maxflinn:plastic penguin:maxflinn:
i love having fun tarq , but i love a smooth , crisp , warm open sound , the one thing i desire from my sound above all else is seperation , some complex tracks just sound a bit cluttered at the moment , and in whfis review of the rx6s they do say the only negative point is ..
"In fact, the only real shortcoming this test has exposed is a slight reluctance to organise complex recordings quite as martially as is ideal."
now im sure that was only a small issue , the speakers are great and i love em , listening to nina simone as i type and she sounds luvverrlyy , but i do want an amp that above all helps to seperate the music ..
over to you guys again
As regards the RX6 shortcomings, not a problem. Any speaker, amp, CDP,TT etc etc... at any price will demonstrate deficiencies. Nothing is perfect. I hope you're not setting unrealistic goals?
Arcam "pipe and slippers"? these comments are usually commented by people who don't have a clue about Arcam. At least they don't charge you several hundred pounds for a remote. If you buy into Denson that's pretty much the size of it...
not sure about unrealistic goals pp , maybe , i feel my room accoustics need working on for a start , and its obvious my speakers are in a different class to my cdp/amp ..
so yes im looking to improve , the thing is ive never heard my speakers with a more powerful/better amp , until i do i wont know whats what , which is why the 2nd hand road may be the best , i should get some answers without too much financial risk ..
I've heard Bryston system with Wilson Benesch speakers that sounded great, but for all it's qualities, wasn't perfect. Some friends of ours have a 10K B&O system which has deficiencies. My point is that an insignificant shortfall in an otherwise fabulous speaker isn't unreasonable. Hi-fi, regardless of price, is a compromise.