Wireworld Aurora Power Cable

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drummerman said:
macdiddy said:
Sorry to be so negative as a first reply to your question but have you read any previous threads about cables on this forum ?

I only ask because the next 10 pages will be full of those who agree with you and those who think any type of specialist cable is rubbish arguing between them to the point where no one cares and the thread dies.

By the way welcome to the forums.


thanks for the recommendation Drummerman I did actually buy the Tacima a few days ago not noticing much difference but I do think there's an improvement Ive got laptop, amp and irDAc plugged into it is it best that way or should I not plug the amp into it? I'll probably try an upgraded mains cable to see if it improves the image its width and depth I'm after speaker placement wise im a bit limited in options due to the layout of the room, but maybe some room treatment could be done one of the speakers is only 5 inches from the left wall I guess that's not helping!

I guess it is always worth trying if you can return in case it doesn't do what you'd like.

What I can say is that the humble Tacima Mains Block can make a difference, especially where harshness is a cause of trouble. The results vary but I use one on both of my systems.

The Tacima combined with an AudioFriendly Silver Mains Cable (ebay) may do the same thing as the expensive Wireworld at a lower price, it may not.


Good luck
drummerman said:
macdiddy said:
Sorry to be so negative as a first reply to your question but have you read any previous threads about cables on this forum ?

I only ask because the next 10 pages will be full of those who agree with you and those who think any type of specialist cable is rubbish arguing between them to the point where no one cares and the thread dies.

By the way welcome to the forums.


I guess it is always worth trying if you can return in case it doesn't do what you'd like.

What I can say is that the humble Tacima Mains Block can make a difference, especially where harshness is a cause of trouble. The results vary but I use one on both of my systems.

The Tacima combined with an AudioFriendly Silver Mains Cable (ebay) may do the same thing as the expensive Wireworld at a lower price, it may not.


Good luck

This is nonsense. Aa long as the mains connection has been made it will work exactly the same.
Bluesboy said:
Thanks Dave, I'm glad to know you think the sensor 5s are a decent speaker. I'm reluctant to replace the amp but it is a possibility at some point if I don't get satisfaction! I didn't know the Arcam irDac could be used as a pre amp. If someone can recommend a power amp that is not too expensive and will give a big improvement over the pm6005 I'll definately consider it.

Actually I should have been clearer, the irDac can contol volume if you are using a computer via usb, which I was in this instance, it is not a 'true' preamp.

The amplifier that I heard was the Cambridge 651w, normally £700, but being run out at just £499.

Of course this will not work for other inputs so may not be for you.
Ok well thanks to everyone who gave advice. I think I'll give one a go just to see if the rave reviews are true. Futureshop allow you to return within 60 days of purchase, so worth a try I think. As I said before, I'm after a more 3D soundscape and more separation between instruments, and the reviews of audiophile mains cables do say they make a big improvement. And reviews of the PM6005 do say it's very good. I'll try this before considering changing amps. We shall see. I'll report back...

I'll just ask this: is there anyone on here who has first hand experience of using these types of cables? Surely one of you audiophiles has tried one??

haha are you suggesting this thread is a wind up? It's not. I just want to get the best out of my system. I find it hard to believe that all the reviews of main cables are BS and just want people with experience to comment. There are a fair few reviews on this (highly respected) site!!! Are they BS???
Bluesboy said:

haha are you suggesting this thread is a wind up? It's not. I just want to get the best out of my system. I find it hard to believe that all the reviews of main cables are BS and just want people with experience to comment. There are a fair few reviews on this (highly respected) site!!! Are they BS???

I'm afraid so. Total unadulterated fantasy BS. A mains cable, or anything on the mains come to that, won't make any difference whatsover as long as a proper mains connection is made.

vladimir, I see you have many posts on here. I guess you've seen MANY of this type of thread! Honestly, this is a genuine thread. I wonder if you've tried upgrading your mains cables? Could be worth it haha. You haven't given your opinion in this thread... I'm not trying to hook you in hahaha.
Only blonds who cycle and have an acquired taste for silver can fish in this sea successfully.
Consider the amount of different cables, transformers, connections, fuses etc. the power has to go through before it gets to your house, (Then there is the house wiring it has to go through), and do you honestly believe that a 1m cable that goes from your wall socket to your equipment will make a difference. (Assuming its correctly rated for the equipment in use)

In addition, why do Professional Film and Music Production Studios (The ones that make the music you listen too) use standard mains cables, if these specialist cables are supposedly better. (If a standard mains cable is fine for professionals, its certainly going to be fine for home users)

Skipping straight to the last post in that deja vu moment, because this is yet another semi piss taking threads that has between 2 and 3 times more replies than the more pertinent ones.

