For Frank Harvey/WHF Team & all you experts


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have used Russ Andrews speaker cables (Crystal 24 with WBT 0610 plugs, 2.5m pair) on a Naim Nap 250 before. Since upgraded to the Nap300 about 3 months ago, I have put this speaker cable aside because I have been told that R.A cables can sometimes upset Naim amps, and Naim themselves do not recommend Litz cables. From what I can remember, this R.A cable is much better than the NAC A5, being more transparent and musically it’s more enjoyable. Many a time, I have been tempted to take this cable out and connect it to the system. From Naim manual, it states that some of their amps can be used with other manufactures cables.

My questions are:

1. Is the NAP 300 one of them?

2. If the R.A or any other speaker cable can damage an amp, then what type of damage can it cause?

Your feedback will be much appreciated.

System: Naim CD555/PS555, NAC82/Hi-Caps, NAP 300/PS300, NACA5, Shahinian Arc, (Crystal 24 awaiting to get into the system)
I do not think speaker cable will cause damage to your amp, that is unless it is damaged and shorting out.
Whilst one can get technical and talk about impedence matching speaker/cable to amplifier, your ears have such great sensitivity that it will be apparent when listening to the music the marriage one cable brings over another.

Try it and see, you will not do any harm to your system in doing so.
Naim do design their cables with their own electronics in mind - their speaker cable is supposed to be the perfect electrical match for them. Of course, this is the sound Naim is trying to achieve, which may not necessarily be what you prefer.

I know Naim amps don't get on with coaxial type speaker cables, so these are best avoided. As some cables can cause the Naim amps to become unstable, it's worth firing off an e-mail to Naim to be 100% certain.


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