idc:Andrew Everard:
idc:Really, pretty valid test to me, though quite why they conducted it in a concert hall is beyond me.
That's like saying "I was amazed that they found a Fiat Panda was as fast as a Ferrari, though quite why they conducted the test going down a ski-slope in neutral is beyond me."
I was reacting to the negative comments made by you, Simon Lucas and also now Andy Clough. Yes you know your stuff more than the presenters on the Gadget Show, so why have the What Hifi posts been so negative? I would have hoped for something more along the lines of 'well, when we tested that Denon system we found that it suited such and such a type of music and the dock is particularly good. Whereas, the speakers used would not suit the record player's characteristics etc etc'. In other words an informed response. Instead ridicule. Disappointing. Andrew your car anaolgy does not work for me. Are you saying that the ipod won the test because of the location, something to do with the accoustics of the hall maybe? Now that would make more sense, but instead more ridicule.
I realise that just because on that day, with that set up because the two presenters preferred the ipod does not mean that ipods rule. But I also realise that your need to ridicule is frankly pathetic and surprising and comes over as professional snobbery.
Quite right, and I thought the gadget show was an insult to my intelligence. really expected better?
idc:Really, pretty valid test to me, though quite why they conducted it in a concert hall is beyond me.
That's like saying "I was amazed that they found a Fiat Panda was as fast as a Ferrari, though quite why they conducted the test going down a ski-slope in neutral is beyond me."
I was reacting to the negative comments made by you, Simon Lucas and also now Andy Clough. Yes you know your stuff more than the presenters on the Gadget Show, so why have the What Hifi posts been so negative? I would have hoped for something more along the lines of 'well, when we tested that Denon system we found that it suited such and such a type of music and the dock is particularly good. Whereas, the speakers used would not suit the record player's characteristics etc etc'. In other words an informed response. Instead ridicule. Disappointing. Andrew your car anaolgy does not work for me. Are you saying that the ipod won the test because of the location, something to do with the accoustics of the hall maybe? Now that would make more sense, but instead more ridicule.
I realise that just because on that day, with that set up because the two presenters preferred the ipod does not mean that ipods rule. But I also realise that your need to ridicule is frankly pathetic and surprising and comes over as professional snobbery.
Quite right, and I thought the gadget show was an insult to my intelligence. really expected better?