Top notch standmounts

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JohnDuncan:The nice man from Neat just dropped off some Petite SXs because they were taking up too much space in his garage. And out of the box they're somewhat less imposing than I expected...

In the immortal word, Oooo...
JohnDuncan:Tried that for her birthday last year, didn't work

Poor woman, being served birthday cuppa by JD in waffle waitress outfit and Manolos. She was probably traumatised...
JohnDuncan:The nice man from Neat just dropped off some Petite SXs because they were taking up too much space in his garage.

An everyday occurrence for What Hifi folk?

"Yeah. That Paul Stevens just popped round with the first production UnitiQute because it was cluttering up his car."
chebby:"Yeah. That Paul Stevens just popped round with the first production UnitiQute because it was cluttering up his car."

If he did, whoever Paul Stevens is, he must have stolen it from the factory, as I'm not sure there are any 'in the wild' at the moment.

Mind you, I do know one industry PR person whose car boot seems to have almost Tardis-like properties: the answer to 'I don't suppose you've got a...' is almost inevitably affirmative.
Andrew Everard:chebby:"Yeah. That Paul Stevens just popped round with the first production UnitiQute because it was cluttering up his car."
If he did, whoever Paul Stevens is, he must have stolen it from the factory, as I'm not sure there are any 'in the wild' at the moment.

Mind you, I do know one industry PR person whose car boot seems to have almost Tardis-like properties: the answer to 'I don't suppose you've got a...' is almost inevitably affirmative.I have no idea why I wrote Paul Stevens when I should have written Paul Stephenson! (I have read his name often enough and should have known better.)
Hello John,

May I also suggest Guru QM10s. I have them attached to a Uniti and they are a stupendously good match. They should be boxed up and sold together. Their synergy is remarkable.

I was a little wary of their 'landscape' layout, but they're actually quite good-looking in the flesh. I picked up a gloss black pair with customised Atacama stands from An Online Auction House for well under 1k.

I'd previously tried a pair of legacy AE100s which were manifestly out of their depth and then some Leema Xeros which, whilst obviously outstanding speakers in their own right, just weren't a good match. They sounded very buttoned up at low or medium volumes with the Uniti. At one particularly low point I found myself listening to Lenny Kravitz in order to get some air and warmth.

I was a little sad to let the Leemas go as they are brilliant speakers and Leema's customer sevice is astonishing (one of the founders phoned me up and spent half an hour talking over some issues with me after I emailed them. He was also wary of matching them with a Uniti.

But the Gurus are out of this world. They sound huge, liquid and fast with anything you care to throw at them. One of the problems with earlier incarnations of my system was a constant, background awareness of the bit rate of the track I was playing, or toe-in, or acoustic panels or rug position or haruspexy. Thank god that has gone, Now I just hit random and am pleasantly surprised every four minutes.
'Haruspexy' had me Googling.

Still not sure what divination by the inspection of animal entrails has to do with standmount speakers though.

'Rug position' was easier. If it slips over one ear the listener could think there is some channel imbalance.
Hello all. Punchy, perhaps ungracious, response to a first post. I was attempting to be helpful and give John my experience of trying to match speakers to a Uniti. I had been lurking on the forums for a while and a topic came up that I'd personally wrestled with - so I decided it was worthwhile to add my thoughts. Especially since, from a lurker's standpoint, a downside to these forums is a lot of ex-cathedra statements made about hifi components by people who haven't necessarily heard them in combination.

You may take issue with haruspexy - many luckless goats, roosters and chipmunks have. It was an attempt to describe the sense I had that with the Gurus a happy destination had been reached: I was no longer having to indulge in the nefarious dark arts of system tweaking to have a good time.

At the time I was running the Uniti and the Xeros I felt that I had spent a fair amount of money on hifi but my enjoyment of listening to music hadn't risen in tandem with the expenditure. I found myself sitting in the opposite corner of the room glowering at my, like Frankenstein with his monster. I knew it was 'good kit' but my listening was less happy, and only certain bits of my collection sounded good. The Gurus have more or less done away with all that.
Oops. I got backspace happy. If you're wondering what I was glowering at, it was the hifi.
Count Juju:Hello all. Punchy, perhaps ungracious,
response to a first post. I was attempting to be helpful and give John
my experience of trying to match speakers to a Uniti. I had been
lurking on the forums for a while and a topic came up that I'd
personally wrestled with - so I decided it was worthwhile to add my
thoughts. Especially since, from a lurker's standpoint, a downside to
these forums is a lot of ex-cathedra statements made about hifi
components by people who haven't necessarily heard them in combination.

may take issue with haruspexy - many luckless goats, roosters and
chipmunks have. It was an attempt to describe the sense I had that with
the Gurus a happy destination had been reached: I was no longer having
to indulge in the nefarious dark arts of system tweaking to have a good

At the time I was running the Uniti and the Xeros I felt
that I had spent a fair amount of money on hifi but my enjoyment of
listening to music hadn't risen in tandem with the expenditure. I found
myself sitting in the opposite corner of the room glowering at my, like
Frankenstein with his monster. I knew it was 'good kit' but my
listening was less happy, and only certain bits of my collection
sounded good. The Gurus have more or less done away with all

Clearly warming to his theme...
I think I may smell canned luncheon meat: only someone attempting to pretend they're an enthusiastic amateur overwrites quite so flamboyantly...
Well, you all seem like a fun bunch. Is there an initiation ceremony I've missed? I'm a bit bemused.

