Aftermarket/audiophile power cables. Surely they make a difference??

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What makes me hopping mad about this subject is that we live in a country where our government regularly tries to wipe the 'rse of the general public and impose control on nearly every facet of our lives. Why therefore not this area? The ASA are a bunch of toothless morons who are quite frankly a waste of the tax payers' money and should be closed down. This could be ended in a moment if they would take action. Why they won't/can't is beyond me.

Time and again complaints against cable manufacturers' objective claims about cable performance have been upheld, with the only punishment handed out to the manufacturers being a slap on the wrist and a don't make claims you cannot back up again. If I as a professional lied and cheated my way through life like this I would be struck off the register and imprisoned. Why are they not in jail!

This whole debate is ridiculous. Cables either make a diference to SQ or they do not, and this needs to be proven. It sounds as if the AES has already done this... The authorities our taxes feed need to rule on things like this and be given the power to actually do something, or what's the point in them existing. They need to make cable manufacturers prove their products work or put them out of business and prosecute. Christ I'm angry about this today.
Gazzip said:
Interestingly from the BBC website today...

The 'experts' Gove and others were talking about were basically financial fortune tellers that have been proved wrong on a number of previous occasions. We must join the Euro or we will be sunk, we must join the ERM, etc etc. I've no doubt that they will once again be proved wrong once the Brexit dust has settled.
chrisrock said:
avole said:
It would be interesting to find out if there were a correlation between those believing in cable differences and Trump supporters. They both seem to deny anything remorely connected with facts - alt-facts and alt-news. All members of the alt-right, perhaps?

There are a lot of good people on this forum who have a genuine interest in all things HiFi and helping others. I have read a few comments recently about how this forum has gone downhill and less people take part. Well from my point of view that is because if people like this. I posted looking for help and have received some, but too many people hide behind their screens and post rubbish like this (no doubt in an attempt to get some soft arse like me to bite). it doesn't inspire me to remain an active member here as my sense of humour and maturity isn't on an even keel with this.
it's only a bit of fun - oh, wait, did I accidentally hit the nail on the head?
chris_bates1974 said:
Andyjm, that does indeed sound like a good test.

For me, it seems rather obvious that there should (in theory) be no difference as long as the current is carried. But as I stated before, I'd not be surprised if something in the way the cable is constructed makes some kind of difference. I don't know how or why! I had no idea I was this flaky!!!

I could show you 2 of my daughter's oboe reeds and you would not be able to tell them apart. but, when played, they would make the instrument sound like two different instruments.

Of course, ultimately, I don't really care what the "right" answer is. When my hifi stops putting a smile on my face, I'll change something. Whatever it is that puts the smile back will win. I'm open to that being pretty much anything.

Apart from Russ Andrews Disc Magic Wonder Box.


I have no end of jokes that start with 'there was a scientist, an engineer and an economist....'

An engineer soon learns that everything makes a difference, but only some differences matter.

Move the mains cable around a bit at the back of the amp, and that will make a measurable difference to all sorts of things (cable capacitance, inductance, crosstalk to other cables and so on). I am told that the gravitational attraction of your coffee cup exerts a measurable force on adjacent objects.

I am afraid this all gets exploited by firms trying to sell you something. Skin effect? - its real, but negligable at audio frequencies, HD audio - great if you are worried about your dog not getting the full experience, pointless if your hearing struggles to get to 17kHz. Silver plating? great if you are running your equipment in a corrosive atmosphere . Cables are I am afraid are just one item on a long list products where the marketing isn't as clear as it could be.

The important question is not whether something makes any difference (pretty much everything will), but whether it makes an audible difference.

Ironically, the bit that does make a huge audible difference, and is fully under the control of the user, is the room in which the music is played. This rarely gets much mention, but the effect dwarfs all others.
avole said:
chrisrock said:
avole said:
It would be interesting to find out if there were a correlation between those believing in cable differences and Trump supporters. They both seem to deny anything remorely connected with facts - alt-facts and alt-news. All members of the alt-right, perhaps?

There are a lot of good people on this forum who have a genuine interest in all things HiFi and helping others. I have read a few comments recently about how this forum has gone downhill and less people take part. Well from my point of view that is because if people like this. I posted looking for help and have received some, but too many people hide behind their screens and post rubbish like this (no doubt in an attempt to get some soft arse like me to bite). it doesn't inspire me to remain an active member here as my sense of humour and maturity isn't on an even keel with this.
it's only a bit of fun - oh, wait, did I accidentally hit the nail on the head?

