JohnNewman:al7478:im bored too now. shame, as we need lots of interesting topics whilst those pampered babies kick a ball around a glorified playground, and
that company gets lots of free advertising.
Indeed. It's threads that get out of hand that's slowly putting me off the site.
Shame as it's excellent in many other ways.
Until the last few posts [and I admit I am slightly guilty here
] I think this has been a really good forum discussion of the whole issue around costs of controller software and hardware that manufacturers produce and helps give an insight into their thinking when it comes to how these are priced (or not, in the case of free apps).
Yeah I've got to admit I didn't see any problems with anything anyone was saying to me until the last page of the thread, it was a perfectly acceptable discussion on the pros and cons of paid for vs free apps as far as I could tell. It got a little circular at one point but that's hardly a hanging offence.
If people are bored, they don't have to read the thread any more... But people are bound to get a little heated about things as we're all passionate on the forums.
I'm aware of the subtext of some of the complaints though, unspoken as they are, in fact for a while now I've been meaning to ask JD how you set up a poll in a thread but that would mean he needs to email me offline, otherwise it'll spoil the surprise!