Plinius SA103 vs Devialet 170/240


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Hi all. I have Monitor Audio PL300 speakers driven by Plinius M8 preamp and Plinius P10 power amp. I was considering upgrading the power amp to the Plinius SA103 but have come across glowing reviews of the Devialet integrated amps. The form factor of the Devialets appeal to me - tiny compared to the Plinius combination. I am unable to audition the Devialet driving my speakers and have only been able to listen to the old Devialet D-Premier driving B&W 804 Diamonds. So it's pretty much impossible for me to make an infomred decision here. Does anyone have an opinion or experience of Devialet driving PL300 (or PL200) speakers. How do these Devialet amps compare to Plinius? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Would the 170 drive the Pl300s adequately or would I need to go for the 240 which is substantially more expensive? :quest:
Where are you based?

There are upwards of 10 Devialet dealers and WE (I won't tell you which I work for, I'll just keep my fingers crossed that you call us!) cover most of the UK. I'd be surprised/disappointed if you couldn't convince your local to pop out to show you how it sounds/works!
Hi - sorry I am in Johannesburg South Africa - hence the great difficulty in getting to audition these amps properly. Very few dealers here that sell them unfortunately.
Obviously the usual caveats about not buying before you've tried apply here. But I find it hard to imagine that the 170 wouldn't be able to drive your speakers with ease. I've tried the 170 with lots of speakers (there is a long-ish thread dedicated to all things Devialet HERE), and I've never had the sense that the amp has struggled.


Thanks Matt - already you have provided so info I didnt know - that the 170 should be adequate. I will contact the agents who are based in Durban whcih is 600km away from Johannesburg to see how I get hold of a 170 to try in my setup.


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