No worries Avole -- you were talking rubbish; I can tell you this as a political scientist.
Gazzip said:
What makes me hopping mad about this subject is that we live in a country where our government regularly tries to wipe the 'rse of the general public and impose control on nearly every facet of our lives. Why therefore not this area? The ASA are a bunch of toothless morons who are quite frankly a waste of the tax payers' money and should be closed down. This could be ended in a moment if they would take action. Why they won't/can't is beyond me.

Time and again complaints against cable manufacturers' objective claims about cable performance have been upheld, with the only punishment handed out to the manufacturers being a slap on the wrist and a don't make claims you cannot back up again. If I as a professional lied and cheated my way through life like this I would be struck off the register and imprisoned. Why are they not in jail!

This whole debate is ridiculous. Cables either make a diference to SQ or they do not, and this needs to be proven. It sounds as if the AES has already done this... The authorities our taxes feed need to rule on things like this and be given the power to actually do something, or what's the point in them existing. They need to make cable manufacturers prove their products work or put them out of business and prosecute. Christ I'm angry about this today.

A fool and his money will always be parted and that's the reason why anyone sets up a hifi cable company. Scammers are everywhere, trying to catch out the unwary. There's a scamming German electric radiator seller that has a Which trusted trader award. They don't tell you that they cost the same to run as any old cheap heaters and as they run off full price electricity they will cost a fortune to run. Presumably the good reviews are from before they get a leccy bill.

I repeatedly reported the lies to Which but although the company has removed a page that contained a whopper about being cheaper to run than storage heaters they are still a trusted trader. Even Which magazine doesn't care.

"They’re the world’s most efficient electric radiators", but all electric heaters are 100% efficient at turning electricity into heat.
Timo said:
avole said:
chrisrock said:
avole said:
It would be interesting to find out if there were a correlation between those believing in cable differences and Trump supporters. They both seem to deny anything remorely connected with facts - alt-facts and alt-news. All members of the alt-right, perhaps?

There are a lot of good people on this forum who have a genuine interest in all things HiFi and helping others. I have read a few comments recently about how this forum has gone downhill and less people take part. Well from my point of view that is because if people like this. I posted looking for help and have received some, but too many people hide behind their screens and post rubbish like this (no doubt in an attempt to get some soft arse like me to bite). it doesn't inspire me to remain an active member here as my sense of humour and maturity isn't on an even keel with this.
it's only a bit of fun - oh, wait, did I accidentally hit the nail on the head?

No worries Avole -- you were talking rubbish; I can tell you this as a political scientist.
belies your claim! Seriously, who really cares about cables? Cable discussions are part of the reason this forum is dying. That, and, of course, the complete lack of support from WHF.
Oldphrt said:
Gazzip said:
What makes me hopping mad about this subject is that we live in a country where our government regularly tries to wipe the 'rse of the general public and impose control on nearly every facet of our lives. Why therefore not this area? The ASA are a bunch of toothless morons who are quite frankly a waste of the tax payers' money and should be closed down. This could be ended in a moment if they would take action. Why they won't/can't is beyond me.

Time and again complaints against cable manufacturers' objective claims about cable performance have been upheld, with the only punishment handed out to the manufacturers being a slap on the wrist and a don't make claims you cannot back up again. If I as a professional lied and cheated my way through life like this I would be struck off the register and imprisoned. Why are they not in jail!

This whole debate is ridiculous. Cables either make a diference to SQ or they do not, and this needs to be proven. It sounds as if the AES has already done this... The authorities our taxes feed need to rule on things like this and be given the power to actually do something, or what's the point in them existing. They need to make cable manufacturers prove their products work or put them out of business and prosecute. Christ I'm angry about this today.

A fool and his money will always be parted and that's the reason why anyone sets up a hifi cable company. Scammers are everywhere, trying to catch out the unwary. There's a scamming German electric radiator seller that has a Which trusted trader award. They don't tell you that they cost the same to run as any old cheap heaters and as they run off full price electricity they will cost a fortune to run. Presumably the good reviews are from before they get a leccy bill.

I repeatedly reported the lies to Which but although the company has removed a page that contained a whopper about being cheaper to run than storage heaters they are still a trusted trader. Even Which magazine doesn't care.

