Is the resurgence of vinyl LP's a fad?

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Well probably the same reason cassette tapes were never very popular. They plain suck to play. Having to fast forward to find a song is plain annoying. CDs combined portability with good quality and ease of navigation. Yes, I still enjoy CDs.
Cassette tapes not popular. Lol. You may have heard of this device called the Walkman. Sony sold well over 200 million of the cassette variant alone. It transformed the way we listen to music. I had boxes of SA90s. From memory if you went into Richer Sounds in the late 80s and early 90s that’s pretty much all they had behind the counter,

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2023
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Cassette tapes not popular. Lol. You may have heard of this device called the Walkman. Sony sold well over 200 million of the cassette variant alone. It transformed the way we listen to music. I had boxes of SA90s. From memory if you went into Richer Sounds in the late 80s and early 90s that’s pretty much all they had behind the counter,

I was responding to another user who was comparing them to cds. Surely you saw that. I personally think tapes were pretty popular for a period. I'm old enough to remember a time where cassette tapes were everywhere. I owned many tapes and still do but when I discovered cds I never bothered with tapes again. So they were popular but could never compete with compact discs.


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