steve_1979 said:
What cartridge would you guys recommend for a Techie? (I don't like those Concorde cartridges because they just look wrong and would bug the hell out of me)
Also why do record players need to be grounded the way they do? What's wrong with grounding them via the wall socket like other electrical appliances?
Grounding a record player is not straightforward, integrated players should be easier and mostly are, but any mods, something as simple as fitting a different cartridge, can cause issues.
Some record players do have earthed mains leads, but this just grounds the motor (most don't need it), you may need to ground the platter, to stop static build up. In addition the arm should be earthed for several reasons and in some models the case of the cartridge needs to be earthed too.
What is important is that each part that needs earthing is earthed just once through a defined signal path. Getting the earth path wrong can lead to all sorts of issues, mainly high levels of hum caused by 'ground loops' but there can be more subtle issues such as higher noise levels or static built up.
Generally speaking, if the motor needs earthing is should be done back to the mains, the arm and arm cable is usually via an earth lead to the amplifier chassis ground terminal. The phono cartridge is a pseudo balanced output with the - ve side of each chanel tied to the signal ground at the amplifier.
Most of the time it is that simple, use an earth on the mains if it is supplied, arm and cable to chassis ground with the earth lead, cartridge floats.
Until you come up against a cartridge with a screened body or an amplifier that does not separate chassis from signal ground or a player that earths itself through the screen on one channel of it's arm lead, or ...... well, you get my drift.