RCA Interconnects- worthwhile upgrading?

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Where do I say that a £50 cable will improve sound?

I said that I don't care how much you or anyone else spends on their cables as long as they are happy. My only add is that cable spend should be proportionate to the spend on the system.

If I want to treat my self to some different cable for my system then I am free to do so, it's not a scam, it's not daylight robbery, its about choice. I'm not spending your money I'm spending my money.

Your comment highlights exactly what is wrong with these cable debates, in too many people's eyes spending more than absolutely nothing is wasted money.

Oh, one last thing, please don't call me buddy.
Yes, that's what your suggesting, that you will hear a difference between cheap and expensive cables.

"If we don't believe that there is a benefit in better cabling then is there a benefit in upgrading any part of a hifi system," Quote Oxfordian.
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Where do I say that a £50 cable will improve sound?

I said that I don't care how much you or anyone else spends on their cables as long as they are happy. My only add is that cable spend should be proportionate to the spend on the system.

If I want to treat my self to some different cable for my system then I am free to do so, it's not a scam, it's not daylight robbery, its about choice. I'm not spending your money I'm spending my money.

Your comment highlights exactly what is wrong with these cable debates, in too many people's eyes spending more than absolutely nothing is wasted money.

Oh, one last thing, please don't call me buddy.
Correct, you can spend whatever you like, no one is saying you can't. As for a proportional spend I wouldn't agree as I'm not sucked-in by the pseudo-science around cables. My own cable spend is circa 3% of current system price and they were carried over from my previous system.

A well constructed cable of the correct gauge and well terminated is all you need. Wanna spend more to satisfy your proportionate spend, go ahead, no one is stopping you.
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Correct, you can spend whatever you like, no one is saying you can't. As for a proportional spend I wouldn't agree as I'm not sucked-in by the pseudo-science around cables. My own cable spend is circa 3% of current system price and they were carried over from my previous system.

A well constructed cable of the correct gauge and well terminated is all you need. Wanna spend more to satisfy your proportionate spend, go ahead, no one is stopping you.
Thank you.

You are free to do exactly as you please and that is just fine, you have your views and are more than happy with your setup which is excellent.

For the record my cable spend was around 5%, I am happy with what I have spent.

All I’m saying is that it is choice, people are free to do what they want, if I want to spend £500 on cables for a system costing £10k what’s wrong with that, do I have to have a £50 limit on my cable spend.

It’s the holier than thou attitude that gets thrown about by people when the issue of cables is mentioned that winds me up, there is nothing wrong with finding something that works for you at a good price and sticking with it, equally there is nothing wrong with with spending a bit more if you want to, after all that good price for me might be a bit higher than for you or vice versa.
Yes, that's what your suggesting, that you will hear a difference between cheap and expensive cables.

"If we don't believe that there is a benefit in better cabling then is there a benefit in upgrading any part of a hifi system," Quote Oxfordian.
Am I? What I am saying is that if there is no differences in cables costing many times the price of a basic cable then is there any difference in any aspect of hifi?

