Oppo BDP-831?

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HD Elvis:
JohnHolmes:Well the amazing Oppo DVD player got a shocking 3 star review by What HiFi which got superb reviews everywhere else. Makes you wonder.....

Odd review this one as What HiFi seemed to like the 983 just thought in the day of Blu Ray £370 or whatever it is now is too much to pay. However the YBA YM501 recently got 4* and is £800 so not quite sure how that works??

yeh and it doesn't even do 1080p thats why I take any review by ANY magazines with a massive pinch of salt.
JohnHolmes:HD Elvis:

JohnHolmes:Well the amazing Oppo DVD player got a shocking 3 star review by What HiFi which got superb reviews everywhere else. Makes you wonder.....

Odd review this one as What HiFi seemed to like the 983 just thought in the day of Blu Ray £370 or whatever it is now is too much to pay. However the YBA YM501 recently got 4* and is £800 so not quite sure how that works??

yeh and it doesn't even do 1080p thats why I take any review by ANY magazines with a massive pinch of salt.

It would be nice if one of the team could explain?
Andrew Everard:
More shilling, Willing...?

Yes, I can imagine HIV in Africa is so dull, unless of course you are African and infected...

Harsh on Will ?
professorhat: I guess cos I think there are some things in life that are more important than home cinema.

Overall yes, but, surely when you come here, it's because you want to talk about Hi-Fi and Home Cinema, otherwise, what are you doing here? I can see where Will's coming from (this time), this IS a discussion about a particular piece of hardware, so it isn't logical to dismiss any discussion of that hardware just because you think one of the people discussing it is a bit odd (no offence Will...).

I guess the worrying aspect is you're not actually sure what we think is more important....

I'm sure Will has far more important things in his life, but when he comes here, this is what he wants answers on. Compartmentalised priorities, it's not that difficult a concept to grasp.

Incidentally Will, the LX52 is very well specified (multi-channel analogue outs not withstanding, grrrr), for a Blu-Ray player. The Oppo isn't a Blu-Ray player, it's a Universal Player, so naturally it's going to have more features.

I'd be interested in a comment on the loading times of the new Pioneer players as well though, pretty sure people have requested that in BDP player reviews before, but it still doesn't seem to be getting a look in.

I Agree with the above
HD Elvis:It would be nice if one of the team could explain?

I think the review is pretty self-explanatory, but I will flag this up to the review team when they're back in the office on Tuesday.
indeed. I note our five-star rating of the other Oppo we've tested hasn't been mentioned for a while - so in the interests of anyone joining the end of this thread...here you go
Clare Newsome:indeed. I note our five-star rating of the other Oppo we've tested hasn't been mentioned for a while - so in the interests of anyone joining the end of this thread...here you go

I hope the team do not think that we all assume What HiFi are anti Oppo. I for one do not subscribe to that theory. I have however often been baffled by the low score the 983 received when it is so clearly an amazing bit of kit. Especially when the reasons given for the 3* rating appear not to have been applied when reviewing other dvd spinners since the 983. It also appears to have been noticed by others, this is the point I was trying to make. Again I am not hinting at an anti Oppo stance by the team but the tone of this thread seems to stem from that specific 983 review (and not the 980 or 981 for that matter) It did take a lot of readers by suprise. I understand that reviews are by there nature an individual or small group's viewpoint and may not necessarily match others however when looking at the 983's performance compared to similar spec players and then comparing the price? well, surely it should of got a higher score? Its like buying an E Class Merc for the price of a Focus. If the 831 gets a low score fair enough, but I hope the reasons given for the low score are applied when reviewing other universal players to give a balanced account of things. Just to put this in perspective this has been the only quibble I have with the magazine and I am a subscriber
but, well maybe someone could but this to bed once and for all?
I'm sure the 831 will get a fair run from WHF.

The_LHC, thanks. That's exactly what I meant. Nice to read a supportive post. Appreciated.

The whole value for money thing, sits alongside but seperate from the objective comparison of players for their outright ability. I'm interested in this review, not because I want confirmation that I did the right thing buying one. I'm already very happy with my BDP 83. I'm looking forward to it because it's the single best way for other people to find out how good it is and what incredible value it offers and hopefully that'll lead them to buy one. In my view, this would be a huge win for the consumer who would be getting an incredible steal. I also hope that it totally destroys the pricing model being used by all other BluRay manufacturers. The reason I'm keen to see this happen is not because I want other makers to find themselves in financial difficulty, but because I want to see much more competitive and fairly priced machines come into the market place so the BluRay as a medium really takes off and takes hold.

