The Devialet thread

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DocG said:
Isn't a 250 (formerly known as 240) + 250 Slave the same as the 800 (formerly known as 500)?

Yes, so no real change there.

It's the introduction of the 200 Slave that's really exciting. A 200 + 200 Slave gives you nearly the same performance as the old D-Premier dual or the 500. But for half the price. :O
Latest news about firmware update 7.0.

Apparently the USB port will become bi-directional, allowing recording of vinyl via USB direct to a PC without the need for a soundcard. A bit of a minority interest, I think, though it'll help me with something I've been working on lately, viz. using Audiodiffmaker downstream of the Dev to analyse performance of upstream electronics, such as digital sources, power supplies and (yes, you guessed it) mains cables. :O

Of more interest to me, the iOS remote app will be upgraded with more functions. I hope this will give the iOS app all the functions that the remote currently has. Now that would be really useful ...


That is good news again! Thanks for sharing, Matt.

I bet your inside man who leaks these sneak previews doesn't come cheap (though you can spread the cost, which you can't with a crystal ball). 🙂
Hi Guys,

Its certainly an exciting time to be a Devialet owner with the updates coming thick and fast at the moment, can't wait to get out to Munich next week to have a chat with the guys about everything that is going on, look forward to playing with the rumoured new Ipad app also.

I have to say that the new 400 now looks like to be the sweet spot in the range, especially as you can just go with a 200 to get started then can add a slave in the future, makes a lot more sense to me than a single 250. Below is an explanation of the new line-up -

Now that I have had my demo models for a month or so I have really become quite taken by the Devilaet range, I really didn't know what to expect but I have done several demo's now with various models and speaker combo's and they really are impossible to fault, they look great, offer a very detailed sound but with a enough warmth to keep things from becoming sterile, contant free upgrades and a great upgrade path now, whats not to like.

For anyone who is interested, just after Munich on June 7th we are having a Devialet open day if anyone would like to pop along.

Anyway once I'm back from Munich I'll post what I found out, still want to find out if DNLA streaming is on the cards eventually.
I would definately recommend that you have a demo and see what you think.

Maybe your local dealer will let you try a 110 at home so that you can compare directly with your speakers and in your room, be interesting in your thoughts.
I agree with Paul. I haven't heard the Plinius or Chord, so couldn't venture a view, but a home demo would be well worth doing.

There are now quite a few Devialet dealers in the UK (assuming that's where you live).


I have been “hovering” on the outskirts of this Forum for a couple of weeks, and have read the posts with great interest.

I have been interested in the Devialet for a few months now and have managed to home demo both the 240 and 170. I was very impressed with the sound quality of both the units – detail a plenty, and a very transparent presentation from a silent “black” background. The ability of both the Units to separate instruments, and voices, and accurately place them in the sound stage was awesome and I can understand many of the very +ve comments made by those Posters lucky enough to own a Devialet (of whatever size). Ultimately, I found that the 240 gave me better control over my speakers - Wilson-Benesch ACT1 - and, to my ears, a wider, deeper sound stage, but there was very little in it. I had been ready to push the button on a purchase, but wanted one last listen to be absolutely sure, but s*ds law dictates that my dealers “loaner” is now out on demo and he has pushed off to Munich for the Show! Anyway I will now have to wait another week or so before going firm! Now, of course I am on the horns of a dilemma, because I hear that the 170 has an increase in Power to 200 so comes close to the 240 (now250, I believe), so will it now give the additional control over my speakers that the original 240 gave, but at a vastly reduced cost? I also hear that the 200 will also be joined by a “slave” 200 Unit which will give it dual amp capability a la 500 (or new 800). It had not been my intention to double up on the 240, as the solo Unit gave me adequate power to drive my speakers to stupid levels in my listening room (plus it would have been too expensive), but a dual 200, at a more sensible outlay (about the cost of a single 240), has a certain attraction! I suppose that I will have to await my dealers return from his Munich jaunt and talk to him – assume that he will have a lot more info from Devialet, who will also be at the show. Understand that all these new power ratings, and software upgrades, including the much trumpeted SAM are to be officially launched at Munich this week. I may have to re demo both the latest 200 and 250 to be sure I am making the right choice, after all I think that this will be the end of my upgrade line (but never say never!!). As a bit of a softener, whilst I wait, I would appreciate some feedback from those of you who have Devialets, and have upgraded using the 7.0 Beta firmware download ( I think that this is the one that ups the Power) regarding the differences (actual or perceived) it has made. I suppose I am more interested in the 170 to 200 upgrade, and any real difference the increase in power makes to controlling speakers.

