Great to see OAC still going strong, a shop well visited in the dim and distant past, having a good relationship with your local store is obviously helpful but equally buying a product that has excellent post sale support from the manufacturer is just as useful if not more so.Good point. Years ago I never thought of warranties because I used to change kit quite often, but once I settled down I realised long-term support was important. My system from the late 1990s was imported by Absolute Sounds (still going) and bought from Oxford Audio Consultants (also still there).
Later, buying ATC and Linn, which both offer transferable warranties, I realised how support was reassuring. Neither have broken, but both have helped with queries and spares.
I‘m aware that some of the services cost in the original list price though.
I fully accept that in order to provide a good service/spares set up costs money and this is why many companies do not have that facility, I also accept that I will have to bear some of that cost in the form of a higher initial purchase price but if my product can be serviced or repaired 10 years or more after it was purchased then that buy has been more than good value for money.
In the last few years as I have eased myself back into the world of HiFi I have seen a good number of products launched and then updated in very quick succession, for me this doesn't indicate that the product has been built with long term ownership in mind.
I am viewing some of the HiFi products coming on the market in the same way that I viewed some of the consumer DSLR's of a few years ago where different versions of the same camera were launched every 12-18 months, built to be used and then discarded as the latest model is purchased to replace it.
My aim as I work towards building a system to see me out is to buy British, buy from established reputable brands that offer a long term ownership experience.