Brand new - Monitor Audio GX200 with Cyrus 8XPd QX and 6SE.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Just installed yesterday night! I think the new Gold Series are bright but with decent bass. Let's wait 24 hrs to see how they open up! can't wait !
The GX's will take a good week or two to start settling down. Some speakers that use all metal drivers sometimes take a short while to warm up too. Some may think it's crazy, but even if the amp is already warmed up, they can take half an hour or so to come on song. Some will say that's just your ears settling into them, who knows 🙂

You'll also find that warming the 8xpd up properly before a listen will reduce any brightness too - I'd recommend keeping it on all the time, if possible.
Thank you so much for that !! I was switching off the 8XPd and no giving time to keep it warm. Today I left it ON all day and what a difference it does.


The GX are comming alive little by little and I am getting really impress number one by build quality and secondly the great sound they are capable of give. I can hear quiet a difference from yesterday already... I am loving everytime I am back at home to lissten to them.

I haven't push them hard yet - how long I need to wait to raise the volume without damaging? Thank you

You should be fine turning them up after about 5-10 hours really. It's people who take speakers straight out of the box and whack them up straight away that really are tempting fate.
Hi George

Any pictures (use to upload them if you're not sure how to otherwise). How are you finding the system as well?

I'm potentially demoing the GX100's and 200's next week or the week after for my new Cyrus streaming system (Streamline, XPower amp and a PSX-R (possibly 2)

Still havent decided on speakers but want to get sorted before December kicks in!


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