New speakers Triangle esprit titus ez
Thought they would be bright + louder than my dynaudios
With my system they are not at all bright 👍 but im sort of in the situation where i feel they don't play as loud as my dynaudio emit m10's (not a huge difference)
Triangle speaker have often high sensitivty (like focal speakers) 89 db rated mabye 1 db down 88db (triangle are close to there rated specs), dynaudio emit m10 is rated at 86 db, have seen them to be more in the 82-84 db area,than 85-86db, let's say 84db, i should have like 3 db higher spl,more power at 60 watt (specs of the titus ez is 60/90 watt, emit m10 150 watt)
Here is what i have, 2x 80 watt in 8 ohm 2x60 watt in 4 ohm peak 105 / 125 / 150 / 175 W (8/6/4/2 ohms), i should be able to play a little louder with the new speakers, difference is minimum 120 watt with my dynaudios and 60 watt with my triangles for the same spl. I wouldn't like to listen to 120 watt rms with my dynaudios.
The highs from the triangles is much smoother and there for don't give the same impression of power as my dynaudio but it's a whole different league with the triangles, you can play loud without the highs being to much and still have alot of details low levels, but as soon as there is some bass in a song the woofer moves alot and looks like it won't do more than my dynaudios, dynaudios (atleast the emit seris and as a remember contour 20) are known to be able to handle alot of power but just because i change speakers don't give me alot more power
For reference a klipsch rp-600m according to stereophile has 90 db sensitivity despite bing rated at 96 db
To high expectations ?
The sound surprised me, especially the highs, softer (despite using silver speaker cable),more details, wide soundstage, good dynamics, neutral bass, it doesn't get shouty at high levels, they are musically, just enough to make them in a higher tier than dynaudio emits (haven't heard enough of the new emit's to know how much better the titus ez's are, don't know if they are better than dynaudio evoke 10).
Some say they have long burn in time so i hate to change them to something with a couple of db higher sensitivity (they sound very good) but is there an alterantiv that will go louder without sounding bright ?
Thought they would be bright + louder than my dynaudios
With my system they are not at all bright 👍 but im sort of in the situation where i feel they don't play as loud as my dynaudio emit m10's (not a huge difference)
Triangle speaker have often high sensitivty (like focal speakers) 89 db rated mabye 1 db down 88db (triangle are close to there rated specs), dynaudio emit m10 is rated at 86 db, have seen them to be more in the 82-84 db area,than 85-86db, let's say 84db, i should have like 3 db higher spl,more power at 60 watt (specs of the titus ez is 60/90 watt, emit m10 150 watt)
Here is what i have, 2x 80 watt in 8 ohm 2x60 watt in 4 ohm peak 105 / 125 / 150 / 175 W (8/6/4/2 ohms), i should be able to play a little louder with the new speakers, difference is minimum 120 watt with my dynaudios and 60 watt with my triangles for the same spl. I wouldn't like to listen to 120 watt rms with my dynaudios.
The highs from the triangles is much smoother and there for don't give the same impression of power as my dynaudio but it's a whole different league with the triangles, you can play loud without the highs being to much and still have alot of details low levels, but as soon as there is some bass in a song the woofer moves alot and looks like it won't do more than my dynaudios, dynaudios (atleast the emit seris and as a remember contour 20) are known to be able to handle alot of power but just because i change speakers don't give me alot more power
For reference a klipsch rp-600m according to stereophile has 90 db sensitivity despite bing rated at 96 db
To high expectations ?
The sound surprised me, especially the highs, softer (despite using silver speaker cable),more details, wide soundstage, good dynamics, neutral bass, it doesn't get shouty at high levels, they are musically, just enough to make them in a higher tier than dynaudio emits (haven't heard enough of the new emit's to know how much better the titus ez's are, don't know if they are better than dynaudio evoke 10).
Some say they have long burn in time so i hate to change them to something with a couple of db higher sensitivity (they sound very good) but is there an alterantiv that will go louder without sounding bright ?
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