"They’re the world’s most efficient electric radiators", but all electric heaters are 100% efficient at turning electricity into heat.

FWIW here is my theory. In life we make an enormous amount of decisions based on what other people tell us and on what we read. Weather that is from reviews, word of mouth, adverts or manufacturer info/claims. We base many spending decisions on this information and what we think we would like. For example, I have used super unleaded in my car because I am told it is better for the engine performance and fuel economy. Does it work? No idea, but I like the idea of what I am told. Same theory with engine oil. I chose my new boiler because I read it is AAA+ efficient and will be cheaper than the cheaper model to run. Is it? I have no idea. I drink red wine instead of white because experts say there are some health benefits (in moderation of course). It actually gives me worse head aches and I don't see any health benefits. But I like it better now (may be to do with psychology of the health benefits) so I drink that instead. I paid more for a better quality carpet. Not because it looked better but because I was told it would wear better and last longer. Will it? I have no idea. I could go on about all manor of other products. But more on topic, I chose to audition and purchase Marantz HIFI equipment because I read that (in my price bracket) they are quality products, and chose to listen to my Dali speakers for the same reason. With all things in life you have people on either side of the fence saying this is better that is better, this works, that doesn't work and give their reasons why they know this from knowledge or think it from experience. So then how do people with little know how decide from everything they read and hear what to buy?

Well regarding the power cables how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I like the idea of them making a difference to the sound quality. I have read the manufacturers claims (biased I know), numerous HIFI mag reviews and user reviews all saying that they make a difference. Then I read people who talk very technicaly who say that it's impossible for them to work. I reads the for's and against but ultimately I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not. How do I ever find out? Well the only way is to try for myself and make my own mind up. The result of people saying they do not work is i remain sceptical and only spend an amount I can afford to waste in my persuit of enjoying my music even more. After all, many HIFI enthusiasts waste money for that same reason. If I try and like then I may choose to spend more next time, but thats fine, because in my mind I am now a believer.

In this case I would rather try and know, that not try and forever wonder.
Native_bon said:
Cable discussion is no longer able cables. Its mainly an opportunity for sad minds to throw abuse at others.

It's an opportunity for silly minds to save some money.
chrisrock said:
how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not.

Of course they work, they are only connecting the mains. Any old bit of wire will connect the mains satisfactorily regardless of the weather.
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not.

Of course they work, they are only connecting the mains. Any old bit of wire will connect the mains satisfactorily regardless of the weather.

Oldphrt you are starting to grow on me. Mainly because you are relentless with your comments and dry wit.

As you are clearly not adding any value to the topic of this thread either from knowledge or experience, perhaps you can enlighten us and tell us why you keep posting as you do? (Not meant in a nasty way, I'm just curious really).
I'd suggest that anybody writing:

"all electric heaters are 100% efficient at turning electricity into heat"

May have a certainty bias in their thinking.

And you will note that there are no aftermarket power cables in my kit.
chrisrock said:
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not.

Of course they work, they are only connecting the mains. Any old bit of wire will connect the mains satisfactorily regardless of the weather.

Oldphrt you are starting to grow on me. Mainly because you are relentless with your comments and dry wit.

As you are clearly not adding any value to the topic of this thread either from knowledge or experience, perhaps you can enlighten us and tell us why you keep posting as you do? (Not meant in a nasty way, I'm just curious really).

I have imparted my knowledge, you choose to believe the religious fantasists. Are you a Jehovah's Witness or something?
jmjones said:
I'd suggest that anybody writing:

"all electric heaters are 100% efficient at turning electricity into heat"

May have a certainty bias in their thinking.

And you will note that there are no aftermarket power cables in my kit.

Erm, the statement is true. If not, where does the energy go?
avole said:
Timo said:
avole said:
chrisrock said:
avole said:
It would be interesting to find out if there were a correlation between those believing in cable differences and Trump supporters. They both seem to deny anything remorely connected with facts - alt-facts and alt-news. All members of the alt-right, perhaps?


There are a lot of good people on this forum who have a genuine interest in all things HiFi and helping others. I have read a few comments recently about how this forum has gone downhill and less people take part. Well from my point of view that is because if people like this. I posted looking for help and have received some, but too many people hide behind their screens and post rubbish like this (no doubt in an attempt to get some soft arse like me to bite). it doesn't inspire me to remain an active member here as my sense of humour and maturity  isn't on an even keel with this. 

it's only a bit of fun - oh, wait, did I accidentally hit the nail on the head?

