Oppo BDP-831?

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Sorry Will, you're being an idiot now, that's not an insult, it's a statement of fact.

WHF releases their review of the Oppo, thousands of people read it and all start asking "How much is it?", sorry, can't tell you. "Oh, OK, where can I get it from?", you can't. "What? Well, when will it be available then?", sorry don't know yet, "What was the point of this review again?", no idea!

Can you not see how ludicrous that situation would be?

As I think you've already worked out, your beef is not with WHF, it's with Oppo for not getting all this stuff sorted out earlier. For all we know they can't get the appropriate distribution channels sorted out (or whatever) and the machine may NEVER be released. I bet that's not the first time that's happened.

What he said.

By the way...is the LHC fixed yet?
Guys you're all welcome to hold any belief about me you wish 🙂

I don't agree with you though. I think that it's quite normal to read reviews of kit before it's launched. That's why you read reviews of films before they're released, books before publication, etc etc. It's not new, it's just WHF not wanting to do it.

We'll have to agree to disagree about this.
Andrew Everard:Why, what else are we not being honest about? (And what does 'no offence' mean?)

The truth is you may be as frustrated as any Oppo owner over the Oppo saga. And i dont imply that you are dishonest. Hence no

offence intended.

Just a thought about whats being said on the thread about your review. Why not post it with a note to say...We did our best, price not confirmed , spec could change ,Oppo failed to send details. And we cannot beheld responsible for the outcome ,In other words it might never happen not- released. But for all frustrated Oppo owners and friends/customers/buyers Here it is
I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Will Harris:Guys you're all welcome to hold any belief about me you wish 🙂

I don't agree with you though. I think that it's quite normal to read reviews of kit before it's launched. That's why you read reviews of films before they're released, books before publication, etc etc. It's not new, it's just WHF not wanting to do it.

We'll have to agree to disagree about this.

Hi Will, it's a pleasure to see someone so committed to the worth of a thing
. On this particular subject, it's worth noting that you tend to get reviews for movies and music etc around a week or so before general release, even though trailers (in the case of movies) and singles (in the case of cd's) often appear well ahead of time, to drum up interest. Books, too, tend to have a very short window of difference between reviewer copies going out and the final release copy hitting the shelves. In that regard, therefore, it can be seen that WHF are applying no more/less than conventional wisdom suggests is the appropriate methodology where it comes to releases.

I'm with you on the idea of some info coming out, but believe honestly that as Clare and others have reminded us all, features like advance details end up where they should in the mag ie the news section, and not elsewhere, and in that regard I feel no qualms about the coverage offered to the Oppo either in the mag or online here.
What's most bemusing is that it seems to be people who already own the Oppo who are clamouring for an early review. Most others seem to be quite happy to wait for Oppo to release a definite price and release date so they can read the review knowing they will actually be able to buy it at such and such a price and at such and such a place.
Andrew Everard:

I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.


And we all know what happened to HAL in the end.
Far less ridiculous topics have been closed in the past by WHF, I'm amazed this one still survives.

Let's put this one to rest until Oppo officially releases their player with a specified price and availability.
professorhat:What's most bemusing is that it seems to be
people who already own the Oppo who are clamouring for an early

I think there's an equal mix of evangelism and the need to feel the superiority of discovery here.

If I were my evil robot twin, I'd be hinting that the UK version's performance were better than the US one*, just to see what the reaction was.

* Statements made in the above declaration should not be taken as fact, implication or gossip. Customers get wound up, stressed, or righteously but spuriously indignant, at their own risk.
Andrew Everard:
professorhat:What's most bemusing is that it seems to bepeople who already own the Oppo who are clamouring for an earlyreview.

I think there's an equal mix of evangelism and the need to feel the superiority of discovery here.

If I were my evil robot twin, I'd be hinting that the UK version's performance were better than the US one*, just to see what the reaction was.

* Statements made in the above declaration should not be taken as fact, implication or gossip. Customers get wound up, stressed, or righteously but spuriously indignant, at their own risk.

You Evil twin
Andrew Everard:

professorhat:What's most bemusing is that it seems to be people who already own the Oppo who are clamouring for an early review.

I think there's an equal mix of evangelism and the need to feel the superiority of discovery here.

If I were my evil robot twin, I'd be hinting that the UK version's performance were better than the US one*, just to see what the reaction was.

* Statements made in the above declaration should not be taken as fact, implication or gossip. Customers get wound up, stressed, or righteously but spuriously indignant, at their own risk.

Andrew, what are you doing! You know that will just wind 'em up!!

sheesh - All those in favour of closing this thread, going to the pub and enjoying the weekend say "aye"
rogueelement:Andrew Everard:
professorhat:What's most bemusing is that it seems to be people who already own the Oppo who are clamouring for an early review.

I think there's an equal mix of evangelism and the need to feel the superiority of discovery here.

If I were my evil robot twin, I'd be hinting that the UK version's performance were better than the US one*, just to see what the reaction was.

* Statements made in the above declaration should not be taken as fact, implication or gossip. Customers get wound up, stressed, or righteously but spuriously indignant, at their own risk.


Andrew, what are you doing! You know that will just wind 'em up!!

sheesh - All those in favour of closing this thread, going to the pub and enjoying the weekend say "aye"

Andrew Everard:

professorhat:What's most bemusing is that it seems to be people who already own the Oppo who are clamouring for an early review.

I think there's an equal mix of evangelism and the need to feel the superiority of discovery here.

