Help build system around Elac Debut Reference and other beginner questions


Active member
Jan 2, 2023
Hi al, first time poster and a relative beginner to the hifi universe!

A lifelong music lover, I always wanted to collect and play vinyl. Recently (finally) I bought for pretty cheap stock B, an 'All-in-One' player to start being able to listen to the vinyls I already have. I thought it would be great if I had a ready to use package with Cd, its own speakers, wifi-radio, bluetooth, etc. Trying it out and being underwhelmed by the music quality is what nudged me to start researching and understanding wifi equipment.

Basically, after a lot of reading and searching, I picked a pair of Elac Debut Reference DBR62, and now have the daunting but exciting task of choose 1) a good amp and 2) a good record player within a somewhat modest but flexible budget. I am looking for equipment with value for money that can last for the foreseeable future, with possibilities to upgrade (rather than replace) over time.
First, maybe a bit silly, question - can I plug in the Elacs to my existing system without damaging any of the equipment? I am a little bit worried that I don’t fully understand the watts/ohm matching and will ruin something. The system i have is: Lenco MC-460BK - Hifi set with internet, DAB+ and FM radio - Black

Second question - What amp and turntable would be good to match the Elacs? I want to use the turntable, but also be able to connect via Bluetooth at the very least, and also (but not 100% essential) plug into a TV or something along those lines. Would you recommend a pre-amp and amp, or one integrated amp system?

Some narrowing down for the amp that I am considering and available to me:

  • Rotel A11 Tribute at around 500 euros (is there a difference between A11 and A11s?)
  • Rotel A12 for 630 euros (I haven't heard much about this compared to the A11, is it worth the upgrade?)
  • Denon PMA600-ME at around 450 euros
  • Audiolab 6000A which i found available for 550 euros but might not be available at that price for long

Turntable I am still debating the budget, bur for now mostly between the Rega and Pro-ject:

  • Rega Planar 1 for around 400 vs.
  • Project Debut Carbon Evo for 520 euro
or go up a bit in budget and go for

  • Project Debut Pro for 800ish vs.
  • Rega Planar 3 (this is stretching the budget though)
What would you recommend to match the Elac the best? Anything I might be missing?
Any suggestions and advice are very welcome. Thanks and happy new year!
As for a record player I'm a proud owner of a rega planer 3 and depending on the amp/speakers you get I can't recommend the P3 more highly. Definitely more expensive than the P1 but much better imo,good luck in your exciting new journey ahead of you,please let me know how you get on. All the best and happy new year.
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Welcome to the forum! Where in the world are you, as you price in Euros?

First question. When I click your helpful link the website jumps to a homepage. Basically I can’t see your kit. Plugging speakers in should be fine, but I’m unsure if you have standard connections or brand-specific plugs. Any chance of a snapshot of the back of your system? (The watts/ohms thing is very rarely an issue these days)

Second question. The more you spend the better with turntables in this price range, but in Europe Pro-ject is likely better value and easier to support. A Debut Pro should be brilliant.

Regarding Amps, all those you list are decent. Can you clarify if LPs are your main source, or do you stream, like Spotify? Reason is some combination amp/streamer may be worth considering. What shops/stores can you visit to check out options?
Hi al, first time poster and a relative beginner to the hifi universe!

A lifelong music lover, I always wanted to collect and play vinyl. Recently (finally) I bought for pretty cheap stock B, an 'All-in-One' player to start being able to listen to the vinyls I already have. I thought it would be great if I had a ready to use package with Cd, its own speakers, wifi-radio, bluetooth, etc. Trying it out and being underwhelmed by the music quality is what nudged me to start researching and understanding wifi equipment.

