The Devialet thread

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DocG said:
Just ordered the KEFs! Wife's out with the kids. So I couldn't ask her opinion yet... But I couldn't take the risk of some one else being first, or could I? Sure she'll understand! Well, rather sure... Yeah, she might... Luckily, I hadn't told her about the Duettes in Rotterdam yet, or about the Beolab9s, or the Aerial Acoustics I found on that second hand site *! She would think it's a whim, while in fact it's an opportunity!


EDIT: * or the ex-demo Anthony Gallo Strada 2s, I informed about this morning!

If the LS50s hit the spot, then the Ref 1s are the obvious upgrade from there.

(There's nothing like good forward planning 😉 )
CnoEvil said:
DocG said:
Just ordered the KEFs! Wife's out with the kids. So I couldn't ask her opinion yet... But I couldn't take the risk of some one else being first, or could I? Sure she'll understand! Well, rather sure... Yeah, she might... Luckily, I hadn't told her about the Duettes in Rotterdam yet, or about the Beolab9s, or the Aerial Acoustics I found on that second hand site *! She would think it's a whim, while in fact it's an opportunity!


EDIT: * or the ex-demo Anthony Gallo Strada 2s, I informed about this morning!

If the LS50s hit the spot, then the Ref 1s are the obvious upgrade from there.

(There's nothing like good forward planning 😉 )

Thanks, Cno! The LS50s are way below the price range I had been auditioning these past months, so I was a little confused when you supported that option... Your task is to make me spend more! But now it all makes sense again! 😉
DocG said:
Thanks, Cno! The LS50s are way below the price range I had been auditioning these past months, so I was a little confused when you supported that option... Your task is to make me spend more! But now it all makes sense again! 😉

:shifty: :silenced:
DocG said:
Just ordered the KEFs! Wife's out with the kids. So I couldn't ask her opinion yet... But I couldn't take the risk of some one else being first, or could I? Sure she'll understand! Well, rather sure... Yeah, she might... Luckily, I hadn't told her about the Duettes in Rotterdam yet, or about the Beolab9s, or the Aerial Acoustics I found on that second hand site *! She would think it's a whim, while in fact it's an opportunity!


EDIT: * or the ex-demo Anthony Gallo Strada 2s, I informed about this morning!

That's the dream! To have different speakers to use with different genres / mood and it looks like you are almost there :cheer:

After reading the new Devialet profiles matching speakers (SAM), it is really tempting to do the listed speakers (especially the Sonus Faber 2.5). If I had not gone the Lab9 route, I would have put this combination (Devialet 120 + Sonus Faber 2.5) on top list. In theory this sounds like match made in heaven :cheers:
WishTree said:
After reading the new Devialet profiles matching speakers (SAM), it is really tempting to do the listed speakers (especially the Sonus Faber 2.5). If I had not gone the Lab9 route, I would have put this combination (Devialet 120 + Sonus Faber 2.5) on top list. In theory this sounds like match made in heaven :cheers:

I've looked into the different room-correction systems before (Lyngdorf, DEQX, Antimode, ...), and as I understand it getting phase and timing of the drivers (or even of the frequencies) right is the major part of the job. And that's exactly what SAM does. So I'm really curious indeed!

I haven't heard the Veneres yet, but the Olympica I was not really to my taste. I think the choice in SAM-able speakers might get a whole lot wider in the months to come though!
DocG said:
Thanks, Cno! The LS50s are way below the price range I had been auditioning these past months, so I was a little confused when you supported that option... Your task is to make me spend more! But now it all makes sense again! 😉

In case it's of interest, here is the latest article in Stereophile:
DocG said:
I think the choice in SAM-able speakers might get a whole lot wider in the months to come though!

