QED or Van den Hul for Exposure 3010S2 with Tannoy XT6F


New member
Sep 19, 2015
I was looking at these two brands for speakercable and interconnect.

Van den Hul D102 with Van den Hul D352 speakercable Or

QED reference audio 40 with QED XT 40 speakercable.
loneranger said:
I was looking at these two brands for speakercable and interconnect.

Van den Hul D102 with Van den Hul D352 speakercable Or

QED reference audio 40 with QED XT 40 speakercable.

Either would do a decent job, depends on what colour you like best I guess.

Personally I'd opt for the cheaper QED and spend the difference on more music.
Al ears said:
loneranger said:
I was looking at these two brands for speakercable and interconnect.

Van den Hul D102 with Van den Hul D352 speakercable Or

QED reference audio 40 with QED XT 40 speakercable.

Either would do a decent job, depends on what colour you like best I guess.

Personally I'd opt for the cheaper QED and spend the difference on more music.

Sounds good. Are you of the opinion the interconnects and speaker cable are not overly relevant as long as they are well made?
muljao said:
Sounds good. Are you of the opinion the interconnects and speaker cable are not overly relevant as long as they are well made?

There is nothing mysterious about wire, particularly speaker wire.

Like all passive components, it has capacitance, inductance and resistance. For the relatively short cable runs in home HiFi systems, and the relatively low frequencies of baseband audio, a bit of GCSE circuit analysis shows that it is really only resistance that matters. It bit of GCSE physics shows that for copper cables, resistance is directly proportional to cable length and inversely proportional to cable thickness.

So, if you are comparing wire, then any well made speaker wire of decent construction will sound the same as any other speaker wire of decent construction for the same length and thickness.

If you want to make an improvement to your system, then keep the cable runs as short as is possible, and use decent thickness cable - for shortish runs anything over 2.5mm/sq cross sectional area should be fine. If you have some fancy amp that could double up as an arc welder, or you can't avoid long runs of cable (say 5M plus) then 4mm/sq cross sectional area is probably a good idea.
andyjm said:
muljao said:
Sounds good. Are you of the opinion the interconnects and speaker cable are not overly relevant as long as they are well made?

There is nothing mysterious about wire, particularly speaker wire.

Like all passive components, it has capacitance, inductance and resistance. For the relatively short cable runs in home HiFi systems, and the relatively low frequencies of baseband audio, a bit of GCSE circuit analysis shows that it is really only resistance that matters. It bit of GCSE physics shows that for copper cables, resistance is directly proportional to cable length and inversely proportional to cable thickness.

So, if you are comparing wire, then any well made speaker wire of decent construction will sound the same as any other speaker wire of decent construction for the same length and thickness.

If you want to make an improvement to your system, then keep the cable runs as short as is possible, and use decent thickness cable - for shortish runs anything over 2.5mm/sq cross sectional area should be fine. If you have some fancy amp that could double up as an arc welder, or you can't avoid long runs of cable (say 5M plus) then 4mm/sq cross sectional area is probably a good idea.

Thanks. Good info to have
muljao said:
Al ears said:
loneranger said:
I was looking at these two brands for speakercable and interconnect.

Van den Hul D102 with Van den Hul D352 speakercable Or

QED reference audio 40 with QED XT 40 speakercable.

Either would do a decent job, depends on what colour you like best I guess.

Personally I'd opt for the cheaper QED and spend the difference on more music.

Sounds good. Are you of the opinion the interconnects and speaker cable are not overly relevant as long as they are well made?

Not really, I believe than can make very subtle changes in some systems but wouldn't pay the earth for a cable and expect miracles.

Yes they need to be well made with good quality connections.
loneranger said:
Can you say that these Van den Hul have a warmer sound than the Qed?.

No, as I haven't heard the QED's in question. I would imagine they are both fairly neutral. See if you can get some on loan from a dealer possibly. Beware of where you buy the VdH from if you opt for these as there appears to be a few fake ones on the market.


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