stevee1966:On a similar theme (and i'm sure i'll be told 'NO - IT'LL BLOW YOUR SPEAKERS/AMP'), can 1 pair of speakers be connected to 2 seperate amps. Reason being speakers are currently connected to Stereo amp for audio/cd etc, but would like to utilise these speakers as my front pair in a 5.1 surround setup, therefore need to wire my AV receiver to them as well. If it can't be done with a straightforward cable connection, is there another way to achieve this ? Thanks
Good question as obviously you would only have one amp switched on at a time.
This will NOT work, if both amps are connected (even if one is switched off) one or both will be damaged (think driving a car forwards @ 60 and slamming in reverse major damage to the engine) this will only work with one amp connected and swapping cables.
I think putting bananna plugs on the end of the cables is your best bet and swap over. Is there a reason you cannot use your stereo amp as a power amp for the mains when using it in 5.1, then you wouldnt have to worry about switching to the other amp for stereo as its alreaady going to be used...