I still think the mid to upper end of the BluRay player market is too expensive for it's performance and I feel that a realignment, with prices forced downwards would help the format take off. It needs to achieve a much greater market penetration if we're going to see the music industry investigate BluRay-Audio in any meaningful way and I'm really really keen to see that happen.
I still remain perplexed why so many people are pre-judging our test result. If the Oppo is as good as its supporters believe - and the spec/price suggest - why would you imagine it'd get a bad review?

Please all just chill. If you've got the Oppo and love it, superb - step away from the computer, go watch some Blu-rays, spin some SACDs and enjoy your player, PLEASE

If you haven't got the Oppo, again, relax - you can't buy the UK player yet anyway, so what does it matter if you have to wait for a review until the new store opens/you get a chance to try it out?
Will Harris:I'm sure the 831 will get a fair run from WHF. The_LHC, thanks. That's exactly what I meant. Nice to read a supportive post. Appreciated. The whole value for money thing, sits alongside but seperate from the objective comparison of players for their outright ability. I'm interested in this review, not because I want confirmation that I did the right thing buying one. I'm already very happy with my BDP 83. I'm looking forward to it because it's the single best way for other people to find out how good it is and what incredible value it offers and hopefully that'll lead them to buy one. In my view, this would be a huge win for the consumer who would be getting an incredible steal. I also hope that it totally destroys the pricing model being used by all other BluRay manufacturers. The reason I'm keen to see this happen is not because I want other makers to find themselves in financial difficulty, but because I want to see much more competitive and fairly priced machines come into the market place so the BluRay as a medium really takes off and takes hold. I still think the mid to upper end of the BluRay player market is too expensive for it's performance and I feel that a realignment, with prices forced downwards would help the format take off. It needs to achieve a much greater market penetration if we're going to see the music industry investigate BluRay-Audio in any meaningful way and I'm really really keen to see that happen.

Fair enough, but DVD-A has sunk, SACD hangs on by a thread, what makes you think pure Blu-ray audio will succeed? One may make an argument for multi-channel audio, but that didn't help the former two.

The way I see it new disc-based audio formats are dead in the water. The success of Linn's DS bears this out.
Clare Newsome:

I still remain perplexed why so many people are pre-judging our test result. If the Oppo is as good as its supporters believe - and the spec/price suggest - why would you imagine it'd get a bad review?

Please all just chill. If you've got the Oppo and love it, superb - step away from the computer, go watch some Blu-rays, spin some SACDs and enjoy your player, PLEASE

If you haven't got the Oppo, again, relax - you can't buy the UK player yet anyway, so what does it matter if you have to wait for a review until the new store opens/you get a chance to try it out?

I don't think I am pre judging your test result? I think I made my point above, the fact that so many people feel strongly about the 983 being such a great player and that it "only" got 3* is probably why some are concerned. Still haven't answered my question either
Will Harris:It needs to achieve a much greater market penetration if we're going to see the music industry investigate BluRay-Audio in any meaningful way and I'm really really keen to see that happen.

Fair enough, but DVD-A has sunk, SACD hangs on by a thread, what makes you think pure Blu-ray audio will succeed? One may make an argument for multi-channel audio, but that didn't help the former two.

The way I see it new disc-based audio formats are dead in the water. The success of Linn's DS bears this out.

I'm hoping that a BluRay-Audio disc would be exactly the same in almost every way a BluRay video disc. BluRay is already a multichannel high-def audio product, so all we really need is the standard player to get greater market penetration so that the content can start to be offered to a sufficiently large audience so as to get the studios interested in releasing multichannel music on BluRay. The key is that it isn't a different format. This is where DVD-A and SACD fell down as you rightly remarked.

So I hope it does take off. Of course, there's always the possibility of downloads, but i think we're many years away from multichannel high-def audio downloads, as the data is just too bulky. So for the next 5-10 years, I think discs will be the way to go. After that, I'm sure downloads will take over.