My voyage through the rocky waters towards hi fi Nirvana has been long and tortuous! My system is now mainly digitally based (although I still use a turntable with MC Cartridge, and listen to vinyl, hence the need for either the 170(200) or 240(250)). I have a Wyred4Sound Music Server (more of that later) playing via USB into a W4S DAC2 DSDse (with Femto clock upograde) playing balanced XLR into an Audio Research Ref5, playing balanced into a Chord Electronics 1200c (modded to 1200E standard), into afore mentioned Wilson- Benesch ACT1. I have also retained my Theta Jade CD Transport, which also plays AES/EBU into the W4S DAC, for emergency back- up. The existing sound is smooth and detailed, but lacks something in transparency and imaging. The Devialets gave this transparency, and imaging in spades!

Now I know that Matt had been searching for a new digital front end, and wonder whether he had thought about the W4S Music Server – there are 2 versions, 1TB & 2TB available – link here The beauty of the W4S Music Server is that it is designed to deal with music and can store high def files including DSD64 & DSD128 and you can rip CDs direct ito the Server . A copy of the manual is at . I used the MS, via USB, direct into the Devialet with no problem and controlled my music using my iThing with Mpad app.

Sorry to have gone on so!
Hi David,

Good to hear from you, and welcome to the forum!

The first thing I’d say is that my overall experience of owning a Devialet has been fantastic. Amazing SQ (you know all about this!) and no glitches at all.

Your main question is about the 7.0 firmware. I couldn’t put my hand on my heart and say it gives a substantial sonic boost to the 170/200, but then I’m fairly cautious in these things and tend not to be very confident in my judgements, especially when I know that the technical differences are small. I do think there’s been an improvement though; as with all things, it’ll depend on the interaction of the amp with your particular speakers.

My case is also slightly unusual. My speakers (Martin Logan Montis) aren’t often paired with Devialet, though I think the combo is very good. One thing that makes them unrepresentative is that they have active subs that do all the work below 350Hz, so the Devialet isn’t having to work to push out bass.

On the other hand, the ‘static panel is a very demanding drive, as its impedance drops to 0.5 ohms at 20kHz. Many amps get stressed by this and tend to distort as the impedance drops at higher frequencies. (Lots of people use valves with MLs, partly because of the high current that valves put out, and partly because valves tend to slope down at high frequencies, which mitigates the huge HF energy that the MLs’ panels produce.)

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I do think the firmware upgrade has given the Devialet a little bit extra. It was great before; it’s still great, and maybe an ounce or two better.

I agree with you that the 250 now makes little sense, unless you really think you’re likely to upgrade to an 800, and it sounds like you don’t. The sonic distance between the 250 and the 200 is fairly small (as you’ve found out with the 170 and 240), but the price difference is huge, and as you say, the new 200 Slave would give you 400W for the same price as the 250. I doubt I’ll buy a 200 Slave; on the other hand, I think I might give one a demo sometime next year, and then who knows?

I’m not a vinyl user. I’ve been thinking idly about buying a TT, and I did recently have a Michell Orbe SE on home demo for 10 days. It had a Sumiko Blackbird MC fitted. I thought the sound was superb. Other Devialet owners with vinyl systems speak very highly of the Devialet’s phono stage.

Thanks for the tip about the W4S Music Server. I’ll look into that. My preferred source at the moment is a Synology NAS via USB. I’ve also tried connecting the NAS via Ethernet and controlling it from my iPad. I couldn’t tell any difference sonically between the two. USB sounds great!


Hi Matt,

Many thanks for your response. I know that my question was a bit like "how long is a piece of string" but the views of someone who has already been there is always useful background. I take your point about your speakers being a special case, but I am hoping that the extra 30 watts of power will give me the sort of control I need with my speakers which on the face of it should be easy to drive, but are quite power hungry! I think that I need to try the 170 again in its new 200 guise, after all the difference in cost between it and the 240 (250) is very significant!

