Is there a CDP that comes close to the sound of vinyl ?


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Just got a turntable during the week, dont have much of a record collection but tons of Cds. Find the turntable much more athmospheric sounding. Will try to collect more vinyl but will keep collection small. Here is a list of kit.

amp Marantz PM7004

cdp Marantz Cd6003

speakers MA RX1

Possible cd players upgrades i have considered are the Marantz SA7003, SA8003 or Audiolab cd8200 or would i be wasting my time and money, trying to match or get closer to the vinyl sound and keep existing player.

Would love to hear your comments or any other recommendations you have.
CD players won't sound like vinyl until you're spending well over £1000, something like the Audio Research CD5
The atmospheric sound might be due to the surface noise/hiss you can get with vinyl 😉

I have one of these CDPs and it sounds great ... very natural sounding ... CClicky
The atmospheric sound might be due to the surface noise/hiss you can get with vinyl 😉

I have one of these CDPs and it sounds great ... very natural sounding ... Clicky
The atmospheric sound might be due to the surface noise/hiss you can get with vinyl 😉

I have one of these CDPs and it sounds great ... very natural sounding ... Clicky
The atmospheric sound might be due to the surface noise/hiss you can get with vinyl 😉
I think the Audio Analogue players are pretty good ... I have a Paganini MKII and it sounds great ... very natural sounding ...
IME, an Arcam CD37 did the trick. But it was also very dependent on the amp(s)/speaker combo.

And when a TT was looped into the same system, it sounded 'orrible... :doh:
It depends what aspects you're taking into account. Sure, CD is quieter, but it's not unknown for many CD's to sound quite 'hissy'.

The nearest I've heard to vinyl has been HDCD's and 24/96 recordings. Like streaming, they tend to be less harsh and a little sweeter than normal CD's - just listen to cymbals and hi-hats. A really good system can sound three dimensional, but none seem to quite have the depth that vinyl does. Play a vinyl system and it doesn't eminate from the speakers.

I haven't heard the Marantz models you mention, but the Audiolab and the Leema Elements CD players are a good place to start.
My outgoing Marantz SA7001-KI was a lovely player - very natural, though a tad bass lean so needs careful matching. Great midrange though and a nice treble - not sharp or piercing.
No, there are none - they all lack tracking distortion, such a high noisefloor, limited f response & reduced cross-talk! However you will be able to hear the nostalgic vinyl sound on many recordings that artificially introduce crackles & pops!

The sound I like is what comes close to what I hear at classical concerts - realistic bass, preferably the same the 100th time its played. I still own 300ish records but digital technology has come on in leaps & bounds, even in the last few years. You maybe better off searching out decent DACs rather than CDPs. I'd start with something like the Rega DAC. As an aside, I think now is the Golden Age of vinyl, not 30yrs ago & it can sound very good with a decent pressing.
No, not really. However, some CDPs come closer than others when it comes to earthy sound: Arcam, Rega, Exposure and older Marantz.

In all truth nothing betters a really good turntable. Good to have something different to add to hi-fi.
Thanks everyone for you input, you ideas and recommendations are all options i will consider carefully before making up my mind if an upgrade on a cdp is worth while. Thanks again.
Macspur said:

100% agree 🙂 My Electrocompaniet Emc1UP Cd player absolutely destroys my vinyl source ( see my signature ) in every conceivable way and by quite a large margin , in fact I rarely play any vinyl now at all .

But the Emc1UP is a bit special isn't it Mac :grin:

Have you heard about opera audio consonance cd players the filterless ones. I have a consonance cd-120 linear very smooth detailed, with natural mids with deep sounstage. Very natural sounding. I compared it to the arcam 73t and marantz cd7001, creek evo more real sounding than them. Probably the only weakness is slightly rolled off top end.

See the reviews on the net stereotimes, Hifi + etc. Very good value for money, it sounded close to my old AR turntable for sound. I think Alium audio stock them.


stephennic said:

Have you heard about opera audio consonance cd players the filterless ones. I have a consonance cd-120 linear very smooth detailed, with natural mids with deep sounstage. Very natural sounding. I compared it to the arcam 73t and marantz cd7001, creek evo more real sounding than them. Probably the only weakness is slightly rolled off top end.

See the reviews on the net stereotimes, Hifi + etc. Very good value for money, it sounded close to my old AR turntable for sound. I think Alium audio stock them.



Hi Steve,

Yes, have heard very good reports about this player.


Electro said:
Macspur said:

100% agree 🙂 My Electrocompaniet Emc1UP Cd player absolutely destroys my vinyl source ( see my signature ) in every conceivable way and by quite a large margin , in fact I rarely play any vinyl now at all .

But the Emc1UP is a bit special isn't it Mac :grin:

Sure is!

BTW Electro, which i.c's do you use between your CDP and amp?
I know it's very expensive but the naim cd555 matched the turntables that it was pitched against in a blind listening I was at
Macspur said:
Electro said:
Macspur said:

100% agree 🙂 My Electrocompaniet Emc1UP Cd player absolutely destroys my vinyl source ( see my signature ) in every conceivable way and by quite a large margin , in fact I rarely play any vinyl now at all .

But the Emc1UP is a bit special isn't it Mac :grin:

Sure is!

BTW Electro, which i.c's do you use between your CDP and amp?

I use Kimber KCAG balanced interconnects bought second hand for a good price 🙂 between Cd and pre amp and pre to power amp .


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