'Jane' - Jefferson Airplane : a great compact solo perfectly fitting the song
Hi shreddy,
Great to see Craig Chaquito from Jefferson Starship get a mention. Just in case you haven`t already done so I recommend checking out his work on `Awakening` which is on the same album as `Jane` and my personal favourtite solo of Craig`s from the song `Save Your Love` which is on the `Modern Times` lp.
Here`s my favourites -
Craig Chaquito (Jefferson Starship) - `Save Your Love`
Tim Bricheno (All About Eve) - `December`
Todd Rundgren - `Bat Out Of Hell`
Todd Rundgren - `Surf`s Up` (from Jim Steinman`s `Bad For Good` album)
Don Felder/Joe Walsh - `Hotel California`
Bryan Josh (Mostly Autumn) - loads of great solos. Try `Heroes Never Die`, `The Night Sky`, `Evergreen`, `The Last Climb` `Half The Mountain` for starters. Bryan sounds a bit like David Gilmour.
Brian May - `White Queen` Short but sweet.