Can we have a separate Hi Fi General Bollocks forum please? Oh wait...
abacus said:
Consider the amount of different cables, transformers, connections, fuses etc. the power has to go through before it gets to your house, (Then there is the house wiring it has to go through), and do you honestly believe that a 1m cable that goes from your wall socket to your equipment will make a difference. (Assuming its correctly rated for the equipment in use)

It's all about the resonant properties:

You really can't expect to find the cure in a power cord. Cables can be fun when you are already happy with your system.

As far as I can see Marantz and Dali are rather polite components. I've heard the Zensor 5's come alive with Rega Elex-R. It was still bass-shy, but quite exciting and punchy to listen to. The Kef Q series sounded very good with the Marantz PM6005. It's all trial and error...
abacus said:
Consider the amount of different cables, transformers, connections, fuses etc. the power has to go through before it gets to your house, (Then there is the house wiring it has to go through), and do you honestly believe that a 1m cable that goes from your wall socket to your equipment will make a difference. (Assuming its correctly rated for the equipment in use)

In addition, why do Professional Film and Music Production Studios (The ones that make the music you listen too) use standard mains cables, if these specialist cables are supposedly better. (If a standard mains cable is fine for professionals, its certainly going to be fine for home users)


Well yes, it makes perfect sense to me. The cable filters out the dirty power before it goes to the amp.

I believe pro studios do consider clean power very important. I read through a thread on these forums in which a pro cable designer gave very detailed and complex reasons explaining how dirty power destroys a stereo image. He actually designed and installed cabling for Abbey Road studios (if I remember correctly). The man clearly knows his stuff and is extremely experienced. It was that thread which got me interested in trying one of these mains cables. I think it's worth a try.

Who are the mugs though? People with open minds who are willing to experiment and experience it for them selves, or the closed-minded types who spend a fortune on hifi equipment but refuse to consider the possibility that cables can make a difference and could get considerable gains if only they'd allow themselves to give it a try?

There seem to be a lot of fragile egos and paranoid types here. I just wanted an open discussion on the subject to help with my decision.

I'm going to order one of these cables and report back...
newworld said:
You really can't expect to find the cure in a power cord. Cables can be fun when you are already happy with your system.

As far as I can see Marantz and Dali are rather polite components. I've heard the Zensor 5's come alive with Rega Elex-R. It was still bass-shy, but quite exciting and punchy to listen to. The Kef Q series sounded very good with the Marantz PM6005. It's all trial and error...

I think you're right that Marantz amp is polite. I struggle to get decent bass! I may change the amp at some point. Thanks for the recommendations.
Bluesboy said:
Well yes, it makes perfect sense to me. The cable filters out the dirty power before it goes to the amp.

cables won't filter out dirty power, you'd need a mains filter. That is if you have a dirty power supply in your building.

Bluesboy said:
I believe pro studios do consider clean power very important.

yup, and they are more likely to make sure that the power they distribute around the building is clean, and treat it at the source such as using mains filters/conditioners, not use expensive power cables.

Bluesboy said:
I just wanted an open discussion on the subject to help with my decision.

Bluesboy said:
Who are the mugs though? People with open minds who are willing to experiment and experience it for them selves, or the closed-minded types who spend a fortune on hifi equipment but refuse to consider the possibility that cables can make a difference and could get considerable gains if only they'd allow themselves to give it a try?

not really an open discussion from your end if you are saying things like that though. The door swings both ways on this argument and you can turn it 180 quite easily and say that those that are not listening to the science and all of the tests that have been done to prove there is no difference are the closed minded ones as they refuse to believe the evidence that is in front of them couldn't you?

Also, for one minute, don't fall in to the ignorant trap that most people seem to do, which is what you have done yourself, is that you think that anybody who maybe against cable foo hasn't tried them. I can guarantee that they have, and in fact, usually the most vocal are those that were on one side of the fence and are now on the other. Kind of like ex-smokers being more anti smoking than those who have never smoked.
Bluesboy said:
Well yes, it makes perfect sense to me. The cable filters out the dirty power before it goes to the amp.