Basically, after a lot of reading and searching, I picked a pair of Elac Debut Reference DBR62, and now have the daunting but exciting task of choose 1) a good amp and 2) a good record player within a somewhat modest but flexible budget. I am looking for equipment with value for money that can last for the foreseeable future, with possibilities to upgrade (rather than replace) over time.
First, maybe a bit silly, question - can I plug in the Elacs to my existing system without damaging any of the equipment? I am a little bit worried that I don’t fully understand the watts/ohm matching and will ruin something. The system i have is: Lenco MC-460BK - Hifi set with internet, DAB+ and FM radio - Black

Second question - What amp and turntable would be good to match the Elacs? I want to use the turntable, but also be able to connect via Bluetooth at the very least, and also (but not 100% essential) plug into a TV or something along those lines. Would you recommend a pre-amp and amp, or one integrated amp system?

Some narrowing down for the amp that I am considering and available to me:

  • Rotel A11 Tribute at around 500 euros (is there a difference between A11 and A11s?)
  • Rotel A12 for 630 euros (I haven't heard much about this compared to the A11, is it worth the upgrade?)
  • Denon PMA600-ME at around 450 euros
  • Audiolab 6000A which i found available for 550 euros but might not be available at that price for long

Turntable I am still debating the budget, bur for now mostly between the Rega and Pro-ject:

  • Rega Planar 1 for around 400 vs.
  • Project Debut Carbon Evo for 520 euro
or go up a bit in budget and go for

  • Project Debut Pro for 800ish vs.
  • Rega Planar 3 (this is stretching the budget though)
What would you recommend to match the Elac the best? Anything I might be missing?
Any suggestions and advice are very welcome. Thanks and happy new year!
Hi and welcome.

Looking at the specs of your amp/system and the Elac reference, if they are the little standmounts, there's a potential issue.

The amp is 2 x 20 watts per channel, while the speakers aren't the most efficient at 6 ohms and 87dbs.

That said, I have no experience of your amp or speakers. Suffice to say I would be looking at either a amp with double the output and/ or speaker with 8 ohms.
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Welcome to the forum! Where in the world are you, as you price in Euros?

First question. When I click your helpful link the website jumps to a homepage. Basically I can’t see your kit. Plugging speakers in should be fine, but I’m unsure if you have standard connections or brand-specific plugs. Any chance of a snapshot of the back of your system? (The watts/ohms thing is very rarely an issue these days)

Second question. The more you spend the better with turntables in this price range, but in Europe Pro-ject is likely better value and easier to support. A Debut Pro should be brilliant.

Regarding Amps, all those you list are decent. Can you clarify if LPs are your main source, or do you stream, like Spotify? Reason is some combination amp/streamer may be worth considering. What shops/stores can you visit to check out options?
Agreed, but he mentioned Bluetooth somewhere, do Project do a Bluetooth turntable....
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Thanks everyone for the welcomes and great suggestions. I am based in the Netherlands btw, where some affordable HIFI models seem to be hard to come by for some reason..

I am having a hard time deciding between the Rega and the Pro-ject models, so in the end I think it will be a gut decision, as I am sure both are great options.

For the amps it is a bit more complex as there seem to be a lot of things to take into account. Watts, ohms, features, DACs, Bluetooth, etc..

Regarding Amps, all those you list are decent. Can you clarify if LPs are your main source, or do you stream, like Spotify? Reason is some combination amp/streamer may be worth considering. What shops/stores can you visit to check out options?

I will use the recordplayer for sure (so good phono sound would be good) but also want to have a good bluetooth connection and be able to connect to a laptop/TV, via bluetooth but also with a cable would be handy. I saw some amps, like the Rotel A11 dont have that option, which is a bit strange? I do use spotify but mostly from the laptop at the moment.