Perhaps we'll have a high-def Spotify. Now that would really be something! (But the cynic in me expects they'd balls it up by adding such a poorly worked anti-piracy system that the current Arcam AVR600 handshaking debacle would be made to look like a storm in a tea-cup) Let's see!
HD Elvis:Clare Newsome:

I still remain perplexed why so many people are pre-judging our test
result. If the Oppo is as good as its supporters believe - and the
spec/price suggest - why would you imagine it'd get a bad review?

Please all just chill. If you've got the Oppo and love it, superb -
step away from the computer, go watch some Blu-rays, spin some SACDs
and enjoy your player, PLEASE

If you haven't got the Oppo, again, relax - you can't buy the UK
player yet anyway, so what does it matter if you have to wait for a
review until the new store opens/you get a chance to try it out?

I don't think I am pre judging your test result? I think I made my
point above, the fact that so many people feel strongly about the 983
being such a great player and that it "only" got 3* is probably why
some are concerned. Still haven't answered my question either

I'd urge everyone to re-read the review, which praises the performance of the 983, calling its SACD functionality 'up there with the best'.

At a cheaper price - which again, the review makes clear - it would easily be a higher-rated product. The change in exchange rates (again, stressed in the review) scuppered its chance in the performance-per-pound stakes.

As ever, if a specific product's functionality/look appeals to you, paying a premium may not matter a jot - and you should (as we always stress) see/hear for yourself before you buy.

Did I get enough mentions in of reading the review
the_lhc:professorhat:I guess the worrying aspect is you're not actually sure what we think is more important....
I'm sure Will has far more important things in his life, but when he comes here, this is what he wants answers on. Compartmentalised priorities, it's not that difficult a concept to grasp.

Indeed not, I'd merely suggest that Mr. Harris could have perhaps chosen a bit of a better way of demonstrating how good the "save 1 minute of your life" feature that the Oppo adds than by gleefully pointing out he no longer has to hear about the dreary African HIV situation...

Slightly distasteful in my opinion, but then if you disagree, fair enough. More power to your elbow and all that.
professorhat:the_lhc:professorhat:I guess the worrying aspect is you're not actually sure what we think is more important....
I'm sure Will has far more important things in his life, but when he comes here, this is what he wants answers on. Compartmentalised priorities, it's not that difficult a concept to grasp.

Indeed not, I'd merely suggest that Mr. Harris could have perhaps chosen a bit of a better way of demonstrating how good the "save 1 minute of your life" feature that the Oppo adds than by gleefully pointing out he no longer has to hear about the dreary African HIV situation...

Slightly distasteful in my opinion, but then if you disagree, fair enough. More power to your elbow and all that.

I don't know who you are, but would you please stop aiming your vindictive at me? I had no objection to watching the video the first time, but as it insists on playing every time you load the disc and is over 4 minutes long, it gets a bit tedious, no matter how sympathetic your disposition. The Oppo feature is a brilliant idea for getting you round ALL the little intro irritations on discs and is something to be pleased about, not something to highlight the precise nature of the one intro I mentioned, the reason for so doing being that it's innordinately long and unusually blocks all the user controls while it plays back. That in my mind is more social engineering than a great DVD release. Please keep your opinions to the product and don't concentrate on me. That's not why we're here.
Will Harris:professorhat:the_lhc:professorhat:I guess the worrying aspect is you're not actually sure what we think is more important....

I'm sure Will has far more important things in his life, but when he comes here, this is what he wants answers on. Compartmentalised priorities, it's not that difficult a concept to grasp.

Indeed not, I'd merely suggest that Mr. Harris could have perhaps chosen a bit of a better way of demonstrating how good the "save 1 minute of your life" feature that the Oppo adds than by gleefully pointing out he no longer has to hear about the dreary African HIV situation...

Slightly distasteful in my opinion, but then if you disagree, fair enough. More power to your elbow and all that.

