- Oct 14, 2009
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cheeseboy said:Golden Ears said:Oh poking is fun isn't it? Are you saying that you can answer all the questions I posed earlier? Whips shying away from facts. Do you believe every cable is the same regardless of composition and that the signal is transfer exactly the same regardless of material? Are there no differences in sound between some cables? I've seen many hearing saying there are, also I've demonstrated differences time and time again it's only arrogant to assume someone must be imagining that they've heard differences and can hear differences when the exist of course you know everything they're hearing.
Also have you read this challenge? Did you notice it was excepted that there are differences? The premix us that the wallet listeners claim they know a expensive cable over any cheap cable. Now I know you're not telling I've made that claim are you? So how is this test going to prove I can't hear differences when some cables are introduced into my system?
I do oh do much look forward to this reply
it is scientifically proven that construction, insulation, geometry etc can and foes have an impact on the integrity of and analogue signal. This is undisputed. Period. As to whether every cable has a signature that is audible very very doubtful.
Again, you didn't read what I (and many others have said) - you're running to your own beat on your own inner monologue and hearing what you want to hear and ignoring everything else. As I said, there's no point in trying to reply because you are just listening to what you want to and being totaly oblivious and ignoring everything else, and contradicting yourself in the process, so no form of reply would satisfy you, as I already said. So don't expect any kind of reply that's going to entertain trying to answer your questions, because it's not going to happen, and even if it did, it would be futile for the reasons I have stated.
So you've no proof nor fact and think claiming I hear what I want is correct. Oh well if that was correct I wouldn't have noticed any objecting comments or accusations. I've read what you've said and I do believe you keep trying to point to blind testing and as I pointed out that test was aimed at the myth of spending more means better. It's clear as daylight in the text and is not intended to claim there are no differences between cables. You also claim I refuse to accept the placebo effect, I'm sure occasionally people want to hear a different I'm not wanting yo. That's why I do not subscribe to this as reason for having heard a difference. I think my home made cables perform just as good as the stupid priced one and on occasion have exceeded their sound quality. So there is no placebo effect if the person is not beliving every time the listen to 2 cables they'll hear a difference then do as I'm not and have not claimed this.
There hasn't been a single taker for supplying the scientific undisputed fact that all cable perform the same as there's one claiming this other than those misreading the challenge as it's there to dispute there are differences, it us there to dispel the myth as I said money meNs you hear it better.