Andrew Everard:
dim_span:a bit touchy on the racial thingy? ... like I said it was a joke that was cut and pasted from google ...
Which makes it alright?
dim_span:but seeing we are on the subject, in all the years that you have been working at WHF, have you or any of your collegues ever accepted a free lunch, or accomodation or airticket or any 'promotional gift'?
Of course: all journalists are taken to press launches and the like. PRs like to think it makes a difference to how their brand or product is perceived.
dim_span:if so, that would be classed as a form of 'subtle' bribery (in my books)
There's nothing subtle about it, but amazingly (in your books) it has no effect whatsoever.
I was responding to a claim made, gave my personal opinion in a 'jovial lighthearted manner' and to be honest, does not bother me in the slightest
I'm from the 'old school' where I believe that 'there is nothing for free' ... if you disagree with my opion, so be it ...