Oppo BDP-831?

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Andrew Everard:
No probs at all with the analogue outs into the TMA kit. Have to say the Onkyo has been used more, as a lot of my listening of late has been to SACDs for Gramophone reviewing, but yes, the player sounds good into the AV32R's bypass input.

And not aware of any sub problems, or need to juggle levels, but then the processor was extensively (and exhaustively) calibrated using the TMREQ set-up yonks ago - not, of course, that this is in use when running the 5.1bp inputs -, and I'm not a great one for room-shaking 'home cinema'-type bass.

Thanks Andrew. Not talking TMREQ (shame it cant be used), the 10db increase is because of a 'supposed' reduction on all BluRay player's Analogue Sub outputs that need compensation at Processor end. But certainly not the case for me, maybe the Tag compensates, I dont know! When I increased by 10db for a first go, it was unlistenable. All's well with a slight SUB reduction on the AV32's Bypass Trim, which Ive double checked on the useful included Audio Disc.
Well, as I said, I tend to run the sub at pretty low level, and with the OB1s it's not doing much anyway. Maybe that's why I didn't feel the need for adjustments.
Will Harris:

Hi Andrew, well, I have to say, I can't think of any reason why they'd need them other than marketing differentiation. Manufacturers are struggling to separate their players and HDMI processing from one another and they'll grab onto any gimmick going to suggest they have an edge over one another. At some point the penny is going to drop for everyone, but it requires the usual rule book be thrown out of the window. For BluRay 1080p24 video playback, I found the Denon DVD A1UD performed just as well as the Sony BDP S350 streaming via HDMI. I found the same inability to tell the players apart bitstreaming audio. Considering the quality of the gear tested with this players, I think that if there had been a difference I'd have seen and heard it. That is what I found. I don't dispute that others have heard and seen what they said they have, but I'd recommend to anyone, that if you get the chance to test these decks blind please take it. The inclination to want to perceive differences between these machines is huge. We all have brand loyalties and designs we prefer above others and this seems to be such an emotive subject amongst enthusiasts.

My position is clear. I haven't found differences. I will take part in another blind test on the 24th of this month where we'll quickly re-run the BluRay video and audio test and see if again the differences are too small to tell. This time instead of using a £6000 JVC projector, we'll use a top of the range Panasonic plasma and the same Denon AVP A1HD / POA A1HD pre/pro and Pioneer Reference speakers / Velodyne 1812 sub. £35,000 worth of amps and speakers. Frankly, if you can't hear a difference using them, then you never will! But I'll report back and let you know.

Have a good weekend all. F1 qualifying was dramatic in a way we haven't seen for ages, made for an excellently chilled morning!

I'm not for one moment suggesting I agree with the Manufacturer's claims, just throwing it into the mix. I would have an open mind on whether there is a differences in sound via HDMI, unless I've listened myself. Shame you cant open up next test to a few more people ;-)
Here we go again,

Just think of freeview reception you get blocking quite often these are errors in reception but not a complete loss of picture or sound, So you either get the signal or not dosn't hold true.

You can recieve digital data but error correction is used to plug the holes, somtimes it plugs them well some times it dosn't, you get better sound/pictues when no/little error correction is used.

Information errors can start with reading data from the disk and those introduced by jitter/timeing errors and electrical noise. The better the equipment the better the sound/picture.

hmm not sure about this, I think the uncorrected errors reading a blu-ray disk should be zero, eg. If i was to save my excel spreadsheet to a writeable blu-ray disk I wouldn't expect to get slightly different figures depending on the drive used to read it back or because of problems with mains noise etc?? Wouldn't the perceived differences in players be down to the way the graphics chips on the players are reconstructing the individual frames (and sound) from the compressed mpeg 4 source (which after all is lossy compression)
I wonder when the site will go live today...... I have money to spend and no player to play disc..... hurry up Oppo, the wait has been too long already.....
Genaa:I wonder when the site will go live today...... I have money to spend and no player to play disc..... hurry up Oppo, the wait has been too long already.....

I wouldnt hold your breath!
I'm told the developers are doing some "final testing" on the OPPOstore UK site - the official word is that "The site will go live soon."
Andrew, whilst I wait impatiently for the opportunity to buy the Oppo, having read your blog it appears you are happy with using the HDMI connection for everything. I will be using the Oppo for Blu-ray/DVD/SACD/DVD-A and CD. Is this what you would recommend connecting to an Onkyo 875 or should I consider using the dedicated analogue outs for CD? Thanks.
Andrew Everard:I'm told the developers are doing some "final testing" on the OPPOstore UK site - the official word is that "The site will go live soon."

Ah! Soon. What an undefined word that is. I`ve been trying all morning and afternoon for that matter, not a peep. You begin to wonder is it a clever sales ploy, or is it just don`t care.
hammill:Andrew, whilst I wait impatiently for the opportunity to buy the Oppo, having read your blog it appears you are happy with using the HDMI connection for everything. I will be using the Oppo for Blu-ray/DVD/SACD/DVD-A and CD. Is this what you would recommend connecting to an Onkyo 875 or should I consider using the dedicated analogue outs for CD? Thanks.

I see no reason not to stick with HDMI.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm turning in - gone midnight here and a hard day of blogging behind me.

See y'all in the morning. That's my morning, so probably about 11pm your time back in the old country...
Hmmmnnn.... I hope they build blu-ray players better than they build websites. Today's been a bit anti-climactic.
Tom Moreno:Hmmmnnn.... I hope they build blu-ray players better than they build websites. Today's been a bit anti-climactic.

Calm down, dear - it's only a Blu-ray player...

Just spoke to Oppo, who confirmed it's website gremlins that are holding up the online launch. They realise how much interest there is out there, but everyone's just going to have to be patient - the site should be up "soon" (maybe next week).
Clare Newsome:Just spoke to Oppo, who confirmed it's website gremlins that are holding up the online launch. They realise how much interest there is out there, but everyone's just going to have to be patient - the site should be up "soon" (maybe next week).

I think ill be waiting until people post that theyve received theirs with no problems...........
...by which time our Awards issue may be in your hands, complete with Oppo review and other newbie BD players tested!
Clare Newsome:...by which time our Awards issue may be in your hands, complete with Oppo review and other newbie BD players tested!

oooh Claire, promises, promises
Well the issue is at the printers, complete with reviews of the Oppo, the Denon '2010 and the Sony '760. Nothing can stop us now (well, Royal Mail aside

Anyway, you're not the only ones who are impatient: Oppo just requested a sneak peek at our review. Had to tell them that no-one gets to see their reviews before they are published....They'll be waiting for their copy of the mag like everyone else!
Clare Newsome:Well the issue is at the printers, complete with reviews of the Oppo, the Denon '2010 and the Sony '760. Nothing can stop us now (well, Royal Mail aside

Good to hear that the OPPO is in the Awards issue as I thought they had missed the dead line and it would be yet another month, looking forward to receiving my copy


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