If not Naim then.......recommendations please?

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Paulq said:
Andrewjvt said:
While i agree with lindsayt regards the amps sound and also speaker choice. Imo those speakers are not good sound.

Ive tried not put my opinion on you but if you can consider - there is better to be had

This is to satisfy my curiosity more than anything as I'll take a LOT of convincing to change the speakers but, as you seem not to be a fan of the MA's, then what would you cite as 'better'?  Bear in mind that my attraction to the MA's is that they just hit the sweet spot for me in terms of bass and treble - I listen to a lot of rock, prog and ambient and they, to me, do everything well.

If you would like a Linn type sound, but with a bit more umph, you should listen to an Arcam A49.

Other brands of Amp might be:

Storm Audio (worth checking out, though I'm not sure it's still making Integrated Amps like the V35/V55).

Leema (Tucana)

For a Source, I would use a Linn DS.
I would take, for example, most of the speakers that I heard at Scalford 2016 over the MA Silver 8's.

But speakers are such a personal taste, as it's not just the sound, it's the looks and size that can divide opinions too.

There's a whole world of hi-fi waiting to be discovered beyond what's stocked at your local hi-fi dealers Paulq.
I would go after Exposure, preferably the older series.
CnoEvil said:
If you would like a Linn type sound, but with a bit more umph, you should listen to an Arcam A49.

Other brands of Amp might be:

Storm Audio (worth checking out, though I'm not sure it's still making Integrated Amps like the V35/V55).

Leema (Tucana)

For a Source, I would use a Linn DS.
On a similar journey myself although preferred the Linn sound to Naim and had the opportunity to compare both a few years back.
I have read somewhere that the latest incarnation of Linn streamers have a slightly more forward presentation and combined with punchier power amp, this may meet your requirements.
If the Naim is not working as it should and its less than 6 months old I would return it to the dealer and get a full refund. Then find something else. Having £6 system I agree that the speakers could be better, I'm not convinced spending so much on digital front end is the best use of money.
Pedro2 said:
+1 On a similar journey myself although preferred the Linn sound to Naim and had the opportunity to compare both a few years back. I have read somewhere that the latest incarnation of Linn streamers have a slightly more forward presentation and combined with punchier power amp, this may meet your requirements.

Am reading the same at the moment and am seriously tempted to go and have a listen to the new MDSM as that does actually provide me with a somewhat affordable solution. However, I also read that the ADSM is night and day difference with it but, of course, when you add in (a Linn) power amp the cost becomes rather prohibitive.

I am in 'reflect, consider (and demo), phase at the moment and am very open to what to do next. Linn, despite its detractors, is still an option for me but there are others.
Try running Plex or the standard server app on your Synology. I run a wired network with a Naim ND5 XS and do not get any drop out issues using either and after upgrading to a Supernait 2, can't get enough of that Naim sound!
p_m_brown said:
Try running Plex or the standard server app on your Synology. I run a wired network with a Naim ND5 XS and do not get any drop out issues using either and after upgrading to a Supernait 2, can't get enough of that Naim sound!

I haven't run Plex but I have run MinimServer with the same issues. Asset run from a mac is stable. A Marantz streamer run on the same kit is stable.

Naim have more issues with streaming than you would believe - there are plenty of threads on the subject. I am today hoping to get the ok to take the whole lot back and start again.

I just don't know where that is at the moment but have options:

1 - Use an Airport Express > DAC> (decent) amp and use Audirvana MacBook as control. Never done this but believe it will work and some have suggested an in line DAC and decent amp would sound every bit as good as some of the streamers on offer. I don't know.

2 - Stick with Naim and chance something like a Superuniti.

3 - Linn MDSM

4 - Others that i haven't thought of yet.

Above all I want simplicity and the one box solutions do give me that despite their limitations. However Option 1 is lower cost as I already have an AE and a DAC and indeed still have a Marantz PM66SE KI but no optical input which is a shame as it's still very decent. I'd just need to decide on the right amp.

Paulq said:
p_m_brown said:
Try running Plex or the standard server app on your Synology. I run a wired network with a Naim ND5 XS and do not get any drop out issues using either and after upgrading to a Supernait 2, can't get enough of that Naim sound!

I haven't run Plex but I have run MinimServer with the same issues. Asset run from a mac is stable. A Marantz streamer run on the same kit is stable.

Naim have more issues with streaming than you would believe - there are plenty of threads on the subject. I am today hoping to get the ok to take the whole lot back and start again.

I just don't know where that is at the moment but have options:

1 - Use an Airport Express > DAC> (decent) amp and use Audirvana MacBook as control. Never done this but believe it will work and some have suggested an in line DAC and decent amp would sound every bit as good as some of the streamers on offer. I don't know.