This is what I mean (picture from the Devialet blog in Munich):


"200+ Models Available Soon". I can read Audio Physic, Vandersteen, Thiel, Spendor, TAD, Bowers & Wilkins, KEF, Klipsch, Proac, Rega, Ruark, PSB, Polk Audio, PMC speakers, Linn, Lyngdorf, Koda, Waterfall, Kharma, T+A, Mulidine, Energy, Mordaunt Short, Penaudio, Eltax and Boston Acoustics. And I'm not sure, but think I can also read: ELAC, Monitor Audio, Acoustic Energy, Audiovector, Tannoy, Mirage. And only half the wall is on the picture! And Wilson Audio, Atohm, Sonus Faber and Magico were confirmed before.

Those Devialet engineers are being busy apparently... 🙂
DocG said:
I've looked into the different room-correction systems before (Lyngdorf, DEQX, Antimode, ...), and as I understand it getting phase and timing of the drivers (or even of the frequencies) right is the major part of the job. And that's exactly what SAM does. So I'm really curious indeed!

I haven't heard the Veneres yet, but the Olympica I was not really to my taste. I think the choice in SAM-able speakers might get a whole lot wider in the months to come though!

It'll be interesting to see how quickly they move. So far there seem to be 10 SAM-ready speakers. I suspect the web page is already out of date, and I don't know how often they update it: I doubt it's in real time.

From my POV it's interesting to see that a few Martin Logan models have received votes, despite the fact that some of these have active subs which presumably can't benefit from SAM. But maybe the phase alignment of the 'static panel will bring benefits.

Here's a tactical quandary. The ML Summit X have received 5 votes, whereas my speakers (Montis) have received none. The two speakers have the same 'static panel. Should I vote for the Summit X (which looks more likely to become SAM-ready) or the Montis?


As I read them, the rules for SAM voting seem not to require that you actually own a Devialet. You just have to register with an e-mail address. I wonder what Devialet will do about "suspicious" voting patterns, e.g. 50 votes from people with B&W company email accounts ...
matt49 said:
Here's a tactical quandary. The ML Summit X have received 5 votes, whereas my speakers (Montis) have received none. The two speakers have the same 'static panel. Should I vote for the Summit X (which looks more likely to become SAM-ready) or the Montis.

Let me know what you go for, and I'll back you up there :type: (but you need at least 50 votes to get the Dev engineers going...)

As for the ML's powered woofer, I think even here a modulated signal can (and will) have impact on the result. SAM just has to take the ML amplifier characteristics into the equation (just like a DEQX does), but the phase, timing and frequency response can be altered here too. No?
Strolling through the Devialet website, I just discovered something new (for me). :bounce: Apparently the 120 (formerly known as 110) can now be equipped with a mono/stereo pre-amplified out, using an optional card (not sure it's retrofittable, but I suppose it is...). So adding a subwoofer or using my amp with headphones is suddenly within reach! No urge at the moment, but it's so good to know it'll be possible if needed! :cheer:
DocG said:
Let me know what you go for, and I'll back you up there :type: (but you need at least 50 votes to get the Dev engineers going...)

That's very kind. Maybe I should try to canvass votes on the forum. I could start a thread: 'Help me out! Vote Montis for Sam!'

DocG said:
As for the ML's powered woofer, I think even here a modulated signal can (and will) have impact on the result. SAM just has to take the ML amplifier characteristics into the equation (just like a DEQX does), but the phase, timing and frequency response can be altered here too. No?

I'm not sure I understand how any effect would get through the subs' amps, which contain their own DSP. But you understand this better than I do.

matt49 said:
DocG said:
As for the ML's powered woofer, I think even here a modulated signal can (and will) have impact on the result. SAM just has to take the ML amplifier characteristics into the equation (just like a DEQX does), but the phase, timing and frequency response can be altered here too. No?

I'm not sure I understand how any effect would get through the subs' amps, which contain their own DSP. But you understand this better than I do.