Re the use of TT, I did use mine as part of my demo with excellent results - I have a Voyd TT with Audio Technica AT OC 9 MC Cartridge and the Devialet configurator allowed me to set it up in an easy fashion. I actually think that it equalled, or bettered my existing phono stage. I do not think anyone would have a problem using vinyl with the Dev unless they had a really outstanding phono stage.

Yes do have a look at the W4S Music Server. Happy to give you more info if you wish - they are available in the UK via Item Audio - link

Loads going on on the Dev front at the moment.

The Devialet website was updated yesterday, and the 7.1 firmware is now official, as is AIR 2.1.2.

Amid all the excitement about the power output upgrades, perhaps the most important improvement has been lost sight of. AIR is now much more robust, and in particular the start-up routine for AIR is properly automatic, with no fiddling. My system is now going over to AIR via ethernet, controlled from my iPad. It'll take a couple of hours to update my library; I'll report back.

SAM (Speaker Active Matching) has gone live. Devialet are encouraging owners to vote for the speakers they'd like to be SAMed. These are the rules:

In order to determine which speakers will benefit from the exclusive SAM technology, Devialet organizes a worldwide voting campaign: choose the first speakers to take advantage of the Devialet expertise.

The number of votes a model receives determines in which order it will pass in the Devialet laboratories/in the hands of Devialet’s engineers.

Furthermore, to figure on the list of the future SAM compatible speakers, a speaker has to receive at least 50 votes. In order to vote and to be kept informed of the results of the campaign, each participant has to register himself with his e-mail address.

There will be quite a few owners whose speakers have already been SAMed. What's the betting some money changes hands to secure their votes?


Devialet is interesting.

What exactly is SAM?

I understand it is a DSP system which corrects amplitude (and phase?) in the range up to 150 Hz (?) based on speaker response profile provided to Devialet by the speaker manufacturer? Have I got it right?

Is there any published info on what it actually does?

Any before/after measurements?
Yes, you've got it: adjustment of output voltage by frequency, and phase correction, up to 150Hz.

My understanding is that Devialet measure the speakers themselves, perhaps in collaboration with the manufacturers. Certainly Devialet have recruited lots of engineers recently, and they claim to be spending 80% of the company's income on R&D.

TBH there isn't much detailed information out there. The website isn't very forthcoming:

I'm not aware of any measurements. It may be that more emerges this weekend during the Munich show.

matt49 said:
Yes, you've got it: adjustment of output voltage by frequency, and phase correction, up to 150Hz.

My understanding is that Devialet measure the speakers themselves, perhaps in collaboration with the manufacturers. Certainly Devialet have recruited lots of engineers recently, and they claim to be spending 80% of the company's income on R&D.

TBH there isn't much detailed information out there. The website isn't very forthcoming:

I'm not aware of any measurements. It may be that more emerges this weekend during the Munich show.


That's brilliant! On the webpage you link to, it even says: "phase alignment over the full spectrum". It's like a built-in DEQX-processor!

And I was already tempted by a pair of LS50s, new at 25% off. Need to talk to my wife tonight...

DocG said:
That's brilliant! On the webpage you link to, it even says: "phase alignment over the full spectrum". It's like a built-in DEQX-processor!

Ah, hadn't spotted that: very promising indeed.

DocG said:
And I was already tempted by a pair of LS50s, new at 25% off. Need to talk to my wife tonight...


Now that's an interesting one. What will SAM do to the bass response of the LS50s? I think we need to know. Soon. Any plans for the weekend?

DocG said:
That's brilliant! On the webpage you link to, it even says: "phase alignment over the full spectrum". It's like a built-in DEQX-processor!

Ah, hadn't spotted that: very promising indeed.

DocG said:
And I was already tempted by a pair of LS50s, new at 25% off. Need to talk to my wife tonight...


Now that's an interesting one. What will SAM do to the bass response of the LS50s? I think we need to know. Soon. Any plans for the weekend?

matt49 said:
DocG said:
That's brilliant! On the webpage you link to, it even says: "phase alignment over the full spectrum". It's like a built-in DEQX-processor!

