OK, some responses.
To drummerman and Ronald Archibald:
Of course I have access to the entire team, and they've already given me suggestions, but I wanted to open it out to the wider forum to see what responses came back - I thought it might make an interesting discussion, and it's brought up at least one suggestion which I hadn't thought of (or had subliminally already dismissed).
To drummerman alone:
By keeper I mean easily driven and widely compatible, thus not limiting my future options when the Uniti has to go back.
To sillyoldman:
Already done that (well, a Fubar and Grado 325), but I want some speakers.
To AE:
Hey, you offered, and I am very grateful.
To Whoever Suggested Quad Electrostatics:
titchy, titchy
adj titchier, titchiest
Brit slang very small; tiny
[from tich or titch a small person, from Little Tich, the stage name of Harry Relph (1867-1928), English actor noted for his small stature]
To whoever suggested ADM9.1s:
Interesting idea, though bit of a waste of a NaimUniti
To Thaiman:
Nice, but slightly too chunky and I suspect difficult to get hold of.
To AEJim:
The Reference 1s were totally off my radar, but might almost fit the brief. Think they might be just that little bit too imposing in the end though.
Otherwise, thus far I think we have it down to Neat Motive 3 (obvious - claimed - Naim compatibility), PMC DB1i (known and loved quantity), an outside bet in the Reference 1, though is quite a bit dearer and less titchy than the main contenders. The intriguing reentry is from the Dali Mentor Menuet, which at least three people have recommended on this thread (including a dealer), but which I'd kind of dismissed back at Bristol, despite it being thoroughly gorgeous, the titchiest here, and stating specifically on the website that they should go on a shelf or wall bracket, not a stand (which encourages me). I shall have to investigate further...