No worries Avole -- you were talking rubbish; I can tell you this as a political scientist. 

belies your claim! Seriously, who really cares about cables? Cable discussions are part of the reason this forum is dying. That, and, of course, the complete lack of support from WHF.
whf used to review cables but now they try to avoid them.i like the review they did for the chord RCA recently.they said it makes no difference in sound quality but gave it 5star review.come on whf you know it makes a difference but are just to scared to say it.
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not.

Of course they work, they are only connecting the mains. Any old bit of wire will connect the mains satisfactorily regardless of the weather.

Oldphrt you are starting to grow on me. Mainly because you are relentless with your comments and dry wit.

As you are clearly not adding any value to the topic of this thread either from knowledge or experience, perhaps you can enlighten us and tell us why you keep posting as you do? (Not meant in a nasty way, I'm just curious really).

I have imparted my knowledge, you choose to believe the religious fantasists. Are you a Jehovah's Witness or something?

Half of your 56 posts to date must be on this thread, and not one of them have imparted a shred of knowledge. You appear to be a troll (google internet troll).
jmjones said:
Well the most obvious example would be my old two-bar fire turning electricity into light, infra-red, etc.

A non glowing electric heater will be 100% efficient. Infra red energy is heat. OK, lets say 99.99% heat for the small amount of light from your fire, Mr pedant.
chrisrock said:
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not.

Of course they work, they are only connecting the mains. Any old bit of wire will connect the mains satisfactorily regardless of the weather.

Oldphrt you are starting to grow on me. Mainly because you are relentless with your comments and dry wit.

As you are clearly not adding any value to the topic of this thread either from knowledge or experience, perhaps you can enlighten us and tell us why you keep posting as you do? (Not meant in a nasty way, I'm just curious really).

I have imparted my knowledge, you choose to believe the religious fantasists. Are you a Jehovah's Witness or something?

Half of your 56 posts to date must be on this thread, and not one of them have imparted a shred of knowledge. You appear to be a troll (google internet troll).

The first resort insult from the brain dead.
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
Oldphrt said:
chrisrock said:
how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not.

Of course they work, they are only connecting the mains. Any old bit of wire will connect the mains satisfactorily regardless of the weather.

Oldphrt you are starting to grow on me. Mainly because you are relentless with your comments and dry wit.

As you are clearly not adding any value to the topic of this thread either from knowledge or experience, perhaps you can enlighten us and tell us why you keep posting as you do? (Not meant in a nasty way, I'm just curious really).

I have imparted my knowledge, you choose to believe the religious fantasists. Are you a Jehovah's Witness or something?

Half of your 56 posts to date must be on this thread, and not one of them have imparted a shred of knowledge. You appear to be a troll (google internet troll).

The first resort insult from the brain dead.

No insult was passed. You are as a matter of fact trolling this thread. You passed insult as you were not happy with what I have to say. Feel free to talk some sense and back up your constant sarcasm with some meaningful comments.
Oldphrt said:
Native_bon said:
Cable discussion is no longer able cables. Its mainly an opportunity for sad minds to throw abuse at others.

It's an opportunity for silly minds to save some money.
Throwing abuse is not the best way to put a case across. Belittles the argument, not even taken seriously.
"Most efficient electric heater" relies on more than energy conversion. Insulation factors? How was it measured? What's it trying to heat? My point is indeed pedantic. The second point is how easy it is to pick up on any particular aspect of this type of discussion and peddle tripe or rubbish opinion and that's what's wrong with this forum. We should be looking to help each other out.

Meanwhile, back to the original question with positive intent, and my experiences on the topic. I've only tried switching mains cable once, but it was across the CDP and amps I had at the time. It appeared to make no difference, and I could think of no reason why it should so I did not persist.

I've spent a lot of time switching digital and analogue connections and decided it wasn't worth the effort. Marginal difference if at all. I still buy good quality cables if only because I like things that are well made.

One of the most cost effective upgrades I ever made was replacing the bell wire on my speakers with some 79 strand material. Subsequent upgrades to expensive bi-wires did not achieve much better results, but they do look snazzy.

