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Big Chris

New member
Apr 3, 2008
Give it a week or two and my sig should read CD192 instead of CD72T.


After missing out on a new car (I can't believe they sold it from under my nose!). I decided a treat was in order. I found a mint 6 month old 192 on Gumtree for £300. It wasn't local so have to go through the 'post cheque, clear cheque, post item' process, but I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do for me.

Only thing is I'm gonna need a new amp next! I like to keep things matching, but Arcam haven't exactly set the world alight with their 2 channel amps of late. Oh well, hold on for that elusive P75+ I guess.
Big Chris:Give it a week or two and my sig should read CD192 instead of CD72T.


After missing out on a new car (I can't believe they sold it from under my nose!). I decided a treat was in order. I found a mint 6 month old 192 on Gumtree for £300. It wasn't local so have to go through the 'post cheque, clear cheque, post item' process, but I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do for me.

Only thing is I'm gonna need a new amp next! I like to keep things matching, but Arcam haven't exactly set the world alight with their 2 channel amps of late. Oh well, hold on for that elusive P75+ I guess.

Cool. I hear they're better than a DACMagic

But yeah, new amp is in order I say. I can recommend Scandinavian
JohnDuncan:Big Chris:Give it a week or two and my sig should read CD192 instead of CD72T.


After missing out on a new car (I can't believe they sold it from under my nose!). I decided a treat was in order. I found a mint 6 month old 192 on Gumtree for £300. It wasn't local so have to go through the 'post cheque, clear cheque, post item' process, but I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do for me.

Only thing is I'm gonna need a new amp next! I like to keep things matching, but Arcam haven't exactly set the world alight with their 2 channel amps of late. Oh well, hold on for that elusive P75+ I guess.

Cool. I hear they're better than a DACMagic

But yeah, new amp is in order I say. I can recommend Scandinavian

I concur
heystak:Buy a DAC instead!

I've run out of mains sockets. Plus I can slip the 192 in where the 72 is and the Mrs will never know.

Hopefully I'll get £100 or so for my 72 too.
JohnDuncan:Big Chris:Give it a week or two and my sig should read CD192 instead of CD72T.


After missing out on a new car (I can't believe they sold it from under my nose!). I decided a treat was in order. I found a mint 6 month old 192 on Gumtree for £300. It wasn't local so have to go through the 'post cheque, clear cheque, post item' process, but I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do for me.

Only thing is I'm gonna need a new amp next! I like to keep things matching, but Arcam haven't exactly set the world alight with their 2 channel amps of late. Oh well, hold on for that elusive P75+ I guess.

Cool. I hear they're better than a DACMagic

But yeah, new amp is in order I say. I can recommend Scandinavian

Densen it is then.

Good to hear chris, i had a 192 a few years back, the 192 breaks the arcam mould of warm sounding players and goes for all out attack, enjoy!
On a serious note. I'm not gonna be buying a new amp any time soon (unless a tasty deal rears its head), but would any money be best spent on a new integrated amp, or would the same money spent on a power amp, using my Arcam purely as a pre-amp, be a better bet?
Big Chris:On a serious note. I'm not gonna be buying a new amp any time soon (unless a tasty deal rears its head), but would any money be best spent on a new integrated amp, or would the same money spent on a power amp, using my Arcam purely as a pre-amp, be a better bet?

Depends on the deal I s'pose. There's merit in all-Arcam, and a power amp will give you some much-needed welly (apologies, but you know I find your amp a bit insipid on its own), but bearing in mind the music you like, I think you'd find Rega and Naim an absolute hoot...
Change the integrated, and then get a power when funds permit.

I think you'll be very surprised with the 192, it may even sound quite hard compared to what you are used to.


JohnDuncan:Big Chris:On a serious note. I'm not gonna be buying a new amp any time soon (unless a tasty deal rears its head), but would any money be best spent on a new integrated amp, or would the same money spent on a power amp, using my Arcam purely as a pre-amp, be a better bet? Depends on the deal I s'pose. There's merit in all-Arcam, and a power amp will give you some much-needed welly (apologies, but you know I find your amp a bit insipid on its own), but bearing in mind the music you like, I think you'd find Rega and Naim an absolute hoot...

Curses, that makes a change from rubbish. . .

BC, try and audition the new MKII version of Creek Evo. Heard the original and it sounded really impressive. Alternatively, Roksan Kandy LIII, although can be a touch enthusiastic (based on my RS6's), maybe a perfect ally to your B&W's and new CD player.
Well. I got it today and set it up about 30 minutes ago.

