FREE Chord HDMI Active (1.5m)

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Nov 22, 2008
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Good news here too!

Mine arrived yesterday..via City Link. Well pleased! Thanks to the WhatHifi team for looking into it for us.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Thank you - and thanks for your (in some cases, continued) patience. As you'll see from the courier delivery, we're trying to avoid Royal Mail where possible....


I took out my subscription for the 3m Chord cable in June and after 4 months of chasing I was eventually told that my 1m QED cable was on it's way (I never got that either). By then the Chord was out of stock I asked if I could get the 1.5m Chord Active instead and was told to call back in a week if I didn't receive anything and they'd send one out. When I called back a week later I was told that they were out of stock and was offered a power cable instead. In the end I ended up with nothing...Apart from the mag of course!



I've just sent in an email too (subscribed 2nd Sept)

After "borrowing" my work mate's copy of the mag for the last few months I decided to subscribe. He's been talking up good quality cables and when I seen the HMDI cable offer I decided to take the plunge.

Hopefully it comes soon along with my 1st copy of the mag.


EDIT: Mag came today
now I'm just waiting for the cable.


hi just a quick question to anyone who has been lucky & already got their mag & lead, i got my mag this morning if you do get a free lead was it sent with the mag or on it's own


Patience may be a virtue but it seems to work against you these days.

I subscribed to the magazine for the offer on the '2009 award winning' Chord active cable back on August 31st. Knowing that it could take up to 35 days I was eagerly awaiting delivery of the cable but thought nothing about the wait. A work colleague subscribed a week or so after me and he too had not received anything until around 2 weeks ago when his turned up by City Link. I thought great, they are being despatched and mine will turn up soon - still nothing. I called the helpline yesterday to be told that mine was at the picking stage and that it was there to be despatched. The delay was put down to moving warehouses. I was given an apology for the delay and told that it would be looked in to further and despatched asap. About an hour later I received a call to say that the cable had actually been despatched and something must have gone amiss in the post, that there were no Chord cables left and I could have one of two alternative gifts instead! When I asked when it had actuallybeen sent out I was told 'at the beginning of September'. Am I convinced one was sent out - maybe not.

The two alternatives offered were the Chord Supershield mains cable and the 1.0m QED Performance HDMI cable. Whilst both of these are 5 star products (I already have a QED performance cable), I don't feel as though they are as good as the Chord active, especially if WHF awards are to be used as a guide. In addition, I had subscribed on the basis of a product worth £115, and am now offered ones worth £65 and £50 respectively. I therefore asked if both could be sent instead, but no such luck! Having no other choice I have plumped for the mains cable and have been given an extended subscription of 2 copies as apparent compensation. I have not been told that there are more on the way as somebody else recently posted on another thread on the same subject.

If I sound a bit agreived that's because I am. Not at the two ladies I have dealt with on the helpline who have been very helpful and have called me back twice and given excellent customer service, more at the situation. I rate the magazine highly and enjoy reading it, but will I continue with my subscription - probably not due to my disappointment.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
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I subscribed on 02/09/09 - got the awards copy of the magazine on Monday (very pleased with that) - but no HDMI lead. . . .

Have emailed and received an automated reply saying the aim to reply within 3 working days though this may be a while longer due to the postage strike. . .

Anything else I need to do ?

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Please give it those three days, then feel free to send a follow-up email/call. And thanks for your continuing patience.

I was supposed to meet with subscriptions this morning about this and other matters, but they're so busy trying to deal with the continuing postal-strike issues that they simply couldn't find time. They've hired in extra staff and are doing there best to address every customer ASAP.


Similar experience here. I rang yesterday and was told that mine was dispatached in September and must have going missing in the post. I was also offered the Chord cable and the QED HDMI cable. I opted for the HDMI as I renewed my subscription primarily because of the freebie HDMI on offer.

Wished I had thought of asking for both gifts based on the monetary value of the original Chord HDMI cable - might also have received an issue or two extra..

Can't complain about the service given by the helpline although I was told that my new gift would be with me in a few weeks. Didn't really register until I put the phone down but I have waited since August so a few more weeks won't hurt. Fingers crossed that this one turns up.


How many of these have 'gone missing' in the post I know of at least three others on another forum. This is really bad form considering the value of the cable I would have thought they would have been sent by at least recorded delivery, or some other traceable courier. What Hifi should own up to their mistake and get some more cables!! I have been a subscriber on and off for years but now would consider another mag.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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I can't speak directly on behalf of our subscriptions dept, but they've sent out thousands of subscription gifts over the years without a fraction of the issues encountered in recent months with the postal disputes -when it seems a handful of hundreds of cables have gone astray. All gifts now being dispatched via non-Royal Mail couriers.

The vast majorty of subscribers to this offer have received Chord Active cables (albeit often with a delay..) safe and sound, and the subs guys are working hard to ensure (as per terms and conditions of offer) alternatives are offered where cables were out of stock.

I've asked for a full investigation into this, as it's definitely not the image of efficiency or delivery the magazine expects - as I hope our hosting and answering honestly of this thread clearly demonstrates.

Apologies again for any disappointment.


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Dec 16, 2003
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Talk about fobbed off - here is a copy of the correspondence between myself and the helpline. . . . . .

Good Morning,
I subscribed to the magazine on 02/09/09 and the offer included a Chord
HDMI lead.

I received my first copy of the magazine this week, but the HDMI lead
has yet to arrive.

I understand from the WHF forums that this is an issue for a number of

Please can you look into this ?

My subscription number is: WHIF.......


Thank you for your email regarding What Hi-Fi?

We can see from our records that the Chord HDMI Acitve 1.5m Cable has
been sent and as this has not been received, we can only assume that it
has gone astray in transit. We regret to advise that we have no further
stock of the cable and we therefore offer an extension of 3 issues or
the following alternative: QED Performance HDMI 1m Cable.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we look forward to
your reply.

The reply they are looking foward to....

Good evening,
Please can you tell me when and how it was sent ? Was it tracked ? Was it insured ? Has this theft in transit been reported to the Police ? Do you have insurance to recoup the cost ?

It is not acceptable to offer as an alternative to a £115 cable, three issues of What HiFi magazine (excellent as it is) or a QED perfomance cable - which I wanted the Chord HDMI lead to replace - and which is widely available for around £25 (which is what I paid on EBAY for mine.)

The reply you have given is completely unsatisfactory as is the alternative.

This matter requires your further attention and I expect an early reply - details of which you, and many other disgusted customers will find published on the What Hifi discussion forum.

Will wait and see what comes back. . . .I do not accept such a feeble explanation. . . .and yes, Im pretty angry about it!



Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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I believe Clare is having conversations with our subscriptions people re this situation.

Please bear with us until after the weekend and we will hope to be in touch again.


Mine arrived this morning

Many thanks to Andrew, Clare and the Subs department for helping to sort it...


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
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Clare Newsome:Glad to hear it, lozza - and thanks for your patience on this, and for appreciating our efforts at trying to redress the mess!


No, I haven't contacted the subs department, but really, why should I need to? I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and with the postal strike and all I haven't pushed it but I'm starting to get vaguely irritated now...


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