If I were my evil robot twin, I'd be hinting that the UK version's performance were better than the US one*, just to see what the reaction was.

* Statements made in the above declaration should not be taken as fact, implication or gossip. Customers get wound up, stressed, or righteously but spuriously indignant, at their own risk.

Now now Andrew , you know full well the knee jerkers won't even make it to the end of the post before ,errr , jerking.???

What's most bemusing is that it seems to be people who already own the Oppo who are clamouring for an early review. Most others seem to be quite happy to wait for Oppo to release a definite price and release date so they can read the review knowing they will actually be able to buy it at such and such a price and at such and such a place.

Well I don't have one and I would be very happy to see an early review (although i respect the What HIfi reasons for not doing so). If the Oppo is as good as is claimed, then I will wait for it. However, if the review said " no better than a Sony BDP360", then I would but one of those tomorrow, together with an Oppo DVD player to bitstream my DVDs which would save me about £200.
That's a good one.

No fear here.

Just in case anyone's reading this wondering how we can be debating a player that is "not released" and yet people have bought them I ought to explain, because otherwise you'd have to read the thread going back years to understand how we got to where we are.

Earlier this year Oppo began releasing players to early adoptors in the States. These were used as a testing field of users and the firmware was worked upon until it functioned well enough to allow the player to be released more widely. This point was reached in May I believe and one UK retailer got the go ahead to sell them as imports from Oppo USA. So I bought mine in early June.

Now, at that point, on another forum, a lot of noise was being made as people started to get hold of the player. Tthe official US launch wasn't until early July, but by that time a whole host of people around the world had already bought one. The Region Free modification followed soon after. This was a device procurred directly by the UK retailer and he offered to both fit it for you or sell it to you with instructions. In order to get around the warranty issues, he gave his own 12 month warranty in place of the official one. So far his performance with players that did develop issues (not many) has been exemplery. At least amoungst those owners who post to certain forums so we can keep track of how things are going.

So, following the July US launch, word was banded about that the UK and Europe would eventually see an official Region B model launched and there was speculation that it would be a cut down version. This didn't go down very well with anyone who'd already tried one, as at the price, no one could understand why you'd want a cut down version. But markets have levels, even when as competitively priced as the Oppo.

So in the States, before any taxes or duties are added on, the price is $500. In the UK, with all the duty paid, shipping paid and VAT, the price is £530 from CRT Projectors. The region free mod kit is £50 straight or £70 fitted. So there we are. There has been product available for months now, and Henry has been doing a roaring trade which is great. Reviews around the world have been universally positive so that's great too.

The UK version is rumoured to be priced at £450 and will be sold direct by Oppo off the web, as they do in the States. Of course, they haven't cast the price in stone, and that, if you're still reading, is why What Hi-Fi won't release the review. That and the date of the official website launch also not being available yet.

It looks unlikely that the price will be far off £450. You can get a feel simply by seeing what they charge in the States and what Henry at CRT is able to charge as an importer over here.

As for the review. I'm asking for it to be released (WHF will probably now be the very last magazine to release it, reviews have appeared almost everywhere else) and I think their view is one of the more important for people to feel confidence in buying a brand that is largely unknown in the UK outside of enthusiast circles.

Hope that informs as to where this debate has been and a bit of the history around the product.
Don't you hate those programmes that spend the first five minutes after each break telling you again what you were watching before the break...?

But for those viewers who've just joined us, you're watching What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision, not Will Harris Sound and Vision.

What's most bemusing is that it seems to be people who already own the Oppo who are clamouring for an early review. Most others seem to be quite happy to wait for Oppo to release a definite price and release date so they can read the review knowing they will actually be able to buy it at such and such a price and at such and such a place.

Don't include me in that, I went on record earlier in this thread saying similar (I think it was this one!). Out of a desire to pass on the good news, I've raved about my Oppo, but I find it a bit bemusing as well as to why there are some of us who already know it's merits that are getting hot under the collar waiting for the WHF review.

If I hadn't already bought one I might be getting a bit impatient. Even if it gets a lukewarm review, I won't be disappointed, because I've got/had 3 other players to compare it to. One of which was the 5 star Denon DVD-2500BT and it beats it hands down in my opinion.
I'm having to wipe a little tear from my eye at this moment - fantastic. Those who asked for the thread to be locked must surely change their minds again now - it's just so damned entertaining!

Mr. Harris, I tip my hat to you!
I am very interested to see a review for the oppo but I do agree there is no point in publishing a review for a product that I can not then go and buy as it is not avalible yet thus really rendering the review pointless.

So for me , I am in no rush and will happily wait for said review to appear should Oppo's UK devision ever finally get it's A### into gear, but until then I personally am happy to plod along with the PS3.
Didn't you know, the review has been released, it's just sitting in a Royal Mail sack in London somewhere! Probably with the last 2 SACD's I ordered, that reminds me, have I mentioned how good it is at playing SACD's?
Will Harris:Now the Cambridge is released the fight is really on.

And anyway, last time I heard, there was still some debate going on within Audio Partnership as to whether or not it would actually launch the player in the UK.

Remember, the launch reported in News today was the US one; the press release carries only a dollar price, with 'tbc' next to the UK and EU pricing.
Andrew Everard:I'm just hoping if we keep this thread going long enough Oppo UK will appear and launch the damn thing...

What's the record number of views for a thread, cos of course, it'd have be Oppo that would have to win.


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