I believe pro studios do consider clean power very important. I read through a thread on these forums in which a pro cable designer gave very detailed and complex reasons explaining how dirty power destroys a stereo image. He actually designed and installed cabling for Abbey Road studios (if I remember correctly). The man clearly knows his stuff and is extremely experienced. It was that thread which got me interested in trying one of these mains cables. I think it's worth a try.

There seem to be a lot of fragile egos and paranoid types here. I just wanted an open discussion on the subject to help with my decision.

I'm going to order one of these cables and report back...

Blues, there are a few of us on here who do know what we are talking about, and have designed equipment for use in studios.

As a general rule, clean power is a good thing. In electronics, noise is hard to handle if it is in the same frequency range as the required signal. In the case of mains, the required signal is 50Hz, and the EMI is many many multiples of that. It is very easy and cheap to filter out main noise for a few pennies spent on a VDR and a capacitor, and the place to do it is where the mains supply enters the equipment enclosure. Thats why and where equipment manufacturers do it. You have to remember that the internal power supply components also make excellent filters in their own right.

The UK is blessed with clean and stable mains, but if you live somehwere with really poor mains, distorted waveforms, large spikes, DC offset, then a mains filter or mains regenerator may make some sense.

What won't make any sense is a fancy mains cable with a daft name. Its a piece of wire for goodness sake. What could it possibly do?

If you could link to an explanation of how a magic mains cable improves things (from someone other than a cable seller or manufacturer), I would be very interested. Perhaps a link to the Abbey Road chap you mention above...
Bluesboy said:
abacus said:
Consider the amount of different cables, transformers, connections, fuses etc. the power has to go through before it gets to your house, (Then there is the house wiring it has to go through), and do you honestly believe that a 1m cable that goes from your wall socket to your equipment will make a difference. (Assuming its correctly rated for the equipment in use)

In addition, why do Professional Film and Music Production Studios (The ones that make the music you listen too) use standard mains cables, if these specialist cables are supposedly better. (If a standard mains cable is fine for professionals, its certainly going to be fine for home users)


Well yes, it makes perfect sense to me. The cable filters out the dirty power before it goes to the amp.

I believe pro studios do consider clean power very important. I read through a thread on these forums in which a pro cable designer gave very detailed and complex reasons explaining how dirty power destroys a stereo image. He actually designed and installed cabling for Abbey Road studios (if I remember correctly). The man clearly knows his stuff and is extremely experienced. It was that thread which got me interested in trying one of these mains cables. I think it's worth a try.

Who are the mugs though? People with open minds who are willing to experiment and experience it for them selves, or the closed-minded types who spend a fortune on hifi equipment but refuse to consider the possibility that cables can make a difference and could get considerable gains if only they'd allow themselves to give it a try?

There seem to be a lot of fragile egos and paranoid types here. I just wanted an open discussion on the subject to help with my decision.

I'm going to order one of these cables and report back...

Well done. Now consider the fact that all traces of the mains waveform including the dirt (LOL) are removed entirely in the power supplies of all hifi electronics. Feel silly yet?
TrevC said:
Well done. Now consider the fact that all traces of the mains waveform including the dirt (LOL) are removed entirely in the power supplies of all hifi electronics. Feel silly yet?

Go easy Trev, clearly the OP is not 'technical' and the snake oil (cable) sales people can be very persuasive.

The big thing the OP needs to understand is that our (all of us) perception of hi-fi quality is determined as much by what we see and what we are told as what we hear.

This has all been documented in various ways and can easily be researched but the absolute killer is that no cable manufacturer, signal or mains, has ever demonstrated the superiority of his product in a blind test. If any company was able to do this, I am sure their marketing guys would be all over it.

I'll say something I have said many times before, I encourage any enthusiast to take part in a blind test if at all possible, it does not have to be all that rigorous, just have the swaps done by a third party who does not communicate with the listeners.

The way differences, clearly heard in sighted tests, disappear under these conditions can be quite shocking.
EvPa said:
abacus said:
Consider the amount of different cables, transformers, connections, fuses etc. the power has to go through before it gets to your house, (Then there is the house wiring it has to go through), and do you honestly believe that a 1m cable that goes from your wall socket to your equipment will make a difference. (Assuming its correctly rated for the equipment in use)

It's all about the resonant properties:


This link is wonderful! To quote:

"Remember metal has a high mass which is very audible"

"These conductors are buried inside crystals which 'dominates' the sound and makes the metal flavour minimal"



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