I'm in my late 50s, so my hearing is poorer than some. If you can hear major differences due to cables, the more power to your elbow. I've also been educated against expectation bias. S'there.
chrisrock said:
Oldphrt said:
Gazzip said:
What makes me hopping mad about this subject is that we live in a country where our government regularly tries to wipe the 'rse of the general public and impose control on nearly every facet of our lives. Why therefore not this area? The ASA are a bunch of toothless morons who are quite frankly a waste of the tax payers' money and should be closed down. This could be ended in a moment if they would take action. Why they won't/can't is beyond me.

Time and again complaints against cable manufacturers' objective claims about cable performance have been upheld, with the only punishment handed out to the manufacturers being a slap on the wrist and a don't make claims you cannot back up again. If I as a professional lied and cheated my way through life like this I would be struck off the register and imprisoned. Why are they not in jail!

This whole debate is ridiculous. Cables either make a diference to SQ or they do not, and this needs to be proven. It sounds as if the AES has already done this... The authorities our taxes feed need to rule on things like this and be given the power to actually do something, or what's the point in them existing. They need to make cable manufacturers prove their products work or put them out of business and prosecute. Christ I'm angry about this today.

A fool and his money will always be parted and that's the reason why anyone sets up a hifi cable company. Scammers are everywhere, trying to catch out the unwary. There's a scamming German electric radiator seller that has a Which trusted trader award. They don't tell you that they cost the same to run as any old cheap heaters and as they run off full price electricity they will cost a fortune to run. Presumably the good reviews are from before they get a leccy bill.

I repeatedly reported the lies to Which but although the company has removed a page that contained a whopper about being cheaper to run than storage heaters they are still a trusted trader. Even Which magazine doesn't care.

"They’re the world’s most efficient electric radiators", but all electric heaters are 100% efficient at turning electricity into heat.

FWIW here is my theory. In life we make an enormous amount of decisions based on what other people tell us and on what we read. Weather that is from reviews, word of mouth, adverts or manufacturer info/claims. We base many spending decisions on this information and what we think we would like. For example, I have used super unleaded in my car because I am told it is better for the engine performance and fuel economy. Does it work? No idea, but I like the idea of what I am told. Same theory with engine oil. I chose my new boiler because I read it is AAA+ efficient and will be cheaper than the cheaper model to run. Is it? I have no idea. I drink red wine instead of white because experts say there are some health benefits (in moderation of course). It actually gives me worse head aches and I don't see any health benefits. But I like it better now (may be to do with psychology of the health benefits) so I drink that instead. I paid more for a better quality carpet. Not because it looked better but because I was told it would wear better and last longer. Will it? I have no idea. I could go on about all manor of other products. But more on topic, I chose to audition and purchase Marantz HIFI equipment because I read that (in my price bracket) they are quality products, and chose to listen to my Dali speakers for the same reason. With all things in life you have people on either side of the fence saying this is better that is better, this works, that doesn't work and give their reasons why they know this from knowledge or think it from experience. So then how do people with little know how decide from everything they read and hear what to buy?

Well regarding the power cables how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I like the idea of them making a difference to the sound quality. I have read the manufacturers claims (biased I know), numerous HIFI mag reviews and user reviews all saying that they make a difference. Then I read people who talk very technicaly who say that it's impossible for them to work. I reads the for's and against but ultimately I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not. How do I ever find out? Well the only way is to try for myself and make my own mind up. The result of people saying they do not work is i remain sceptical and only spend an amount I can afford to waste in my persuit of enjoying my music even more. After all, many HIFI enthusiasts waste money for that same reason. If I try and like then I may choose to spend more next time, but thats fine, because in my mind I am now a believer.

In this case I would rather try and know, that not try and forever wonder.

This is the problem perfectly highlighted. You are mixing together the A+++ EU energy rating certification on white goods (heavily regulated and tested/certified under EU law) with CarpetWorld telling you that their carpets are really, really good (unregulated and untested pikey lies/opinion). You cannot compare these two "truths". To do so is an insult to the science behind the former and to grossly exaggerate the significance of the latter. It is anti-intellectual. It is Trumpism. You are chosing the steak because it is chewy and flavoursome. You are backing the false-news horse and embracing post-truth because it suits what you want to believe. You have to use your brain and read between the lines!
Gazzip said:
chrisrock said:
Oldphrt said:
Gazzip said:
What makes me hopping mad about this subject is that we live in a country where our government regularly tries to wipe the 'rse of the general public and impose control on nearly every facet of our lives. Why therefore not this area? The ASA are a bunch of toothless morons who are quite frankly a waste of the tax payers' money and should be closed down. This could be ended in a moment if they would take action. Why they won't/can't is beyond me.