First question. When I click your helpful link the website jumps to a homepage. Basically I can’t see your kit. Plugging speakers in should be fine, but I’m unsure if you have standard connections or brand-specific plugs. Any chance of a snapshot of the back of your system? (The watts/ohms thing is very rarely an issue these days)

This is the back of the system i have now.
Thanks again for all the advice!
Just FYI the reason the page jumps to the home page is they way the it has been set up. When using the .com address it defaults to your locations web page but if you use the country specific page it does not.

eg this should show the product.
Not a lor of modern amps are made to connect to a TV unless they are the home theatre type.
Some have a Bluetooth function although that could be sorted by buying a separate unit.
If you want good sound from a turntable then don't use Bluetooth, you either want analogue or you don't, use a wired connection for your deck whichever you get
If I were you I would decide exactly what functions you want in an amp and then visit a dealership, yiu must have some there in the Netherlands.
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I think that the op does want a wired connection between turntable and amplifier, it's the TV and other devices I think he would like to connect via Bluetooth, A marantz pm6007 has a on board dac and mm phono stage but unfortunately no Bluetooth, but the op could still connect his TV via a optical cab.....worth investigating I think.
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I think that the op does want a wired connection between turntable and amplifier, it's the TV and other devices I think he would like to connect via Bluetooth, A marantz pm6007 has a on board dac and mm phono stage but unfortunately no Bluetooth, but the op could still connect his TV via a optical cab.....worth investigating I think.
Possibly, but to be hon it's not particularly clear the way it was written.
The NAD C 328 might be a good place to start, has phono with DAC and Bluetooth
Definitely the Project Debut Pro for the turntable assuming it is going to be a wired connection.
Yes, apologies for the confusion. So - definitely a wired connection with the turntable. Secondary is a good bluetooth connection to be able to play off the computer. At third is being able to connect with a wire to a TV or a laptop, but in this day and age a bluetooth would be a way to get around that being missing, and anyway I could survive without it, so no need to sacrifice quality for it 😉

Thanks for all the advice so far. And the NAD C328 does look like a good option too, will look into it
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Yes, apologies for the confusion. So - definitely a wired connection with the turntable. Secondary is a good bluetooth connection to be able to play off the computer. At third is being able to connect with a wire to a TV or a laptop, but in this day and age a bluetooth would be a way to get around that being missing, and anyway I could survive without it, so no need to sacrifice quality for it 😉

Thanks for all the advice so far. And the NAD C328 does look like a good option too, will look into it
Thanks for clarification.
Definitely the Project turntable.
The NAD has optical connections for adding your TV
You can always add Bluetooth to any amp using something like the iFi Zen Blue v2 but its an extra box to deal with and, as such, an extra power supply needed.
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Just FYI the reason the page jumps to the home page is they way the it has been set up. When using the .com address it defaults to your locations web page but if you use the country specific page it does not.

eg this should show the product.
Thanks, I wondered if it was summat like that, seeing the little Union Flag. Sometimes a nice clear link like yours is better than clever text - which I don’t even know how to do!
Thanks everyone for the welcomes and great suggestions. I am based in the Netherlands btw, where some affordable HIFI models seem to be hard to come by for some reason..

I am having a hard time deciding between the Rega and the Pro-ject models, so in the end I think it will be a gut decision, as I am sure both are great options.

For the amps it is a bit more complex as there seem to be a lot of things to take into account. Watts, ohms, features, DACs, Bluetooth, etc..

I will use the recordplayer for sure (so good phono sound would be good) but also want to have a good bluetooth connection and be able to connect to a laptop/TV, via bluetooth but also with a cable would be handy. I saw some amps, like the Rotel A11 dont have that option, which is a bit strange? I do use spotify but mostly from the laptop at the moment.

This is the back of the system i have now.
Thanks again for all the advice!
View attachment 4212
Thanks for the picture. So, back to First Question, yes you can connect your Elac speakers using bare wire as pictured. Note the polarity, red and black here. It won’t break if you get it wrong - we call it ‘out of phase’ - but it will sound terrible - no bass and blurry image.
The existing amplifier is not very powerful, but quite ok for quieter replay or a small room, rather than live concert volumes, especially if you have a larger room.
The existing amplifier is not very powerful, but quite ok for quieter replay or a small room, rather than live concert volumes, especially if you have a larger room.
This is what I mentioned in my above post. It might be alright but some amps can struggle if there's a dip in ohms. I had that with the Arcam A65, twice as powerful as the OPs current amp.


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