Wireworld Aurora Power Cable

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cheeseboy said:
Gazzip said:
Or you perhaps you could intead say, " Isn't the brain cool for fooling me like this? I might just accept being fooled for a while and enjoy the pretty moving picture with everybody else",

I totally agree, however in the hifi context those people are few and far between, which is a shame, because it would be nicer if more people did this - and that's from all sides. There's the odd person on here that I have seen say that, and hats off to them.

Gazzip said:
instead of saying "Fools! Fools! you are all imbeciles! I refuse to look at or enjoy the pretty picture because I know it is an illusion! I prefer my life to be true and pure even at the cost of missing out on some of the enjoyment that my brain can trick me in to experiencing. Fools!".

True, but then what about those saying "how dare you tell me it's an illusion because if I see it, it must be true, and anybody who tries to tell me otherwise is blind and couldn't tell their arse from their elbow, or their monitor is not expensive enough to apprecaite the movement of the picture" 😉

Those comments on both side of the fence don't help anybody imho.

I agree with everything you have said. I am one of those people who accepts the science and who also knows he is being fooled. I have openly stated that I am happy with my situation on the forum many times. I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious..... etc. etc.

A shame more on both sides of the discussion won't take a stance of acceptance that although there is no scientific evidence of cables improving sound quality they do for some people. Whether or not that improvement is a trick is kind of irrelevant. To me anyway.

The whole two channel thing is an illusion really when you think about it.
Gazzip said:
I agree with everything you have said. I am one of those people who accepts the science and who also knows he is being fooled.

well, like I said, I doth my cap to you, credit where it's due. From a personal point of view, I wish more people were as open as yourself about such things.

Although wait, we've now got people agreeing and stuff, that means this thread should by rights implode in to some kind of black hole shouldn't it? 🙂
bigboss said:
This example between cheeseboy and Gazzip perfectly explains why people should just state their views and leave it at that, instead of forcing their views as the Gospel of truth and insulting everyone who don't agree with them.

cheeseboy said:
Although wait, we've now got people agreeing and stuff, that means this thread should by rights implode in to some kind of black hole shouldn't it? 🙂

Well, do black holes exist? I mean nobody has ever actually seen one now have they.....
bigboss said:
This example between cheeseboy and Gazzip perfectly explains why people should just state their views and leave it at that, instead of forcing their views as the Gospel of truth and insulting everyone who don't agree with them.

spot on
Gazzip said:
Well, do black holes exist? I mean nobody has ever actually seen one now have they.....

you've obviously never seen my bank account, there appears to be a very large one there 🙂
Gazzip said:
cheeseboy said:
Although wait, we've now got people agreeing and stuff, that means this thread should by rights implode in to some kind of black hole shouldn't it? 🙂

Well, do black holes exist? I mean nobody has ever actually seen one now have they.....

Actually they have and if you had watched Horizon the other night you would have seen one too.


PS You should understand that "seeing" depends on radiation from an object entering our eyes. In this case it wasn't radiation in the visible spectrum but X-rays but it was possible to create an image of this.

I would post a link if I could but if you Google "black hole seen" you will find some images.
Covenanter said:
Gazzip said:
cheeseboy said:
Although wait, we've now got people agreeing and stuff, that means this thread should by rights implode in to some kind of black hole shouldn't it? 🙂

Well, do black holes exist? I mean nobody has ever actually seen one now have they.....

Actually they have and if you had watched Horizon the other night you would have seen one too.


PS You should understand that "seeing" depends on radiation from an object entering our eyes. In this case it wasn't radiation in the visible spectrum but X-rays but it was possible to create an image of this.

I would post a link if I could but if you Google "black hole seen" you will find some images.

Was it black?
cheeseboy said:
Gazzip said:
Well, do black holes exist? I mean nobody has ever actually seen one now have they.....

you've obviously never seen my bank account, there appears to be a very large one there 🙂

Ever since I stopped buying into audiophoolery I again have disposable income and still enjoy high fidelity sound. I'm simply not willing to pay for imaginery technical performance, or agree with those that bought into it that it's real for their own sake.


All subjectivists victims today were snobs and bullys on this forum only few months ago. Every talk about measured or specified performance was ridiculed, any tech talk was threadcra**ed and trolled, all forum threads were basically competition between hi-fi astrology gurus shoving their (pre)owned gear to newbies seeking advice. Recommending an active speaker solution and a cheap DAC was blasphemy and DDC was the singled out extremist that rocked the boat. All for the greater good.


As long as we don't go back to that modus operandi, I'm willing to practice affirmative action for subjectivists. We can build a nicer more tolerant forum if all sides are willing. I certanly am.
Vladimir said:
Ever since I stopped buying into audiophoolery I again have disposable income and still enjoy high fidelity sound. I'm simply not willing to pay for imaginery technical performance, or agree with those that bought into it that it's real for their own sake.


All subjectivists victims today were snobs and bullys on this forum only few months ago. Every talk about measured or specified performance was ridiculed, any tech talk was threadcra**ed and trolled, all forum threads were basically competition between hi-fi astrology gurus shoving their (pre)owned gear to newbies seeking advice. Recommending an active speaker solution and a cheap DAC was blasphemy and DDC was the singled out extremist that rocked the boat. All for the greater good.


As long as we don't go back to that modus operandi, I'm willing to practice affirmative action for subjectivists. We can build a nicer more tolerant forum if all sides are willing. I certanly am.

I think for the good of the forum (which is obviously so close to your heart), you should name the bullies. Or is this just more empty posturing?
matt49 said:
I think for the good of the forum (which is obviously so close to your heart), you should name the bullies. Or is this just more empty posturing?

I'll email you a spreadsheet.
Vladimir said:
Ever since I stopped buying into audiophoolery I again have disposable income and still enjoy high fidelity sound. I'm simply not willing to pay for imaginery technical performance, or agree with those that bought into it that it's real for their own sake.

I wish the black hole in my account was because of equipment, at least I'd have something to show for it 🙂 or is it 🙁 not sure 🙂
tonky said:
Your name top of the list vlad?

tonky, sorry for not replying sooner to your expression of interest in my amp trial. I'm in west London. We can exchange e-mail addresses via the Mods. Try e-mailing John Duncan or Andy Clough: they will give you my e-mail address. *drinks*


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