FREE Chord HDMI Active (1.5m)

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Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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No, I haven't contacted the subs department, but really, why should I need to?

I'm sorry, but if you don't tell them you haven't received your cable, how can they possibly know it hasn't arrived? And we can't deduce your full details from your Forum log-in either!

They're working hard on sorting this out, but need a little input.

Here's hoping it gets sorted soon.


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Mar 13, 2008
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Well when I rang on Friday I was told staff had just received an email to say that due to an oversight some cables had not been sent out; nothing to do with the postal strike.

Some of these outstanding orders had now been dispatched and more would be sent this week. I was then told that if I hadn't received the cable by this Friday I should telephone gain. Clare, I frankly do not want a 'replacement item' as I was assured when I placed the order (the main reason for subscribing and I made this clear when I placed the order) that they still had plenty of cables 'in stock'.

Very frustrating and frankly annoying that I have to do the chasing on this. I really like the magazine but this does not reflect well on it, even if this is down to a third party.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Don't I just know that it doesn't reflect well on us
Trying to ensure that those guaranteed the Chord Active (ie whose order arrived when it was still in stock) get it, so bear with us a little longer on that.

And the issue you refer to up top - re cables not being sent out - was the warehouse issue detailed earlier on in this thread. Yep, both the warehouse and the Royal Mail have screwed up big time

I can only apologise again, and assure you we're not ignoring this issue, nor underplaying its significance.

Big Aura

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Oct 13, 2008
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I had an email from them asking me to clarify my subscriber details which I did, and haven't heard back - have chased again. I do hope they have one en route/allocated to me - I ordered minutes after you confirmed there were 170 plus units in stock!


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Mar 13, 2008
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OK thanks Clare. I will wait patiently (not a strong point especially after more than 6 weeks) to the end of the week.

Edit: Big Aura I did likewise and in fact that's nearly 8 weeks


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
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Clare Newsome:the_lhc:No, I haven't contacted the subs department, but really, why should I need to?
I'm sorry, but if you don't tell them you haven't received your cable, how can they possibly know it hasn't arrived? And we can't deduce your full details from your Forum log-in either!

Yeah, I know, I meant more like, why is the problem occuring in the first place, there seem to be quite a few people in the same situation? I know it's the classic question that really winds people up but really, how hard can it be?


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Oct 16, 2008
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Clare Newsome:
Don't I just know that it doesn't reflect well on us
Trying to ensure that those guaranteed the Chord Active (ie whose order arrived when it was still in stock) get it, so bear with us a little longer on that.

No worries, I'm not in any great hurry, which is why I haven't chased it before now, I haven't bought the blu-ray player it's going to be connected to yet!
In fact I might as well wait until the cable turns up, they're only going to get cheaper (fingers crossed...).

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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Andrew Everard:...and forwarded on to subs...

Err, oh, who did I send it to then?

You sent it to the subs address with a cc to us, so I merely forwarded our copy on to them too with a note to make sure they knew what the problem is.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Yeah, I know, I meant more like, why is the
problem occuring in the first place, there seem to be quite a few
people in the same situation? I know it's the classic question that
really winds people up but really, how hard can it be?

Take a centre fulfilling subscriptions gifts for a wide range of titles, add in a warehouse move, a courier **-up and ongoing Royal Mail action and....


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Oct 16, 2008
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Andrew Everard:the_lhc:Andrew Everard:...and forwarded on to subs...
Err, oh, who did I send it to then?

You sent it to the subs address with a cc to us, so I merely forwarded our copy on to them too with a note to make sure they knew what the problem is.

ah, right, cool, cheers!


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
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Clare Newsome:the_lhc:Yeah, I know, I meant more like, why is the
problem occuring in the first place, there seem to be quite a few
people in the same situation? I know it's the classic question that
really winds people up but really, how hard can it be?
Take a centre fulfilling subscriptions gifts for a wide range of titles, add in a warehouse move, a courier **-up and ongoing Royal Mail action and....

This is not just a mess, this is an M&S mess...


NO, mine arrived the first day of the postal strike around 11:00am a few days after the latest edition turned up.

The cable is suberb brilliant in everyway and the detail is sublime, its excellent not suprised that it won such accolade.




Unfortunately I also seem to have been a victim of the missing Chord Active HDMI cable Saga. I subscribed to the magazine at the start of September (Direct Debit agreement dated 06/09/09) on the strength of the free gift. I buy the What HIFI? 3 or 4 times a year anyway and have since the early nineties.The fact I've just upgraded my Projector, bought a Blu-ray and also upgraded my AV Reciever persuaded me to subscribe to the magazine as I would get a top quality HDMI cable to make the best of the sound.

The first magazine arrived on the 19th. I'd given the arrival of the cable the benefit of the doubt up until the magazine arrived, as I assumed that they might come together. I telephoned the subscriptions department on 08456 777800 and was told by Julie that my cable had been sent out some while ago by DHL. When I asked about the tracking number I was told that there wasn't one as they were sent to DHL who then pass them to the Royal Mail en-masse and they are then not tracked. I find this surprising considering that the cable is worth £115.00!

I was offered the QED cable which I initially accepted under protest. When I checked the relative price, and by impliction the quality, of the QED cable offered it must be inferior to the Chord Cable that I was expecting to get. I emailed to state that I'd rather have the original cable offered and again asked in writing for some means of finding out whare the cable is.

I'm very disappionted in the whole situation and feel that thus far I've been fobbed off with substandard explanations and excuses.

Tomorrow I'll write to the subscriptions department to demand a more satisfactory solution to the situation. It seems as though there's been a certain level of ineptitude in the management of the situation thus far and I'm not happy about it. It leaves me feeling like an idiot and wondering if I've been duped.

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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No, you haven't been duped - it's just errors along the line, for which I can only apologise.

Please email me the text of your post above and your name, address and subscriber number by clicking this link, and I will make sure it's forwarded on to our subs department as soon as poss.

Be sure Clare has been wielding the big stick on this one - I've seen the emails flying around of late and they're getting a bit scary!

Apologies again, and we really are doing our best to get this sorted - we are very aware how bad this looks, even though it is beyond the control of us editorial types.


P.S. My subscription account number is WHIF16614 for anyone from What HIFI? reading the post.





I'll email you in the morning from work as this is a new laptop and the email account's not set up at home on this one yet.



Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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OK fine: will email your original text and sub number to my office address now, so you only need to mail your user name - Wheresmycable - and your real name and postal address.

Big Aura

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2008
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Andrew - when I emailed, I saw that you forwarded my query to your subs department within two hours.

Five days later, they contacted me to say they couldn't locate my subscription details (although I had forwarded the original email with all details as an attachment). I followed up with a resend of all details within an hour (that was 22 October), and I didn't hear anything since.

I chased again yesterday, but have yet to get a response.

Normally I wouldn't be so 'pushy', but I am concerned that, in waiting to give the guys some breathing space (due to Royal Mail and their warehouse move), I may have missed the boat. I know it's not your fault (nor any of the editorial staff's) but I ordered within a very short time of it being confirmed that there were 174 cables in stock, so did so on the assumption that I would be certain of getting advertised 1.5m Chord Active HDMI.

The alternative cable they're offering people is the same as what I currently is of little value to me.

Thanks for anything that you can do.



I ordered my subscription on 4th Sep and haven't received the cable. Apart from the automated 3 day response message I still haven't heard anything back from the subscription company after 4 days and I'm getting very concerned that I will never see my cable.

Does anyone know how many cables they had in the first place and how many orders they for this offer?


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