dull speaker cable/interconnect required for naim/pmc system


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Anybody know of interconnects/speaker cable that will once and for all kill off brightness/exagerated top end before I sell all my hi-fi and start again?

System: Naim cd5xs, nac122x, nap 150x, flatcap xs, pmc gb1i, standard Naim cables throughout.

Ok everyone, I've recently bought and sold.... hi-line, chord anthem2 din-din, Russ andrews pbj attenuated din-din 2 x naim powerlines(made it twice as bad), music works distribution box. Installed extra mains sockets using decent unswitched designs and still the flipping thing is too bright for my liking.

should I just conclude that naim doesn't suit my ears and get rid of it all OR is there a decent speaker cable out there that gives good bass, nice mid range and calm down trebble?
It's possible speaker cables won't help, but the most analogue cable that I've heard is Cardas...something like Cardas Cross. You will pay for it. Gary at Analogue Seduction is very helpful.
You could also try experimenting with speaker positioning and toe (perhaps toe in or out so that the tweeters don't fire directly at your ears) - long shot I know.

I hate to say it, but you may just not like the sound of your system...that said I would try new speakers before junking the whole lot as I believe the single most influential factor in any system is the speaker/room interaction.

Having said all that, presumably you heard this system at your dealer, if not in your own home, and decided that you liked it, so my first port of call would be the dealer. It's not unreasonable to expect him to help you get the system working to your satisfaction (Naim certainly do).

Good luck
ray sheldon said:
...should I just conclude that naim doesn't suit my ears and get rid of it all...


You have already spent thousands on a system you don't like and now you are shovelling money down the same hole trying to find a 'magic' cable that will fix everything.
Def try some dynaudio or spendor speakers before throwing in the towel.
Back to your original question, I have found stranded cable to be a bit more "dull" than solid core, not sure what type the other recommended cables are, but little harm in trying some cheapo copper multi strand cable, like QED 79 strand. And if you want to try cheapo solid core to see if there's any difference, some 2.5mm mains twin+earth cable (as found in your home ring main) is an option.
ray sheldon said:
should I just conclude that naim doesn't suit my ears and get rid of it all OR is there a decent speaker cable out there that gives good bass, nice mid range and calm down trebble?

All NAIM stuff I've heard is quite bright (and I've heard CD players, all-in-one, preamps & amps) 🙁

Anyway, this thread could help you out with warm-sounding cables (several brands named there) 😉

Toss the Naim amp/preamp/flatcap (you'll get decent money on ebay) and try Leben instead.

Chebby's right, you don't like the sound, so why throw good money after bad?
if you like the Naim sound normally, then the speakers are the culprit.

Maybe listem to Harbeth or Spendor

if this is your first experience with Naim then go and listen to other kit,

valves, electrostastic, Linn, Rega, etc
Look, it's pretty clear you've got overly bright electronics so what you need is a muffled speaker. You could try turning your speakers around so they face the wall. Should do the trick.

Kidding aside, I doubt cables will work the magic you are hoping for. Personally I don't find PMC's overly bright. Sounds like your electronics to me...

It sounds like its possibly a more system matching issue, I know naim can tend to the more forward, energetic side of sound. I wouldnt normally say chord or kimber pbj cables as bright. I know of a hifi shop who use to use eichmann express cables that they would match with their brighter systems - its a more forgiving cable.

I have used there cables - rolled off in the highs, but still with sparkle it has a lovely warm mids with full bass. You maynot be able to get them in the uk though.I have heard some naim stuff with nordost cables and I found it to fatguing and in yer face sound.

Maybe add a valve pre to your system, maybe your speakers dont suit as well. I know a room can make a significant difference too as I moved from a carpeted heavily furnished place, to floor boards, large windows large brick walls, the sound went to more warm and wooly to cold and bright so I had to add some funishing, rugs etc. I also use a valve pre that certaintly adds warmth and musicality to my system.


I'd a agree, cable is not going to change any system thatyou really hate into one you love.

I would start over, and try to get home auditions. possibly even go the far higher value for money active route (ie instead of trying to match gear, get speakers and amplification that is already matched).
Hi Ray,

What are your thoughts so far?

Actually I have heard a naim system with your cd player and it sounded pretty good, I think the speakers were spendor. To start again could be quite an expensive exercise - unless you want to spend plenty of money.

I would go to your local hifi store and talk to them and see if you can borrow some equipment, speakers, try some power leads too and try them on your system to see what difference it makes.


Hi Ray,

Many moons ago I used to have Linn speaker cable on my system but we got a pup and she managed to chew them up. So I bought some Cabletalk 3.1 and hated it, because it smoothed the sound down far too much to my ears. I actually couldn't believe there was such a difference.

I don't know if it is still made but it was cheap so if it is still available then I would buy a few metres of the stuff and try it because, on my system anyway, it did exactly what you are looking for. I gave it away not long ago which is a shame as you could have had it, sorry. I didn't like it but it might do the job for you.

Hope this helps

Not sure cables are the answer, but the Van der Hul carbon range is well known for taming bright systems.

Thanks for your input. I guess I'm just expecting perfection which of course is just not going to happen. I think what annoys me the most is the way in which some cd's are recorded, i.e. there are huge variances in the quality of discs were it seems that the record company make copies that have certain frequencies boosted to stupid levels. Persumably these might make poor or cheap hifi's sound very good when for those who already have decent equipment, it is more obvious and does more harm than good.

I'm not going to get rid of the hifi afterall, in fact in the future I will add the Naim dac although i might still experiment with other speaker cables, RA claims that Naim nac5 speaker cable does lean towards high frequencies, their pbj interconnect was very close to the sound I was looking for and although it wasn't a bright cable as such, it did sound like the highs were set to flat 0db but the extreme say about 25khz sounded like it was plus 10bd, so were if lowered everything else to the right of 1k, it sort of defeated itself at very high frequencies if that makes sense. good cable for bass though.

I might give their 4 or 8TC speaker cable a go, if anyone has exerimented with this?
I believe that the inductance characteristics of Russ Andrews cables don't really suit the Naim amps (low inductance when it should be high, or vice versa, i forget which) and can make then run quite hot, so not sure if they are the best choice. If you're set on keeping the Naim gear then maybe try asking for advice on the Naim forum as there will be a lot of contributors with specific knowledge there

if you do genuinely want a change, i would read the above before making a decision. i really don't think you will get where you want to be with cable changes. an a/b-x blind listening test will effectively remove all the inbuilt biases that everyone has, allowing you to judge on sound alone, otherwise i think you'll end up eventually realising you still have the same issue.

more info here about the importance of blind listening when assessing changes to your system.
I'm no techie and doubt I can give you the same great advice as others on here but I do know what I like to hear. I've had a pair of OB1s for 4 or 5 years now and they just love the Chord Odyssey cables. I know you said you didn't get on with them, but they work well for me. I also use Chord interconnect too. Probably not too helpful, but just though I'd add my two penneth.

I currently use kimber 8tc speaker cable. I like the cable. It has a nice full bottom end, warm detailed mids and the top end is fairly open but not bright. Its gives a farly deep sounstage too. I am not sure how it will go with the naim gear, but tonally I found it a very balanced natural sounding cable.


paradiziac said:
Not sure cables are the answer, but the Van der Hul carbon range is well known for taming bright systems.

Without wanting to sound insulting to a brand theres been many times that ive heard of "Van den hul" being refferred to as "Van den dull". I have never owned a pair since I have never wanted to test this contention so I have deliberately avoided the brand, but it could be a possible answer for you.


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