More experienced people than I claim that there are differences, my belief is that there will be tangible differences in sound with improved and better cabling, but if you chose not to accept that and are happy to stick with your point of view then that’s fine with me, the world is big enough for all views to exist.
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The speakers are like music instruments that need to be tuned, and you can do that through cabling as well as other stuff too, like plug order for example.
I ended up buying a Van Damme RCA interconnect for the princely sum of £15. I hate to say it but I chose that brand as reasonable quality, and because I could choose a nice colour (sorry). It helps me see what's plugged in where, and impresses people, who ask 'what does that bright orange cable do?' I plan to swap them over to all the different colours of the rainbow, not everyone's taste, but if it annoys my wife I'm all for it.
I have used the Van Damme to replace the lead that came with my vintage CD, which was probably the thirty year old original. I hate to say it but I can hear a difference, even more so when I go back to the old leads. I asked a friend to plug/unplug the connections so I could do a very limited blind test- I was correct five times out of five, and my mate could hear the difference too.
I can't hear any difference whatsoever on the other RCA s, which are all served by new UGreen leads.( I take your point about non-crimped plugs My 2 Cents). I'm over the moon I've made a difference to my Marantz 41 though I can't quite put my finger on why it sounds better, it just does.
I ended up buying a Van Damme RCA interconnect for the princely sum of £15. I hate to say it but I chose that brand as reasonable quality, and because I could choose a nice colour (sorry). It helps me see what's plugged in where, and impresses people, who ask 'what does that bright orange cable do?' I plan to swap them over to all the different colours of the rainbow, not everyone's taste, but if it annoys my wife I'm all for it.
I have used the Van Damme to replace the lead that came with my vintage CD, which was probably the thirty year old original. I hate to say it but I can hear a difference, even more so when I go back to the old leads. I asked a friend to plug/unplug the connections so I could do a very limited blind test- I was correct five times out of five, and my mate could hear the difference too.
I can't hear any difference whatsoever on the other RCA s, which are all served by new UGreen leads.( I take your point about non-crimped plugs My 2 Cents). I'm over the moon I've made a difference to my Marantz 41 though I can't quite put my finger on why it sounds better, it just does.
Let's be honest here, the price was irrelevant, the brand irrelevant, the quality irrelevant, all you you really wanted was a cool looking cable that you knew would upset Mrs G. 🤣

I'm so looking forward to the 'how do I rebuild my hifi after my wife threw it out of the window' thread. 😉😉
I've read what I can here and elsewhere (with the usual diverse opinions), about the benefits of upgrading interconnects.
I am currently using UGreen interconnects which look reasonable quality, and the plugs fit well.I have a WiiM Pro Plus, a Denon 600ne amp, Marantz 41 CDP and Triangle Br03 speakers. I am happy with the sound but curious- how much would I have to spend on RCA interconnects to notice any difference with my gear, if at all ?
I'm guessing you will say my present interconnects are fine at my level.

Minor differences in capacitance can make a very minor difference in the sound, but you'll achieve a much greater impact on the sound you hear by adjusting your speakers' position slightly.
Where do I say that a £50 cable will improve sound?

I said that I don't care how much you or anyone else spends on their cables as long as they are happy. My only add is that cable spend should be proportionate to the spend on the system.

If I want to treat my self to some different cable for my system then I am free to do so, it's not a scam, it's not daylight robbery, its about choice. I'm not spending your money I'm spending my money.

Your comment highlights exactly what is wrong with these cable debates, in too many people's eyes spending more than absolutely nothing is wasted money.

Oh, one last thing, please don't call me buddy.
Well said sir.
This is why I attempt to not post on cable threads as they are meaningless but keep re-occuring unfortunately
The best cable would have zero resitance/impedence and zero capacitance as both have a detrimental effect on electricity and hence sound. What goes in doesn't come out. Screened cables are a must for low level signal cables, but this is a major cause of capacitance. However, some devices expect a degree of capacitance, record cartridges being the most notable. But this is usually managed by the preamplifier.
Ignore silly priced cables, the only way they can sound different is by manipulation of cable properties.
Let's be honest here, the price was irrelevant, the brand irrelevant, the quality irrelevant, all you you really wanted was a cool looking cable that you knew would upset Mrs G. 🤣

I'm so looking forward to the 'how do I rebuild my hifi after my wife threw it out of the window' thread. 😉😉
I'm just trying to summon up the courage to move my wife's desk out of the study (now listening room) and into the snug. Where I know she will enjoy the peace and quiet.
Minor differences in capacitance can make a very minor difference in the sound, but you'll achieve a much greater impact on the sound you hear by adjusting your speakers' position slightly.
That's exactly why I intend to move my wife's desk out of my listening room, at the moment I have to move stuff around to site my sofa on the sweetspot, for a serious listening session.. She will understand, I hope, but I'd better get it done before the credit card statement arrives..
But does she know?

Let's say she had an inkling when I moved the antique cabinet she uses for filing into the snug. Her desk and p.c are largely unused so it makes perfect sense to relocate. To me at least. My good lady rarely comes downstairs before lunch so she will have a surprise. I've even picked some daffodils and put them in a vase on her cabinet. I know she will be happy there, in time. I am however anticipating some shouting, so I'll make sure I have my IEMs in 🤣 🤣 🤣


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