2 - Stick with Naim and chance something like a Superuniti.

3 - Linn MDSM

4 - Others that i haven't thought of yet.

Above all I want simplicity and the one box solutions do give me that despite their limitations. However Option 1 is lower cost as I already have an AE and a DAC and indeed still have a Marantz PM66SE KI but no optical input which is a shame as it's still very decent. I'd just need to decide on the right amp.


Have you tried running your Airport Express into the Unitiqute? You have everything you need to go with your option 1 already. If nothing else you'll get to see if your first option works.
This will leave the AE handle the network side of things too if you believe the Unitiqutes network handling is the issue. Connect the AE to the qute via ethernet cable. Keep your money for your LP12 and a phono box to connect to the qutes analogue input.
ChrisIRL said:
Have you tried running your Airport Express into the Unitiqute? You have everything you need to go with your option 1 already. If nothing else you'll get to see if your first option works.

I haven't and actually had not thought of that. Partly because I am ready to chuck it out of the bloody window and, admittedly this may sound like a very unsensible decision, but I'm pretty much done with it.

That's not petulance or just an excuse to do something else (I'm unashamed - if I just wanna change for the hell of it I just say so) but I'm a bloke who will only go so far with things and once my head has gone there's very little likelihood of going back. It's just not this hard to set up a streamer on a network and expect it to behave.

As I said, I haven't yet decided what to do next but it's highly unlikely it will include me keeping this (second in 6 months) kit. Thanks for the input though - something to think about and in the event that I go down the AE/Amp route then I would do as you suggest with Ethernet>AE rather than wirelessly.
I too was being driven demented by Unitiqute 2 networks issues. I plugged an AE behind my system, ran a short ethernet cable from AE to Unitiqute and it now works flawlessly. I've all but forgotten about the problems I was having and now just enjoy my setup very much. As a bonus I'm going to run an optical cable out of the AE into one of the qutes optical inputs which will give me AirPlay functionality. Nice!
Paulq I think I know where youre at : "Notwork initializing please wait...".

Its related to congested networks. I get that whenever i stream netflix at the same time. Make sure nothing is streaming at the same time. Also make sure you have a decent router and youre wired to it. In my case the problem completely went away once I upgraded my router and made sure my daughter was not netflixing at the same time. Easy fix. Otherwise its an awesome streamer.
Mark Rose-Smith said:
Nac 172xs and nap 155 xs or used nap 250 problem sorted . I'd like to hear that setup.


by the way, I never had network problems with my setup, must be some configuring stuff in your network or bad luck...

I heard the Nac172XS + nap155 xs, and it sounds... like good stuff 🙂 Alternatively, if it fits budget (forgot the prices), also check Superuniti and Nac282XS + Nap250DR.
pyrrhon said:
Paulq I think I know where youre at : "Notwork initializing please wait...".

Its related to congested networks. I get that whenever i stream netflix at the same time. Make sure nothing is streaming at the same time. Also make sure you have a decent router and youre wired to it. In my case the problem completely went away once I upgraded my router and made sure my daughter was not netflixing at the same time. Easy fix. Otherwise its an awesome streamer. 

Or upgrade to super fast fiber optic broad band.

Ive had no problems streaming and watching netflix at same time. Also while netflix is on on tv. Streaming music in background and watching cricket on sky on my mobile at same time.
I took it as a given he would have fibre optic BB.even up here in the sticks (Scotland)we got fibre.lol.Even though......I still use a hard wired connection to stream Spotify to my aftv,with my phone or tablet used as a remote.no problems whatsoever.
Paulq, one other thought about the return to Linn option; have you ever made use of the Space facility on the Majik DSM when you owned one before? If not, then this is another option in Linn's favour. Depending on your room acoustics and speaker properties, Space can be used to alter sound and improve it quite dramatically (especially if you have any bass boom effects and most rooms tend to). Must say that I only use it with modest adjustments but this is probably down to the ATC speakers and their sealed design. I never had the opportunity of using it with my previous set up, Neat Motive 2s but would love to have heard how much better they could have sounded with the 'room nodes' dealt with.

I'm also contemplating an upgrade from a Majik DSM v1 to v2 at present (together with additional power amp purchase) after reading comments on Linn forum about the improvements with the latest version. It's not that I'm unhappy with the sound I'm currently getting as it's great. It's when you read that the latest Majik DSM is the best bang for buck product that Linn are currently making. Makes it very tempting!

Good luck with your decisions and if you stay with Naim, hope that your networking gets sorted. I remember having similar problems with a Logitech Squeezebox some years back and it drove me nuts!
Mark Rose-Smith said:
I took it as a given he would have fibre optic BB.even up here in the sticks (Scotland)we got fibre.lol.Even though......I still use a hard wired connection to stream Spotify to my aftv,with my phone or tablet used as a remote.no problems whatsoever.

