And no, I'm not saying your digital music sources are at fault, just that an upgrade to your DAC (if you like the sound of your current speakers) has huge potential to improve your music. The V-Dac is good, even very good for the money. But reviews of other DACs have been more glowing; comparison in reviews with the DACMagic seem to favour the DACMagic, and Wyred 4 Sound's reviews have been extremely positive. Then there is Rega's DAC, Arcam's, etc. etc.. All except possibly the Wyred 4 Sound could be had for the same money. Maybe you should test those as well as the speakers. Just don't listen to the W4S and the new speakers together or your budget will suddenly double...I think you have this wrong. The V-DAC, with the improved power supply, is hard to better unless, as I said, you start looking at Benchmark or similar. Apart from having compared it to several others, including the Dacmagic and deciding there was little difference, reviews in some magazines - and I'm not a great believer in reviews per se - indicate that it's the equal of the MF m1 dac, which corresponds with my own conclusion.
But besides all that, the simple fact is, and I'd say that were the DAC Beresford, Dacmagic or whatever, it's the speakers which are holding the system back, and its changing them that will make most difference to the sound. Everything else in the chain is fine, and, frankly, if you put in an nDAC Chord or Benchmark DAC you'd be pushing to hear the difference. The Wharfedales are average budget speakers and don't pretend to be other than that.