Will a DAC or cable improve my set-up?


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Aug 10, 2019
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I'm pretty inexperienced at this so I'm seeking views on what options I have to improve my set-up (without going overboard or paying £££ for cables etc which aren't going to make a perceptable difference).

My current setup is:

X-fi xtrememusic > (cheap 3.5 to 2 x phono cable from Maplins) > Marantz PM7200 Integrated Amp > (QED Silver Anniversary Speaker Cable (airlocked) > 2x B&W 602s3

I know it's an odd mix, but it came together without any planning. My source is mainly 320 kpbs mp3 with some FLAC.

I know that the soundcard has a digital I/O Flexijack. Is it worth me going optical (or coax) out from the card to a DAC and then to the amp? What are my cabling options for that? Also, is the cheap Maplins cable currently doing anything a disservice?


If your pc has a 3.5mm jack out that is also digital ( mini toshlink ), i would look for an external dac, the sound will be better than the 3.5mm to phono sound your getting now, in my opinion. A dac and cabling will cost you at least £250 depending on what kit you choose....


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I agree with reggaedave, apart form the cost. You can get USB DACs for under £100 from the likes of Firestone Audio and older Beresfords, MF V-DACs and DACMagics off ebay for £100ish.

Then something like Silver High Breed interconnects off ebay for £30 and a digital cable of ThatCable for under £10. Cables, so long as they are well made will get you 95 - 100% of they way there with the option to upgrade in the future should you feel the need. So Maplins ones are also going to be fine.


Thanks for the replies. In what way(s) will say, a DACMagic, improve sound quality over the DAC on my soundcard (CS4382 DAC)?

If it makes a difference, I mostly listen to music where bass is a very important factor.


If you arrange with your local richer sounds, they will lend you a dacmagic to try, or failing this, buy one and be careful with the packaging, and try it. Get a cheap mini toshlink to toshlink and try it.Fire an interconnect (maybe the one your using now), from the dacmagic to your amp.

Then decide if you like the sound more througth the dacmagic.

I would say the dacmagic is a good bit of kit, but there are other cheaper external dacs about.

Home demo is the only way, and richer sounds do offer the service, not sure who else offers home demos but somebody may comment.


Ive tried my dacmagic temp with cheap cables and sounded good...

but i wouldnt say i had the best soundcard in my pc like!!!!!.


Try the Beresford Caiman or the Dac Magic but making sure you set up the audio properly on the pc first of course


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Oct 5, 2007
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I'm pretty inexperienced at this so I'm seeking views on what options I have to improve my set-up (without going overboard or paying £££ for cables etc which aren't going to make a perceptable difference).

My current setup is:

X-fi xtrememusic > (cheap 3.5 to 2 x phono cable from Maplins) > Marantz PM7200 Integrated Amp > (QED Silver Anniversary Speaker Cable (airlocked) > 2x B&W 602s3

I know it's an odd mix, but it came together without any planning. My source is mainly 320 kpbs mp3 with some FLAC.

I know that the soundcard has a digital I/O Flexijack. Is it worth me going optical (or coax) out from the card to a DAC and then to the amp? What are my cabling options for that? Also, is the cheap Maplins cable currently doing anything a disservice?

Going back to the start of your set up are you making sure unsampled music (16bit/44.1hz) is leaving your pc? If you use Windows it may be upsampling your mp3s etc to 48hz. Just a thought.


Good point Mattjax

Testing WASAPI/Kernel Streaming output in Foobar with the X-fi configured for bit matched playback should give the best possible performance from the Xfi's onboard DAC.

http://forums.creative.com/t5/Sound-Blaster/is-there-a-way-to-force-X-FI-to-16bit-44-1kHz/m-p/318207 has the necessary config tips for bit matched playback.