mp3 wins format showdown on gadget show

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I doubt that anyone watching something like the 'Gadget Show' is seeking responsible consumer advice, just as 'Top Gear' viewers are not going to be influenced in the purchase of their next family saloon.

It would be like reading 'Loaded' for it's sensitive and informed advice on relationships

But I bought my Koenigsegg based on what was shown on Top Gear and date girls from Loaded, have I got that wrong?

Yes. Yes idc, you have. You don't even own any Hi-Fi
JohnDuncan:Aaaanyway, we've got this out of proportion. Less than 0.93 million people watch the Gadget Show (dunno precisely how many, BARB only do the top 30 per channel), while last time House was on, 2.23 million watched it. And he has a turntable.

He has a SOTA Sapphire turntable with a Rega RB300 tonearm in his office. Not sure what the rest of it is.
Gadget Show in unscientific test shocker!

Bit like when someone shows you one bluray test for a few minutes, on great equipment, doesnt compare it to anything inferior, then says " then...we reckon you into it...".

So, yeah, the harmless wee bunny wabbit that is the gadget show thoroughly deserves the kicking it has received here. Oh yes it does!
I know that an mp3 player connected via the headphone jack to the amp sounds absolutely awful but again, no one has clarified how they were listening to the ipod? and in addition there is no question that an external dac even playing 320 kbs defeats my sony XB930 cd player, so unless someone can clarify what transport they were using to carry the signal from the ipod to the amp, then I would say the notion the mp3 can better cd player is obvious, depends on the cd player of course.
I haven't watched it yet

So in order to make this a much more coherent and accurate test how would you guys have conducted it?
You take a quality music signal, chop (possibly random) pieces of it off and it sounds better than the original...really logical!

Yes. Yes idc, you have. You don't even own any Hi-Fi

Where are the MODS when you need them? Arepeebee has insulted my hifi!
hi fi newbie:I haven't watched it yet

I provided a link to the TGS 'test' earlier in this fred somewhere.

hi fi newbie:So in order to make this a much more coherent and accurate test how would you guys have conducted it?

I wouldn't conduct such a test. It is not a good test to do.
hi fi newbie:So in order to make this a much more coherent and accurate test how would you guys have conducted it?

Let's start with a normal listening room not a theatre...
hi fi newbie: So in order to make this a much more coherent and accurate test how would you guys have conducted it?

Or even better conduct your own version of the test using What Hifi scientific methods in your own lab...........

DELETED BY MODS; please don't post copyright material

Bah! Never trusted scientists and their scientific methods anyway.
Andrew Everard:

hi fi newbie:So in order to make this a much more coherent and accurate test how would you guys have conducted it?

Let's start with a normal listening room not a theatre...

Go on, I can just hear the cogs whirring for the next part...
The weak component out of the amp and CD player is definately the DCD1500AE. It does have a slightly 'flat' sound and doesn't really get the best out of the PMA1500AE. Much of what they were describing about the performance of CD was actually a description of the CD player itself rather than the format.

The turntable is hardly the last word in vinyl replay and retails for about £200 compared to the £700-£800 prices of the amp and CD player. If you are going to pit a budget turntable against a fairly expensive CD player at least use a decent quality cartridge and tell us about it. Preferably use a better quality turntable altogether. Then there are the concerns over set-up - cartridge alignment and other adjustments that probably weren't even considered.

Auditioning domestic audio equipment in a theatre is absolutely ridiculous.

Using only one test track hardly provides definitive results. How about playing something acoustic as well. That would really set the cat amongst the pigeons.
Taken from Wikipedia:

Suzi Perry:ÿhaving previously worked onÿBBC Two's short-lived revival ofÿTreasure Hunt, andÿBBC One's revival ofÿSuperstars.

Jason Bradbury:ÿJason Bradbury's career in entertainment began in the stand-up comedy circuit ...ÿJason is also a keen robot enthusiast demonstrating his robot building abilities in the 20 November 2007 episode of the show.

Jon Bentley:ÿhe is only appearing in his own segment in the show and one or two mini-segments, whilst most of the show is fronted by Suzi and Jason, although he does take part in the occasional challenge.


I wouldn't trust any of them with a stapler.ÿ



Taken from Wikipedia:

Suzi Perry: having previously worked on BBC Two's short-lived revival of Treasure Hunt, and BBC One's revival of Superstars.

Jason Bradbury: Jason Bradbury's career in entertainment began in the stand-up comedy circuit ... Jason is also a keen robot enthusiast demonstrating his robot building abilities in the 20 November 2007 episode of the show.

Jon Bentley: he is only appearing in his own segment in the show and one or two mini-segments, whilst most of the show is fronted by Suzi and Jason, although he does take part in the occasional challenge.

I wouldn't trust any of them with a stapler.

So theyre totally unqualified for the job as you see it and thats why the tests are silly and the show rubbish.

Whats yer point?

No offence, it coulda been anyone.

Nope. No idea.

Anyway, all i meant was that we know that, and its a point laboured by many throughout the whole thread.

The idea of the show as serious consumer advice is laughable, hence certain peoples annoyance at the pathetic responses to the thread*.

* No, not you.
I know, I was just enjoying some of the descriptions - especially Jasons. Sorry if I've insulted your intelligence once more.
Octopo:I know, I was just enjoying some of the descriptions - especially Jasons. Sorry if I've insulted your intelligence once more.

Ooh, cheeky!
Actually, that raises a good point: what qualifications do you require to be a HiFi reviewer?

I'd love to do a course in hifi reviewing, were one available.
Actually, that raises a good point: what qualifications do you require to be a HiFi reviewer?

I'd love to do a course in hifi reviewing, were one available.

(1) An electronics degree at the very least. I hope.*

(2) Experience/qualifications in journalism. Goes without saying.**

(3) 'Golden Ears' (most important).***

*I want reviewers to be able to lift the cover off any item of hifi and be able to see exactly how the thing works and to be able to make informed comment on the quality of the components/circuit layout and circuit design etc.

**Obviously they should be able to write well.

***Keen faculties of hearing (regularly tested) and some ability as a musician would be a bonus. Experience of the recording process and access to/knowledge of studio master material to give insight and reference that the rest of us lack.
chebby:(1) An electronics degree at the very least. I hope.

Not me.

chebby:(2) Experience/qualifications in journalism.

26 years do you? No qualifications, though.

chebby:Goes without saying.

'Fraid not - take it from one who spent some of his formative years putting the immortal prose of some of the most revered hi-fi reviewers into English.

chebby:'Golden Ears' (most important).

Pink, last time I checked.
Given the influence that reviewers for such a large circulation and respected magazine have over sales of product (and even the destinies of some smaller companies) then it is the least I would expect.


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