier is probably a better indicator of performance than hifi magazine reviews.

Unless the magazine carries weight. *smile*
steve_1979 said:
Covenanter said:
Are we now saying that the heavier an amplifier the better it will sound?


The weight of an amplifier is probably a better indicator of performance than hifi magazine reviews.

I'd say they were about the same.

Both pretty irrelevant. I'm sure there is a correlation, but not so much causation.


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