I might see this too simplistic. But in my understanding the Devialet's DSP corrects (in advance) for the 'aberrations' (phase, timing, frequency response, amplitude) that will take place in the speaker (due to the crossover, or the drivers themselves, or what have you). SAM cannot take the room into account, cos it doesn't know the room (obviously). But if the signal is modified through SAM, anticipating what will happen 'downstream', I don't see why it couldn't take the bass amplification - and even the sub's DSP - into account. It's a known, that can be measured in the lab, and for which an algorythm can be calculated. And the signal goes from the Dev, through speaker wire to the MLs (XO --> panel and sub [DSP-amp-driver/s]).Of course the parameters that you can change manually in the sub are beyond SAM's control.

I'm more skeptical about the effect it can have for a Quad ESL for example, because those don't have a XO that can mess with the signal in the first place...

But as I said: I might see this too simplistic...
matt49 said:
It'll be interesting to see how quickly they move. So far there seem to be 10 SAM-ready speakers. I suspect the web page is already out of date, and I don't know how often they update it: I doubt it's in real time.

Well, I was quite wrong about that. The page is being updated in real time, and the Montis is doing well: it already has 10 votes, which is the best of all the ML models.

With the help of friends and family and forum members, I reckon we can get up to 50 votes within a week or so.

This is the web page:

Please vote for the Martin Logan Montis!


Now this is interesting. The SF Cremona Auditor Ms have 50 votes and have passed the SAM threshold.

You'll remember I had problems with the Devialet overdriving the bass ports on my Cremonas. If SAM works as well as Devialet claim, SAM should sort this problem out.

I think the Cremonas (which I haven't sold yet) might be staying a bit longer.


matt49 said:
From my POV it's interesting to see that a few Martin Logan models have received votes, despite the fact that some of these have active subs which presumably can't benefit from SAM. But maybe the phase alignment of the 'static panel will bring benefits.

ESL panels in your spekaers cover everything from 350Hz up to limits of audibility. by definition a single driver can't be out-of-phase with itself so SAM can't bring any improvement there, if we're considering adjusting for acoustical phase alignment in multi-driver speakers.

the only but here is that 350Hz point. however, as it was already noted Montises already use a DSP engine which aim is to equalize for driver nonlinearities as well as for proper integration (aka acoustic phase alignment, but also THD control) with the ESL panel (yes I aknow all that because I was quite interested with Martin Logan's products and I know they use very technical approach in designing their spakers). but you could already hear the reults of implementation of this DSP matt, when you were comparing fully passive Logans with your Montises. al in all I can't see how Devialet's SAM could improove on Devialet - Martin Lgan Montis performance, knowing now a little what this SAM is meant to be adjusting for. a custom room correction is another story but that's what SAM is not doing, if I'm not mistaken.
Oldric, I hear what you say, and I have nothing to add.

My initial thought was that SAM would add nothing to the Devialet-Montis combo. But there's no harm in posing the question to Devialet.

It'll be interesting to see how Devialet respond, assuming the Montis get 50 votes.


Devialet have changed the SAM voting threshold from 50 to 100 votes.

Obviously they have seen through my cunning plan. Drat and double drat!

> |(

matt49 said:
Devialet have changed the SAM voting threshold from 50 to 100 votes.

Obviously they have seen through my cunning plan. Drat and double drat!

> |(


There goes my hope to get the LEEDH E2 SAM-ready (should I like them after the demo)... It's still stuck at 7 votes at the moment...

And what about all those Magico and B&W models that are "SAM-soon" with a mere fifty-something voices?

Time to change gear, Matt! You're not a quitter! Enter the friends and family! :type:

EDIT: there you go. My friend Peter has - how shall I put this? - a rather limited interest in those things hifi. Doesn't stop him from voting Montis! All's fair in love and hifi!
Cheers, Doc! Please thank your friend Peter from me.

I think Devialet have made a mistake here. By raising the bar to 100 votes, they have taken SAM out of the reach of many people with less popular speakers -- e.g. the LEEDH E2. Why bother to vote if the bar is so high?

Of course (to quote Cno) I could be wrong.




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