passive set up v active set up

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Lindsay, can you stop importing chunks of other forums?

Thats your business 'over there' to deal with. I don't care about it.

Since I left the AVI forum - many years ago - i have never been back and never read anything on it since.

I'd rather you didn't assist in making this forum the 'AVI Grudge Annexe' otherwise i'll need to stop being a member here too.

Anyway, i'm done with this thread. (And any related ones in future.) It started excellently but has bogged down now.
Admit it this thread has been very good and going to be hard next week to leave the soap oprea behind and focus on a choice between wharfedale 220s and bronze 2s for a 5m x 5m room.

Im.looking for someone sensible to come and referee the next test to stop all the excuses of sound quality.

I can promise you all that the result will be the same though.
I'd be more than gratefull, my only doubt was the ATC's wheren't getting a fair shout , I have no issue with active/passive speaker systems.

JamesMellor said:
 I'm just thinking that if I was trying to sell you those ATC's , thats not how I'd have set them up.


You should have heard them they sounded very very good.
No different to at my house where they sound also very good.

Why dont you see for your self. You may end up changing your whole outlook.

Ill also prove to you that stands dont alter the result as ill put the avis on books this time and they will still win
Ok Darius so next time we put your Avi's dm10 on books and see what happens.

What will people say if they still have better sound.
I have a NAD 390 amp with a pair of Dali 470 speakers , I know how exact and silent a digital amp can be and how real I think those speakers are , but if the DM10's are better don't think I wont admit it , and maybe plan to change

Andrewjvt said:
Ok Darius so next time we put your Avi's dm10 on books and see what happens.

What will people say if they still have better sound.

very well.. I'll bring tea table and books and we'll let Avi's sing
JamesMellor said:
I have a NAD 390 amp with a pair of Dali 470 speakers , I know how exact and silent a digital amp can be and how real I think those speakers are , but if the DM10's are better don't think I wont admit it , and maybe plan to change



Yes sign up on avi forum and send a pm so i can let you know when we arrange and your welcome to come and bring any equipment you want to.
Ashley James said:
Infiniteloop said:
Ashley James said:
Romulus said:
Ashley James said:
chebby said:
Ashley James said:
To be fair Norm there are others on the forum who haven't "followed" us so assiduously for ten years now and who may be interested.

In which case it would help them (and you) if you declared your industry status and your company in your signature.

Then at least all those potentially interested will know what you are talking about and what your relationship is to the products you are promoting. Many might not be entirely clear about your credentials.

Agreed and I thought I had. I'll have another go.

For the record I'm seventy now and semi retired, so not involved in the day to day running of the company, which has new investors and new agents around the world.

Is AVI then just a hobby or do you still accept profits from the company?

I'm still a director and shareholder so entitled to a share of the profits if all the directors agree. Therefore I have a vested interest in the company's success.

And can you imagine it if all the other directors and shareholders of HiFi companies came on here to flog their wares?

This is no place for company involvement, no matter how well intentioned.

Various company representatives and shop assistants appear on here quite regularly and I'd have thought they'd could have been helpful. You can always ignore sales pitches.

My reason for appearing was quite simply that there are many very nice, sensible people on here, some of whom want to know about our DMs, but are prevented from the discovering the facts, the real ones, by a small group who dominate opinion and can be, to be honest, extremeLy unpleasant.

I answered the points raised and someone else explained other aspects that aroused curiosity. All I can hope now is that if you are interested you'll join the AVI forum, which is very friendly and fight free or contact me direct and I'll happily advise.

thank you very much for your indulgence


The point is that you profit directly from sales of these speakers and by that account you cannot have a neutral and unbiased opinion.

The opinions of people who actually own and use these products without any company affiliation is a much fairer indication of their value than yours can ever be.
Someone has already contacted me on avi forum not sure who yet but maybe thats a forth person.

Now how in earth are we to collaberate our findings??

Oh i know just tell the truth like before
Infiniteloop said:
lpv said:
Infiniteloop said:
Andrewjvt said:
lpv said:
Hi, are you interested to participate in the demo?

