Will Harris:Davo2008:Thanks, but would you agree with the comments about DVDs and sound? i.e Oppo's sound lacks a bit but has superlative upscaling abilities? DVDs are very important to me, but so is sound and the Denon pumps out a wall of sound fantastically! I wouldn't like to think that by purchasing the Oppo, I'd lose out on sound, even fractionally.... What do you think?
Davo, if you get the chance, try one out. Compare it to the 2500, the 3800 and the A1UD. If you plan to connect via HDMI, then how exactly do you expect they would manage to sound "different". They're pulling digital data off a disc and transmitting it digitally to an amp to process. Do it "correctly" and the answer cannot vary. This is the theory and in practise this has held true for me.
I therefore suggest that you're asking the wrong question. You'd be better off asking whether you thing your amp and speakers will do the best job for you with the signal they're fed. That's the upgrade path now, not the player.
I see where your coming from Will, and im certainly not starting an argument on it
But in my own personal experience ive had 2 pioneer dvd players and my ps3 connected digitally to the same amp. The original Pioneer dvd player wasnt HALF as good as the new Pioneer (LX50). And the PS3 wasnt as good as the LX50 until I fitted my braided mains cable to it
So in that respect id say that 'jitter' certainly makes a difference
Maybe there is a point whereby it cant get any better (In fact im sure there is), but certainly ive personally heard differences using diferent digital 'sources'
It's worth me pointing out that during the recent shoot out we held, all the players were connected to the amp with 2m Mark Grant HDMI cables that he kindly loaned us for the test and all we plugged into a 12 plug commercial block using their own orginal power cables. We were in a dedicated facility and I can't comment on what measures may have been in place to smooth the power supply but we certainly didn't do anything further to the power supplies ourselves.
I think your point is largely around power supplies and your own experience. I have no problem with this. I think that it is largely a factor of where you live and the supply quality reaching your own home. Some will need more work than others, hence why some people claim improvements and others don't. It may well be location specific.
In our test, all players were connected using the cables the manufacturer supplied, to the same power supply. In that regard I'd say the power supply ceased to be a factor in the test as they all had the same supply.
Will Harris:Davo2008:Thanks, but would you agree with the comments about DVDs and sound? i.e Oppo's sound lacks a bit but has superlative upscaling abilities? DVDs are very important to me, but so is sound and the Denon pumps out a wall of sound fantastically! I wouldn't like to think that by purchasing the Oppo, I'd lose out on sound, even fractionally.... What do you think?
Davo, if you get the chance, try one out. Compare it to the 2500, the 3800 and the A1UD. If you plan to connect via HDMI, then how exactly do you expect they would manage to sound "different". They're pulling digital data off a disc and transmitting it digitally to an amp to process. Do it "correctly" and the answer cannot vary. This is the theory and in practise this has held true for me.
I therefore suggest that you're asking the wrong question. You'd be better off asking whether you thing your amp and speakers will do the best job for you with the signal they're fed. That's the upgrade path now, not the player.
I see where your coming from Will, and im certainly not starting an argument on it
But in my own personal experience ive had 2 pioneer dvd players and my ps3 connected digitally to the same amp. The original Pioneer dvd player wasnt HALF as good as the new Pioneer (LX50). And the PS3 wasnt as good as the LX50 until I fitted my braided mains cable to it
So in that respect id say that 'jitter' certainly makes a difference
Maybe there is a point whereby it cant get any better (In fact im sure there is), but certainly ive personally heard differences using diferent digital 'sources'
It's worth me pointing out that during the recent shoot out we held, all the players were connected to the amp with 2m Mark Grant HDMI cables that he kindly loaned us for the test and all we plugged into a 12 plug commercial block using their own orginal power cables. We were in a dedicated facility and I can't comment on what measures may have been in place to smooth the power supply but we certainly didn't do anything further to the power supplies ourselves.
I think your point is largely around power supplies and your own experience. I have no problem with this. I think that it is largely a factor of where you live and the supply quality reaching your own home. Some will need more work than others, hence why some people claim improvements and others don't. It may well be location specific.
In our test, all players were connected using the cables the manufacturer supplied, to the same power supply. In that regard I'd say the power supply ceased to be a factor in the test as they all had the same supply.