Can Russ Andrews Crystal 24 speaker cable marry a Naim?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've just upgraded my CD player & power amp to Naim CD555 / 555PS & NAP 300.

Having read the manual (Naim recommend their own plugs & speaker cables), I've now put aside my Crystal 24 speaker cables.

I would like to know, if anyone out there with a Naim amp using other branded plugs & speaker cables other than Naim's own?

I'm sure there are plenty of people using other branded stuff with Naim and I know RA have even done their own cables with din plugs for Naim owners amps, so can't see that you would have any issue using Crystal 24 ..... and maybe speak to RA about it if you have ANY worries ... since they will usually advise you well (in my experience) ....

Most manufacturers, that make other items, will recommend using their own branded stuff together in their manuals, it's only logical for them to do so !

Maybe you should simply listen to them and see .... I cannot imagine them being worse than Naim's own cables that you would have to spend more money on ..... Crystal-24 is superb .... I have it too !


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