I don't know who you are, but would you please stop aiming your vindictive at me? I had no objection to watching the video the first time, but as it insists on playing every time you load the disc and is over 4 minutes long, it gets a bit tedious, no matter how sympathetic your disposition. The Oppo feature is a brilliant idea for getting you round ALL the little intro irritations on discs and is something to be pleased about, not something to highlight the precise nature of the one intro I mentioned, the reason for so doing being that it's innordinately long and unusually blocks all the user controls while it plays back. That in my mind is more social engineering than a great DVD release. Please keep your opinions to the product and don't concentrate on me. That's not why we're here.If it is any consolation, I have found the attacks on you over this astonishing. The AIDS situation in Africa is horrible, but being forced to watch the same film repeatedly is clearly ridiculous and being able to skip this should be something any blu-ray player should be able to do as a minimum requirement. I wonder if those on the forum who are happy to wait ages for their players to start and then sit through several minutes of irrelevants ads or documentaries would be happy to wait five minutes every time their car started so it could play the national anthem of the car's manafacturer?
Clare Newsome:
HD Elvis:Clare Newsome:

I still remain perplexed why so many people are pre-judging our test
result. If the Oppo is as good as its supporters believe - and the
spec/price suggest - why would you imagine it'd get a bad review?

Please all just chill. If you've got the Oppo and love it, superb -
step away from the computer, go watch some Blu-rays, spin some SACDs
and enjoy your player, PLEASE

If you haven't got the Oppo, again, relax - you can't buy the UK
player yet anyway, so what does it matter if you have to wait for a
review until the new store opens/you get a chance to try it out?

I don't think I am pre judging your test result? I think I made my
point above, the fact that so many people feel strongly about the 983
being such a great player and that it "only" got 3* is probably why
some are concerned. Still haven't answered my question either

I'd urge everyone to re-read the review, which praises the performance of the 983, calling its SACD functionality 'up there with the best'.

At a cheaper price - which again, the review makes clear - it would easily be a higher-rated product. The change in exchange rates (again, stressed in the review) scuppered its chance in the performance-per-pound stakes.

As ever, if a specific product's functionality/look appeals to you, paying a premium may not matter a jot - and you should (as we always stress) see/hear for yourself before you buy.

Did I get enough mentions in of reading the review

erm YBA YM501 got 4* and is £800 and does not even output 1080p????
Yes, that point has already been raised and, as I pointed out, if you read the review you'll see why it got those stars. And anyway, the YBA product is a DVD player, so its 1080-line output is the result of upscaling, not what's on the disc.
Andrew Everard:Yes, that point has already been raised and, as I pointed out, if you read the review you'll see why it got those stars. And anyway, the YBA product is a DVD player, so its 1080-line output is the result of upscaling, not what's on the disc.

Without dwelling on the subject, it is a 831 thread afterall, it just seemed that the 983 review was almost been critisised for being a DVD player in the day of Blu Ray, almost a kind of last hurah of the format and not worth the money. And yes I have re-read the review
Surley if the fact the YBA DVD player doesn't have 1080 output in this day and age is a sin and is a main requirement of most, especially when paying £800!! However it is just a few reviews which overall I feel is a quality magazine, again just to put this into perspective. I appreciate the team having the decency to try and explain the reasons. Well done, and as I said earlier, we will agree to disagree.
HD Elvis:Surley if the fact the YBA DVD player doesn't have 1080 output in this day and age is a sin

It has 1080-line output, but it's interlaced, not progressive. And I think to describe this as 'a sin' may be slightly overdramatising matters, even if YBA design itself rather amusingly describes the player thus: "The YM501 player employs all but the best digital technologies for a truly high level of performances."
Will, I haven't been vindictive against you, I was merely expressing my distaste at the example used by yourself to demonstrate this feature. I agree, certain DVDs have intros which you don't want to watch, trailers for new films, anti-piracy adverts and the like and if you'd mentioned one of them, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Good feature, extremely distasteful example to demonstrate it. Can we just agree on that, shake hands and move on?
Will, I haven't been vindictive against you, I was merely expressing my distaste at the example used by yourself to demonstrate this feature. I agree, certain DVDs have intros which you don't want to watch, trailers for new films, anti-piracy adverts and the like and if you'd mentioned one of them, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Good feature, extremely distasteful example to demonstrate it. Can we just agree on that, shake hands and move on?

I dont see a problem with Wills Quote ? Quote----- ' which is worth seeing once,

Anyway best move on.
Andrew Everard: "The YM501 player employs all but the best digital technologies for a truly high level of performances."

Says it all really.


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