Plus one

Yes I am. I'll bring my Devialet 200 to the party too.

great ! any chance you can sign in to Avi forum and find me or Andrew and send us a message? we're there under the same nick names.

Will do!

Will you bring the focals? As i need to know how many books to have ready.
please check your inbox Andrew..

infiniteloop could also bring sonus fabers.. we need at least one set of the speakers ( and amp) from every participant as we're going to compare systems not components..
Now were getting ready for round 2.

Stands will be sorted i promise...

Now we have a possible showdown of hegel v devialet v Avi

And focal v atc v avi
And maybe one more we will see.
Ashley James said:
spiny norman said:
lpv said:
I see it differently - director of Avi is here, it's a perfect time to ask him questions from this very thread regarding power amps etc.. hey, no one asked the question.. why? are they not interested anymore? have they ever been interested?

I just see a much-banned former member of this forum coming back to shill his products again, and seemingly able to do so with impunity.

I was banned here and almost immediately I appeared for no reason that I could understand and worse than that, so were numerous customers of ours who just innocently posted reviews or were complimentary about us. Many were surprised and or shocked and some complained to Haymarket bigwigs about it. Eventually the moderators were changed and now there's very little control applied. 

In my case it could have been argued that I was getting free advertising, but that doesn't explain why decent and polite AVI customers should be excluded and characters like you should remain. 

My apologies for being so blunt, but in my opinion you and a few others do rather spoil this forum for normal enthusiasts who just need a bit of help or advice and to make new friends. 

Id just like to thank Ashley for comming on and clarifying some points that were challenged and taking a whole lot of abuse along the way.
Infiniteloop said:
Ashley James said:
Infiniteloop said:
Ashley James said:
Romulus said:
Ashley James said:
chebby said:
Ashley James said:
To be fair Norm there are others on the forum who haven't "followed" us so assiduously for ten years now and who may be interested.

In which case it would help them (and you) if you declared your industry status and your company in your signature.

Then at least all those potentially interested will know what you are talking about and what your relationship is to the products you are promoting. Many might not be entirely clear about your credentials.

Agreed and I thought I had. I'll have another go.

For the record I'm seventy now and semi retired, so not involved in the day to day running of the company, which has new investors and new agents around the world.

Is AVI then just a hobby or do you still accept profits from the company?

I'm still a director and shareholder so entitled to a share of the profits if all the directors agree. Therefore I have a vested interest in the company's success.

And can you imagine it if all the other directors and shareholders of HiFi companies came on here to flog their wares?

This is no place for company involvement, no matter how well intentioned.

Various company representatives and shop assistants appear on here quite regularly and I'd have thought they'd could have been helpful. You can always ignore sales pitches.

My reason for appearing was quite simply that there are many very nice, sensible people on here, some of whom want to know about our DMs, but are prevented from the discovering the facts, the real ones, by a small group who dominate opinion and can be, to be honest, extremeLy unpleasant.

I answered the points raised and someone else explained other aspects that aroused curiosity. All I can hope now is that if you are interested you'll join the AVI forum, which is very friendly and fight free or contact me direct and I'll happily advise.

thank you very much for your indulgence


The point is that you profit directly from sales of these speakers and by that account you cannot have a neutral and unbiased opinion.

The opinions of people who actually own and use these products without any company affiliation is a much fairer indication of their value than yours can ever be.

There are three Facebook groups and a Forum with hundreds of customers reviews and testimonials on them. Have a look if you're interested.

It's obvious that any manufacturer (or shop assistant) will be biased towards the products he sells, just as owners are to what they've bought. You just have to use your judgement.
chebby said:
I know the mention of Alan Shaw (of Harbeth) is going to be like throwing petrol on a fire in an AVI thread, but he seems to concur with/echo Ashley's sentiments on stands. (He even claimed to have used IKEA plant stands with no ill effect.)

So long as they get the speaker into the right position and don't wobble.

Sometimes wish i'd followed his advice and saved £150
It's ok, as they'd moved away from anything IKEA when they took part in the Bristol Show earlier this year. Nice solid stands.


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