Time and again complaints against cable manufacturers' objective claims about cable performance have been upheld, with the only punishment handed out to the manufacturers being a slap on the wrist and a don't make claims you cannot back up again. If I as a professional lied and cheated my way through life like this I would be struck off the register and imprisoned. Why are they not in jail!

This whole debate is ridiculous. Cables either make a diference to SQ or they do not, and this needs to be proven. It sounds as if the AES has already done this... The authorities our taxes feed need to rule on things like this and be given the power to actually do something, or what's the point in them existing. They need to make cable manufacturers prove their products work or put them out of business and prosecute. Christ I'm angry about this today.

A fool and his money will always be parted and that's the reason why anyone sets up a hifi cable company. Scammers are everywhere, trying to catch out the unwary. There's a scamming German electric radiator seller that has a Which trusted trader award. They don't tell you that they cost the same to run as any old cheap heaters and as they run off full price electricity they will cost a fortune to run. Presumably the good reviews are from before they get a leccy bill.

I repeatedly reported the lies to Which but although the company has removed a page that contained a whopper about being cheaper to run than storage heaters they are still a trusted trader. Even Which magazine doesn't care.

"They’re the world’s most efficient electric radiators", but all electric heaters are 100% efficient at turning electricity into heat.

FWIW here is my theory. In life we make an enormous amount of decisions based on what other people tell us and on what we read. Weather that is from reviews, word of mouth, adverts or manufacturer info/claims. We base many spending decisions on this information and what we think we would like. For example, I have used super unleaded in my car because I am told it is better for the engine performance and fuel economy. Does it work? No idea, but I like the idea of what I am told. Same theory with engine oil. I chose my new boiler because I read it is AAA+ efficient and will be cheaper than the cheaper model to run. Is it? I have no idea. I drink red wine instead of white because experts say there are some health benefits (in moderation of course). It actually gives me worse head aches and I don't see any health benefits. But I like it better now (may be to do with psychology of the health benefits) so I drink that instead. I paid more for a better quality carpet. Not because it looked better but because I was told it would wear better and last longer. Will it? I have no idea. I could go on about all manor of other products. But more on topic, I chose to audition and purchase Marantz HIFI equipment because I read that (in my price bracket) they are quality products, and chose to listen to my Dali speakers for the same reason. With all things in life you have people on either side of the fence saying this is better that is better, this works, that doesn't work and give their reasons why they know this from knowledge or think it from experience. So then how do people with little know how decide from everything they read and hear what to buy?

Well regarding the power cables how do I decide from what I read weather to give one a try or not? I like the idea of them making a difference to the sound quality. I have read the manufacturers claims (biased I know), numerous HIFI mag reviews and user reviews all saying that they make a difference. Then I read people who talk very technicaly who say that it's impossible for them to work. I reads the for's and against but ultimately I'm just left wondering weather they do work or not. How do I ever find out? Well the only way is to try for myself and make my own mind up. The result of people saying they do not work is i remain sceptical and only spend an amount I can afford to waste in my persuit of enjoying my music even more. After all, many HIFI enthusiasts waste money for that same reason. If I try and like then I may choose to spend more next time, but thats fine, because in my mind I am now a believer.

In this case I would rather try and know, that not try and forever wonder.

This is the problem perfectly highlighted. You are mixing together the A+++ EU energy rating certification on white goods (heavily regulated and tested/certified under EU law) with CarpetWorld telling you that their carpets are really, really good (unregulated and untested pikey lies/opinion). You cannot compare these two "truths". To do so is an insult to the science behind the former and to grossly exaggerate the significance of the latter. It is anti-intellectual. It is Trumpism. You are chosing the steak because it is chewy and flavoursome. You are backing the false-news horse and embracing post-truth because it suits what you want to believe. You have to use your brain and read between the lines!

You missed the point I was trying to make Gazzip, but that's probably more down to the context in which I tried make it.

I have invested more time in reading and replying to comments on this thread than I had originally expected to. It has evolved into childish nonsense and partly due to my reactions to comments which has in turn fueled yet further similarly toned replies. I'll leave it at that now. I am off to make a couple of purchases for my set up and may return to post my opinion of my new cable in the future.

Thanks to all that helped. *bye* *BYE*


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