Great blog. Thought I was the one accused of eulogising! Ha! Nice to see that none of the irritation cause be me and the like over the last months, dampened your enthusiasm for the Oppo Andrew.
I helped run a blind test of the Oppo and a number of other BluRay players over at a North London retailer, TLC Broadcast, a couple of weekends ago, we tested the:
Sony S350
Denon DVD3800BD
Denon DVD A1UD
Pioneer BDP LX91
Oppo BDP 83
It was the toughest test I've seen as we only tested HDMI using BluRay material. The Amp was the Denon AVP A1HD and POA A1HD combo. Speakers were Pioneer Reference Series, so basically about £20,000 of speakers and amp plus a £13,000 Velodyne 1812 sub. The room was treated and the projector we used was the new JVC 950.
On BluRay material, there just wasn't anything in it, all the players performed well. In fact, although the Oppo came out on top, when we run the test again (with the benefit of a bit of practise now!) in a couple of weeks time, I have no doubt the order will change again, and frankly we were clutching at straws to tell the players apart.
The same was true with audio. Over HDMI, the BluRay audio was outstanding from all the players. The PS3 was broadly considered different, but only sometimes better or worse than the others, just different.
We did one test at the end of the day, between the Denon DVD A1UD and the Oppo using their dedicated 2ch analogue outs into the Denon amps. We played the CD layer of a couple of SACD that we had 2 copies of and you honestly had to hand it to the Oppo, there was barely a difference between them. Next time, we'll do a bit more analogue testing but in my experience personally, I found the HDMI output of the Oppo to be all I'd ever need and my amp and speakers do a wonderful job with it. The Arcam AVR600 has such low jitter levels that it's HDMI audio handling is really quite fantastic.
I'm only puzzled by one thing. Why would you buy a dedicated CD player if you had the Oppo? I couldn't hear more than a tiny difference between the A1UD and the Oppo, which puts the Oppo right up there, why waste the money on another machine, to do a job being done so well already? Now I don't want to see all makers of all other machines go bust, but seriously, why would you want anything else unless you're spending £5,000 plus on a CD player. Even then it would have to be for the analogue outs, and be pretty darned special.
Will look forward to the review in due course. Thanks for the blog. I enjoyed reading it.