If not Naim then.......recommendations please?

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Just read Linn forum and think I've got the answer! If I'm correct, welcome back to the world of Linn. Would still appreciate your thoughts on the new Majik DSM though ......... as well as your new speakers

If I've read correctly, you're probably sleeping off a very extended music listening binge....... excellent!

ps if if wasn't your post on the Linn DS forum, I do apologise.
Pedro2 said:
Just read Linn forum and think I've got the answer! If I'm correct, welcome back to the world of Linn. Would still appreciate your thoughts on the new Majik DSM though ......... as well as your new speakers

If I've read correctly, you're probably sleeping off a very extended music listening binge....... excellent!

ps if if wasn't your post on the Linn DS forum, I do apologise.

You read correctly! *biggrin*

The MDSM/2 is an incremental gain on the MDSM/1 and in my eyes worth it. I tried it with

PMC Twenty 23

PMC Twenty 24

Kudos C20

Kudos Cardea Super 20's

and ended up buying the latter and am utterly blown away with the combination. If you are a Linn fan and after an upgrade then I'd certainly recommend. I am glad I did it and it feels like I have 'come home'. *biggrin*
Wow. You've certainly done the business! Just looked up those speakers and found a review from another magazine. They sound great; revealing and engaging. Am I right in thinking that the presentation of the new Majik DSM is similar?

Your experience in the shop made me smile. I remember visiting the Linn/Naim dealer with my better half a few years back with the intention of auditioning a new Naim integrated amp (can't remember which one now). The Linn Majik DSM had only just been released and I knew nothing about it. However, the retailer just 'happened' to demonstrate it and 'conveniently' couldn't put his hands on the Naim for quite some time. Anyway, to cut a long story short, he finally sealed the deal by demonstrating how the Majik could source virtually anything, including my wife's Iphone. This sealed the deal as she immediately said 'just get it'. Bearing in mind that I was using a squeezebox touch at the time and was only interested (or so I thought) on upgrading my amp, this was quite a sales coup on his part. Never regretted it though. I love the sound of Linn streamers as well as the pairing with ATCs. Now just looking for more of the same which makes your experience so interesting. The Majik DSM/2 beckons.......
The Kudos were, up until yesterday, 'hospital ' speakers to me in as much that anyone who paid that probably needed to be institutionalised. I'm still feeling stupid and pleased within seconds of each other for that very reason. However I consider the reviews of them to be correct - give them a listen if you can.

And yeah I'd also suggest the MDSM/2 complements their signature very well. Up to now I've had rock, metal, jazz and classical on today and there isn't a genre I've tried that I've been disappointed with.

Good luck if you decide to go for it/them. You won't be disappointed and I'd be interested to see what you think.
Did you pay over £4000 for a pair of 22 kg two-way ported speakers with 7 inch mid-bass drivers?
Good. If you didn't pay full retail price and paid something like the current and ongoing second hand value, all you've done is to convert liquid assets (cash) into non liquid assets (speakers).
lindsayt said:
Good. If you didn't pay full retail price and paid something like the current and ongoing second hand value, all you've done is to convert liquid assets (cash) into non liquid assets (speakers).

I paid what I considered they were worth given the fact that, to my ears, they were/are fantastic. Your earlier comment around cost vs quality/spec appeared to imply that they are not worth the expense. They retail at £4400. I'd never pay that for any speaker. I can buy a car for that.
Enjoy your new system, sounds great. What does it matter what you paid? I enjoy listening to music through my system more than driving any car.
ChrisIRL said:
Enjoy your new system, sounds great. What does it matter what you paid? I enjoy listening to music through my system more than driving any car.

Exactly Chris and I plan to do just that. Thanks.
I would never pay the full retail of £4400 for them. Not sure I'd pay 10% of the retail - £440 - for them either (if I were going to keep them and not just sell them on). But it doesn't matter what I think of them. It's what you think of them, Paulq that counts.
lindsayt said:
I would never pay the full retail of £4400 for them. Not sure I'd pay 10% of the retail - £440 - for them either (if I were going to keep them and not just sell them on). But it doesn't matter what I think of them. It's what you think of them, Paulq that counts.

I had picked up that you're not a fan of them earlier.


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