Tear Drop:idc:In another recent post the question was asked can a hifi sound 'live' and the answer was an agreed no. Funnily enough a test from the Gadget Show was commented on (a singer vs a Linn) and there was no great controversy about that (the singer won). The reason why I bring this up is not because it involves the Gadget Show and a dodgy test, but because since hifi cannot accurately represent live sound, what does it represent? The sound quality at most of the concerts I have been to has been poor in any case. What live album sounds better than the studio version? WOW!!! That has staggered me. All I can say is that there must be a stunning lack of collective listening experience around these parts if it can be 'agreed' upon that hifi cannot sound live, or cannot 'accurately represent live sound'. Really, and I mean this quite seriously, perhaps a few people here should spend more time listening to and understanding - their own systems, other systems, and live music - rather than spending so much time on discussions on internet forums. Wow.... Edit: Can somebody provide a link to the thread referenced by idc? Thanks
Hi Tear Drop, the Is it Live thread was about quality of reproduction of sound and what it is possible to achieve with a hifi, a perfectly reasonable topic on a hifi forum surely? The reference to the Gadget Show was coincidental as it involved one of their not valid but fun and interesting 'tests'. I also like it when Top Gear 'tests' caravans by battering them like conkers.
But moving away from the light hearted I have now posed the question 'if hifi cannot accurately represent live sound, what does it represent?' Is it to reproduce the sound as close to the original recording as possible? I think it is to make music I enjoy listening to and for me generally and the Gadget Show presenters on the day and with their test that was mp3.
That really appears to have got on peoples goat and I do not understand why. If someone else came on this forum and announced that their system invloved wax cylinders rotating on a spit and the sound coming out of one speaker and that they had testing it against CD and vinyl underwater and it was definitely better, I would not lay into them. But I would have a few reasonable questions for them.
Tear Drop, you comment about spending more time listening to systems and less on the forum, well I am presently listening the Yes 'Fragile' and you seem to find this topic interesting enough to ask for the link to the other thread!