cheeseboy said:Gazzip said:Or you perhaps you could intead say, " Isn't the brain cool for fooling me like this? I might just accept being fooled for a while and enjoy the pretty moving picture with everybody else",
I totally agree, however in the hifi context those people are few and far between, which is a shame, because it would be nicer if more people did this - and that's from all sides. There's the odd person on here that I have seen say that, and hats off to them.
Gazzip said:instead of saying "Fools! Fools! you are all imbeciles! I refuse to look at or enjoy the pretty picture because I know it is an illusion! I prefer my life to be true and pure even at the cost of missing out on some of the enjoyment that my brain can trick me in to experiencing. Fools!".
True, but then what about those saying "how dare you tell me it's an illusion because if I see it, it must be true, and anybody who tries to tell me otherwise is blind and couldn't tell their arse from their elbow, or their monitor is not expensive enough to apprecaite the movement of the picture" 😉
Those comments on both side of the fence don't help anybody imho.
I agree with everything you have said. I am one of those people who accepts the science and who also knows he is being fooled. I have openly stated that I am happy with my situation on the forum many times. I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious..... etc. etc.
A shame more on both sides of the discussion won't take a stance of acceptance that although there is no scientific evidence of cables improving sound quality they do for some people. Whether or not that improvement is a trick is kind of irrelevant. To me anyway.
The whole two channel thing is an illusion really when you think about it.