Not many have it
Lots of good replies thanks to all of you. Easier to summarise my response in one hit:

1 - Network is fine, everything is hard wired, iMac, Macbook, Naim, NAS etc. The ONLY device that drops out is the Naim.

2 - I borrowed my old streamer (the one my brother nicked when I bought the Naim ironically) and had it running on the same network flawlessly all weekend. Same NAS, same cables, same UPnP server, same musiic. No issues at all. This was also the case when I had the Linn before selling it last year.

All have been set up either with DCHP or static IP's, IGMP snooping off and set to priority in the router configuration. I don't stream anything else at all, no movies, no multi room, just nice and simple and all the kit is new.

The BB I use is Virgin's 50Mb service with the superhub in modem mode feeding an Asus RT-AC87U router which is pretty new.

3 - Before I bought the Naim I sold the Linn Majik DSM/1 and took a 'backward' (no disprespect intended purely an observation on price point) to a Marantz PM6005 and NA6005 for a period whilst I saved up for my next system. The next system was the Naim. Not comparing apples with apples but for the money that Marantz system is excellent.

I am actually considering maybe going back to that to cut my losses at the moment and using the following setup ad interim:

MacBook Pro pointed to NAS using Audirvana>NJC Audio DAC optical>Marantz PM6005 optical. I know this will work as I use the MacBook for late night headphone listening sometimes and I think the quality of DAC I have will render that a lovely sound. That would minimise my outlay today whilst again allowing me to save for what I want.

I don't know what that is yet but every day I am seeing new options to listen to and don't just want to rush back to something in haste. E.g. last night I was looking at the exposure amps and figured a nice Akurate DS/M Renew coupled with an Exposure Pre/power setup would probably be something worth waiting for and for not much more than the cost of buying a new Majik DSM today.

Then again the MDSM has a really convenient array of connectivity options and a one box solution is appealing.

So, tomorrow I am going to the dealers to demo the new MDSM with my current speakers (along with PMC Twenty 23's and ProAc D20r's as it's rude not to have a play isn't it *biggrin*). I may get one or I may do as I suggest above to buy me some time. I ain't gonna make the same mistake again.
Paulq said:
2 - I borrowed my old streamer (the one my brother nicked when I bought the Naim ironically) and had it running on the same network flawlessly all weekend. Same NAS, same cables, same UPnP server, same musiic. No issues at all. This was also the case when I had the Linn before selling it last year.

Problem solved! No need to spend anything.
jjbomber said:
Problem solved! No need to spend anything.

Well, maybe, maybe not. Disassembled the Naim this morning and currently have the MacBook Pro/Audirvana running into the Dac then my old faithful Marantz PM66SE KI. Man that's still a joy to listen to you even today.

However, I can't pretend it's the same SQ as the Naim or a more up to date set up so the likelihood is I'll probably plump for a different option.
Paulq said:
E.g. last night I was looking at the exposure amps and figured a nice Akurate DS/M Renew coupled with an Exposure Pre/power setup would probably be something worth waiting for and for not much more than the cost of buying a new Majik DSM today.

Then again the MDSM has a really convenient array of connectivity options and a one box solution is appealing.

So, tomorrow I am going to the dealers to demo the new MDSM with my current speakers (along with PMC Twenty 23's and ProAc D20r's as it's rude not to have a play isn't it *biggrin*). I may get one or I may do as I suggest above to buy me some time. I ain't gonna make the same mistake again.

'Spend in haste and repent at leisure' goes the saying and I would definitely take time before parting with so much cash. I nearly bought a second hand Akurate DSM renew on the well known auction site last week but waited too long and it got snapped up (went for less than £2k which seemed an absolute steal). Look forward to your impressions of the Majik DSM/2 paired with range of speakers.
Pedro2 said:
'Spend in haste and repent at leisure' goes the saying and I would definitely take time before parting with so much cash. I nearly bought a second hand Akurate DSM renew on the well known auction site last week but waited too long and it got snapped up (went for less than £2k which seemed an absolute steal). Look forward to your impressions of the Majik DSM/2 paired with range of speakers.

Agree with that and am set up for tomorrow and looking forward to hearing it. Am not looking forward to the inevitable 'oh I really like those speakers too' decision that may ensue......I have had to change the demo of the ProAcs to the Neat SX as they don't have the ProAcs in which is a shame as I have heard that they are quite sublime.

Anyone any experience of them?

Will report back tomorrow. Probably from the bankrupcy proceedings....
Any update on the Majik DSM/2? I'm intrigued to know what it sounds like and your thoughts on the various combinations of DS and speakers.


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