igglebert:shooter69:igglebert:shooter69:igglebert:I think you'd be pushing your luck trying to drive some Neat Momentum 3i with a Naim Uniti!
Not enough current to control both bass units leading to overblown bass. I've not tried but I wouldn't either.
How much current does the Naim produce?
Not sure but the XS manages a peak of 13A and that's a better amp. My gut feeling is that's not enough either. I've never tried it. The other thing is that the Momentum 3i isn't very sensitive making the whole situation worse. 50W isn't a lot for a stand mounting speaker of low sensitivity that manages more bass extension than many floorstanders. Also I suspect the Nait would be too poor quality to justify the Neats.
I've never tried the combo, this is all an educated guess.
Fair comment but i don't think they should be written off, although by all accounts they have been for JD's place. As i put before the guy i bought my Mani's from was running a Naim set up of 50 watts per channel at 8 ohms and those Mani's sounded beautiful indeed and they are a b****. On paper the Neat's are an easier drive and i think in a smallish room with a quality 50 watts like the Naims they should be fine. But as with every thing the should be auditioned before hand because they might not work at all.