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Andrew Everard:
D.J.KRIME:The point was and is that if the TV's you recieve for review were selected for you by the manufactures and not by you then there would be a inballance in all reviews as the manufactures could hen-pick the models they wish to push. This to date would apear the case with Samung regarding their 3D offerings thus far as all you have recieved are their LCD models.
Another bizarre post: of course the manufacturers choose which models they send us, although whether or not they have a hen to do it is beyond my awareness. We request the models we wish to test, they choose whether or not to send them. We can't actually force them to send us a product.
Nothing bizare with my post at all Andrew and with wit like yours you should be on a stage! And as to your statement of "we can't actually force them to send us a product" sure you can't but if a request for a certain product was not met then surely this is when you ask them why they have chosen not to send it? there is then the option of WHSAV actually purchasing the TV, reviewing it then selling it on say Ebay, I'm sure the small amount of loss would be viable to your magazine.
D.J.KRIME:The point was and is that if the TV's you recieve for review were selected for you by the manufactures and not by you then there would be a inballance in all reviews as the manufactures could hen-pick the models they wish to push. This to date would apear the case with Samung regarding their 3D offerings thus far as all you have recieved are their LCD models.
Another bizarre post: of course the manufacturers choose which models they send us, although whether or not they have a hen to do it is beyond my awareness. We request the models we wish to test, they choose whether or not to send them. We can't actually force them to send us a product.
Nothing bizare with my post at all Andrew and with wit like yours you should be on a stage! And as to your statement of "we can't actually force them to send us a product" sure you can't but if a request for a certain product was not met then surely this is when you ask them why they have chosen not to send it? there is then the option of WHSAV actually purchasing the TV, reviewing it then selling it on say Ebay, I'm sure the small amount of loss would be viable to your magazine.