BenLaw said:Of course. My main point (FWIW) was in the first para. I'm even aware of a manufacturer saying they will make a product brighter than they would naturally like to in order to get a better review where review rooms have been heavily acoustically treated.
I find that depressing BenLaw, ads to my recent feeling that we are being ripped off, taken to the cleaners?
The old hifi values seem to have been lost to modern ways . . . There seems to be almost an ignorance, with no one caring . . . ?
I have been having a hifi weekend after a few weeks off, other things needing my attention. The laps was interspersed with minor changes to the system being made without proper follow up. Resulting in the system, especially the TT requiring those little insignificant tweaks that make all the difference to a sensitive ear.
This has lead me to consider my old style analogue hifi as almost 'organic', requiring constant TLC, as one does with a musical instrument. Has the 'new way' lost or discouraged this need for involvement and understanding with the instrument?