Ah, hadn't spotted that: very promising indeed.

DocG said:
And I was already tempted by a pair of LS50s, new at 25% off. Need to talk to my wife tonight...


Now that's an interesting one. What will SAM do to the bass response of the LS50s? I think we need to know. Soon. Any plans for the weekend?


Well, yes! I'm on call in the hospital... :wall:
Brit said:
I think that I need to try the 170 again in its new 200 guise, after all the difference in cost between it and the 240 (250) is very significant!

Remarkable change on the Devialet website: the 240/250 is no longer mentioned in the line-up, just the 120, 200, 400 and 800. So they clearly suggest the 400 as the alternative. I wonder if you could still start with a 250 and add a slave when funds permit c.q. upgraditis strikes.
DocG said:
And I was already tempted by a pair of LS50s, new at 25% off. Need to talk to my wife tonight...

I'll make you a small bet - put the LS50s on solid / filled stands, and it might just delay the need for expensive speakers (for a while)....they are that good, (and should sound wonderful with the Devialet)!
DocG said:
Brit said:
I think that I need to try the 170 again in its new 200 guise, after all the difference in cost between it and the 240 (250) is very significant!

Remarkable change on the Devialet website: the 240/250 is no longer mentioned in the line-up, just the 120, 200, 400 and 800. So they clearly suggest the 400 as the alternative. I wonder if you could still start with a 250 and add a slave when funds permit c.q. upgraditis strikes.

You can still buy a single 250, but Devialet have said they won't market the 250 on the website, as they recognise that very few people will buy it, except those thinking of it as a stepping stone towards the full 800.

In other Devialet news ...

I've now got a stable configuration using iTunes over ethernet, controlled from my iPad. Yes, I know it isn't difficult to do, but before the AIR 2.1.2 upgrade I was irritated by the Dev's tendency to "forget" the ethernet connection when my laptop wasn't in use, as well as the rather fiddly handshaking when I logged on again. Thigs are much more user-friendly now.

I plan to move towards a better media player than iTunes, maybe JRiver. And that should be my final destination, unless I decide to go wireless.

In the meantime I'll do a few comparative SQ trials: ethernet vs USB. It ought to be a dead heat.

CnoEvil said:
DocG said:
And I was already tempted by a pair of LS50s, new at 25% off. Need to talk to my wife tonight...

I'll make you a small bet - put the LS50s on solid / filled stands, and it might just delay the need for expensive speakers (for a while)....they are that good, (and should sound wonderful with the Devialet)!

Cno, you can read my mind! 😱 Or did you lay your hands on a crystal ball like Matt's?
DocG said:
CnoEvil said:
DocG said:
And I was already tempted by a pair of LS50s, new at 25% off. Need to talk to my wife tonight...

I'll make you a small bet - put the LS50s on solid / filled stands, and it might just delay the need for expensive speakers (for a while)....they are that good, (and should sound wonderful with the Devialet)!

Cno, you can read my mind! 😱 Or did you lay your hands on a crystal ball like Matt's?

Where do you think Matt got his from! :shifty:

Look forward to your thoughts.
CnoEvil said:
DocG said:
CnoEvil said:
DocG said:
And I was already tempted by a pair of LS50s, new at 25% off. Need to talk to my wife tonight...

I'll make you a small bet - put the LS50s on solid / filled stands, and it might just delay the need for expensive speakers (for a while)....they are that good, (and should sound wonderful with the Devialet)!

Cno, you can read my mind! 😱 Or did you lay your hands on a crystal ball like Matt's?

Where do you think Matt got his from! :shifty:

Look forward to your thoughts.

Just ordered the KEFs! Wife's out with the kids. So I couldn't ask her opinion yet... But I couldn't take the risk of some one else being first, or could I? Sure she'll understand! Well, rather sure... Yeah, she might... Luckily, I hadn't told her about the Duettes in Rotterdam yet, or about the Beolab9s, or the Aerial Acoustics I found on that second hand site *! She would think it's a whim, while in fact it's an opportunity!


EDIT: * or the ex-demo Anthony Gallo Strada 2s, I informed about this morning!


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