First thing I stuck on was Opeth's 'Deliverance'. I'm still trying to wipe the grin off my face.

It's like I've discovered the missing link. I'm hearing a much greater level of detail, I can hear the snare drum reverb that I didn't hear before, I can hear the individual beats with greater clarity. Guitar swells aren't just a case of getting louder, but change tonally too. The pep has been injected into the sound, but there's still the weight I love. It's far from a hard sound that I was expecting.

I'm chuffed to bits with it. I now just have to decide what to do with the 72.

Only other thing is, I'm now up for an amp upgrade! But I'm happy in the knowledge that this current upgrade will serve me well for some time.
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with Arcam CD players but I'd look elsewhere for a new amplifier. Maybe a used Naim pre/power set up or, as has already been mentioned, a Densen. I haven't heard an Arcam set up that hasn't bored me senseless. Fair enough though if you like its tame rolled off sound. You can't help thinking a more attacking amp might bring rewards.
FolsomBlues:I'm sure there's nothing wrong with Arcam CD players but I'd look elsewhere for a new amplifier. Maybe a used Naim pre/power set up or, as has already been mentioned, a Densen. I haven't heard an Arcam set up that hasn't bored me senseless. Fair enough though if you like its tame rolled off sound. You can't help thinking a more attacking amp might bring rewards.

Seconded about the Naim, Densen and more PRAT. Can't comment about Arcam as haven't heard the latest ones.
Not concentrating too well today so...

...what did you get Chris?

I assume it was not an amp as you are listing an A65 in your signature and no-one buys them

I think A65's just 'emerge' (like wire coat hangers) in Arcam collections. I never realised - for months - that my Primare i30 owning friend had rigged up my old KEFs to an A65 in his bedroom system. (We're blokes. We don't normally go in each other's bedrooms.)

Shockingly though, I don't think he realised he had an old A65 for a long time either

So by deduction I guess it is the CD192 unless you have the new amp and have not listed it yet.
I refer you to my earlier post.....

Big Chris:Well. I got it today and set it up about 30 minutes ago.

First thing I stuck on was Opeth's 'Deliverance'. I'm still trying to wipe the grin off my face.

It's like I've discovered the missing link. I'm hearing a much greater level of detail, I can hear the snare drum reverb that I didn't hear before, I can hear the individual beats with greater clarity. Guitar swells aren't just a case of getting louder, but change tonally too. The pep has been injected into the sound, but there's still the weight I love. It's far from a hard sound that I was expecting.

I'm chuffed to bits with it. I now just have to decide what to do with the 72.

Only other thing is, I'm now up for an amp upgrade! But I'm happy in the knowledge that this current upgrade will serve me well for some time.
Big Chris:Well. I got it today and set it up about 30 minutes ago.

First thing I stuck on was Opeth's 'Deliverance'. I'm still trying to wipe the grin off my face.

It's like I've discovered the missing link. I'm hearing a much greater level of detail, I can hear the snare drum reverb that I didn't hear before, I can hear the individual beats with greater clarity. Guitar swells aren't just a case of getting louder, but change tonally too. The pep has been injected into the sound, but there's still the weight I love. It's far from a hard sound that I was expecting.

I'm chuffed to bits with it. I now just have to decide what to do with the 72.

Only other thing is, I'm now up for an amp upgrade! But I'm happy in the knowledge that this current upgrade will serve me well for some time.
Nice. Next step, slip in a power amp behind the rack on the floor and use the A65 as a pre. She'll never notice. If she notices the sound change just say you've cleaned your fuses
Big Chris:I refer you to my earlier post.....Big Chris:Well. I got it today and set it up about 30 minutes ago.First thing I stuck on was Opeth's 'Deliverance'. I'm still trying to wipe the grin off my face.It's like I've discovered the missing link. I'm hearing a much greater level of detail, I can hear the snare drum reverb that I didn't hear before, I can hear the individual beats with greater clarity. Guitar swells aren't just a case of getting louder, but change tonally too. The pep has been injected into the sound, but there's still the weight I love. It's far from a hard sound that I was expecting.I'm chuffed to bits with it. I now just have to decide what to do with the 72.Only other thing is, I'm now up for an amp upgrade! But I'm happy in the knowledge that this current upgrade will serve me well for some time.

I thought you would like it, I think it's a superb cdp. It'll get better and better over the next couple of months too. Next step a decent power amp, and then a preamp upgrade. If you can pick up an A85/P85 combo off fleabay you will again be well chuffed with the improvement. ÿ


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