Can somebody give me some advice on replacing my replacing my standard Naim Din interconnect, which comes with the Naim CD5i CD Player, with a van den Hul D102 III HB interconnect. My set up is as follows: B&W 805s loudspeakers, Naim Nait 5i, Naim CD5i CD player, Naim Din interconnect and QED XT400 speaker cables.
I can get the van den Hul cables with a large discount (50%) and was wondering if it makes sense to replace the standard Naim Din interconnect or not?
Please some advice before I make a 'mistake'.
Can somebody give me some advice on replacing my replacing my standard Naim Din interconnect, which comes with the Naim CD5i CD Player, with a van den Hul D102 III HB interconnect. My set up is as follows: B&W 805s loudspeakers, Naim Nait 5i, Naim CD5i CD player, Naim Din interconnect and QED XT400 speaker cables.
I can get the van den Hul cables with a large discount (50%) and was wondering if it makes sense to replace the standard Naim Din interconnect or not?
Please some advice before I make a 'mistake'.