Would it be better if i just edited my first post and removed the word haruspexy?

The general drive of the post was this:

Uniti + ten year old AE100s. Not good. I should have foreseen this. Perhaps by rummaging about in goat entrails.

Uniti + Leema Xeros - frustratingly unsatisfying through no fault of the components.

Uniti + gurus = happiness.

Count Juju:

Well, you all seem like a fun bunch. Is there an initiation ceremony I've missed? I'm a bit bemused.

Would it be better if i just edited my first post and removed the word haruspexy?

The general drive of the post was this:

Uniti + ten year old AE100s. Not good. I should have foreseen this. Perhaps by rummaging about in goat entrails.

Uniti + Leema Xeros - frustratingly unsatisfying through no fault of the components.

Uniti + gurus = happiness.

Thats better.


I may be an enthusiastic amateur at lots of things - midwifery, weaving, mob justice, hifi, explosive bakery - but I assure you that I'm not trying to appear as one. It happens naturally like tectonic slippage and acne.

Nor am I, despite what you may have read in the popular press, the owner and designer of the Guru Qm10. I wish I were. I believe he's Swedish and can pull off thick-rimmed spectacles.

I'm just a one-armed ex-pirate from Stoke Poges with no forwarding address. We're a pretty big pressure group. Just look at the recent election.

Since I didn't write any funny words and didnt talk about hifi once are we friends now?

Ps: My first hifi, for my 18th birthday (about '96), was bought on WHF recommendations. It was an Arcam Alpha One, an Audio Innovations Alto Amp, and some AE100s. I think the cabling was QED. This lasted until last Dec when I bought a Uniti on WHF recommendations as well. I'm very fond of WHF - I just didn't realise that writing in was so hazardous from a prose composition point of view.
Count Juju:

Uniti + gurus = happiness.

I can't argue with that, I heard the combo twice and both time sounded very very good to my ears BUT them flashing light above tweeters look rather cheap and silly imo.
Hello Thaiman,

Yes. It's a bit odd. I'm not sure whether those lights are practically useful or not. Interestingly, today I tidied up a bit and plugged the Uniti directly into the mains. Previously it had gone through a Tacima block. The lights now come on about 4-6 notches earlier than they did before.

Obviously I hadn't spent my Saturday's taking notes, but they used to come on when the volume was at mid 60s (Uniti volume is 0-100) and on a Fourtet track they went mental at 59. And something from In Rainbows did the same thing to them.

I've no idea what this means as I'm hopeless at physics but I'm reporting it nonetheless.
Count Juju:Yes. It's a bit odd. I'm not sure whether those lights are practically useful or not. Interestingly, today I tidied up a bit and plugged the Uniti directly into the mains. Previously it had gone through a Tacima block. The lights now come on about 4-6 notches earlier than they did before.
Obviously I hadn't spent my Saturday's taking notes, but they used to come on when the volume was at mid 60s (Uniti volume is 0-100) and on a Fourtet track they went mental at 59. And something from In Rainbows did the same thing to them.

I've no idea what this means as I'm hopeless at physics but I'm reporting it nonetheless.

In the rather eccentric instructions (with great 1950s style graphics) it states...

"The LED on the front of the QM10 indicates that the power feeding the speakers,
compared with a pre programmed curve for audible distortion in the range
30 - 5000 Hz, is too high. If the LED lights it may still sound perfectly fine, but
we cannot guarantee an optimal distortion free reproduction, and we advise you
to turn the volume down."

So if the lights now come on at 59 instead of 65 then turn it down a bit.
Hi Chebby,

That manual is cracking. It tells you to buy nice curtains and low tables and a bear skin rug. I know that they come on to indicate that they're being over-driven. I was just remarking that since they've been plugged into the mains (rather than through the tacima) the lights seem to come on much earlier than normal. The only other time I remember seeing them was the first day I had them when I was messing around to find out when they came on. And then again when my brother came round to hear them. And perhaps one more time when I was making sure the first two times weren't a hallucination.

Anyway, they came on a bit sooner than normal and I suppose the only logical difference is that there's no Tacima in the chain.

Incidentally, i plugged my knackered tv and digibox into the tacima instead and reception seems to have improved.
Kudos C10. If they are better than the C2, which they should be, then they have to be in the mix.
Count Juju,

I would just like to say that I have enjoyed reading your posts. They have made me chuckle!
